Cook Crew Main Event, Jan. 14 @ 12pm, Kitchener



  • Trev, Great bad play cost me the chip lead and then it was all down there from there...oh well!!!  You ran it like a pro...thanks for hosting!!!
  • beanie42 wrote:
    From pkrfce9:
    That Beanie Baby rocks! Had lots of fun. And Mario is a bad man. A very bad man indeed.
  • Excellent job Trev abd Jenn!
    Congrats to all those who placed.
    Can't wait for the next one...
  • Thankyou thankyou.. to both Trev and Jenn. You ran a great tournament, super structure. Thanks for opening up your home to all of us loudmouths..... From the Milton Crew.. (Rocks)..
  • Great tournament Trev and Jen Lots of fun.

    I'm only a bad man because I F#%K up Greg good. BAM! BAM!
  • Great tournament Trevor!  You did an outstanding job organizing it.  And Mark too with the Pepi's.

    Thanks for all the congratulations :)

  • Excellent Game, thanks Trevor. And good job Greg and Brad, that was a lot of fun.

  • Great Day, Thanks

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  • Well as much as I didn't win at poker, my bowling team managed to hang on to first place so we cashed 1,500 there. Now if we could have translated that to poker.
  • Very Little Bluffing in Bowling! But you still need to have the Balls!
    That game is right up your Alley
    Who said Spare me the bad humour
    Strike that from the records!
    and more importantly, get you mind out of the Gutter!
    I don't know about you, but I feel better getting that out of my system
    Congrats on the Bowlin' Victory
  • Fantasic tournament, Trev!

    10th ain't a bad way to start the year... 1st would have been nicer, of course.
  • Trev:

    Good tournament on your part; horrible tournament on my part.

    Now for my defense:


    5am: Get up for work

    7am -3pm: Full day at the office (with a floor hockey interlude)

    4pm: Leave Kitchener ON for London ON

    6:30pm: Commence Drinking

    10:00pm: Arrive at Robinson Hall.

    10:01pm: "Bartender 4 shots of tequila and 4 Red Bull and Vodkas"

    11:30pm: My turn to buy the rounds again.

    2:00am: After about 10 Red Bull and Vodkas and 8 shots of tequila - closing time.


    11:00am: Wake-up - "Uh oh, where the hell am I?"

    11:45am cab ride back to my buddies.

    11:55 (5 Mins to start time - depart London for Cook Crew Tourney)

    Arrive at tourney around 1:45 out of tourney by 3pm.

    Lesson learned.

    But great tourney overall picked up some cash in the NEVER ENDING SNG and headed back to London for a repeat.

    Look forward to the next tourney; where I may actually attempt to employ some skill, strategy, hell even some common sense.

    Thanks Trev.
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