Cook Crew Main Event, Jan. 14 @ 12pm, Kitchener



  • Shannon and Easy???????

    What the hell? Way to represent Kitchener!
  • Thanks for the well organized and fun tournament Trevor. I'll post the hand that I busted on.

    I'm down to about 7200 from the initial 10K we got, I seemed to keep running into bigger hands and not winning the races (eg. My AK vs. Pinheads 99). Anyway, Im at 7200 or so and the blinds are 75/150. Tyson limps in utg, very next player Brad (twothree) makes it another 400. I'm in the Big Blind and look down to see black queens. I call, as I usually prefer to define my hands post flop. I also felt that Brad could very well have a strong hand. He is typically a wild player but I could tell today he wasn't going to be gambling to much, he was taking this tournament seriously.

    Flop AKQ rainbow. Action is as follows: I check, Tyson checks
    The dealer at this time flips the turn card before the action gets to Brad (the original raiser)
    I say "wait!" but it was to late, the card was revealed (5d) or some other rag. The decision was made, which I believe is the right one, to put the 5d back in the deck and re-shuffle. Ok, back to the action. After Tyson and I checked Brad made it 1500, I re-raise to 3500 mostly because I'm very certain I'm good and to define my hand of course just in case I'm not. Either way, I'm having a hard time believing that he has A's or K's. Brad just calls the 2000 raise.
    Turn Jh. Action goes check, check.
    River A. I check and Brad bets out 4K putting me all in. I have about 3300 left. I reluctantly call hoping he has A10 or something smaller. I don't know, maybe on another day I get away from this hand. Brad shows AKc.

    Trevors house is rigged. Nice hand Brad. Hmmm, I wonder what the original river would have been?

  • Second break, and continuing with Kitchener's fall, we've lost "Beanie" Trevor C., "kangaX5" Jenn C. (both hosts), "TNorth" Tom, "magithighs" Lou G., "westside8" Wes, "SirWatts" Mike, Chris T., JohnnieH, and "AnteRiver" Ken. 29 players left.

    Hosts can't play favorites - but ... good luck to the sole remaining K1 player ("DrTyore" Mark).
  • More on Trevor's house is rigged!

    I ran into quads early and my boat lost the minimum.  Built back up.

    I have about 10k.  EP loose raiser raises to 1200 or 1300 with blins 150/300.  I smooth call with queens.  Flop comes JT4.  He bets 4000.  I put him on a nothing and make my easiest all-in in a long time.  He's facing a raise of 5350 and calls.  He flips over AQo and hits the King on the turn. River is a Ten and I'm still out.

    NH sir -- I'm a really, really bad psychic.  Trevor's house is rigged.

  • He called 5300 with a gutshot?
  • Why not -- trevor's house is rigged! I think he thought he had me beat.

  • We're currently on dinner break, and there's 17 left.  Busting out are "DrTyore" Mark, "AcidJoe", Aimee, "pkrfce9" Greg, "doctalk" Darryl K., "Shopsy", DaveD., "PokerQueen" Mandy, Brian B., and "Ziggy".
  • Blinds will be going to 800/1600(200), and here are the current chip counts:

    1. $68,000 - "TwoThree" Brad
    2. $42,300 - "witchdoctor" Dave
    3. $39,600 - "Zithal" Rob L.
    4. $39,400 - Damien C.
    5. $34,500 - "g2" Greg
    6. $33,100 - "Blazin72" Cam
    7. $27,500 - Rob K.
    8. $23,400 -"The King" Jonny L.
    9. $17,400 - "SpecialK" Kyle
    10. $16,700 - "itsame" Mario
    11. $16,600 - "PokerJAH" Jim
    12. $15,800 - "TheProhpet22" Brent
    13. $15,500 - "compuease" Jeff C.
    14. $12,700 - "Reddington" Tyson
    15. $12,700 - "King Mob" Dave
    16. $10,400 - "pinhead" Brad
    17. $9,100 - Elliot W.

    Next out and we collapse to 2 tables. Stay tuned...
  • Another terifficly run tournament from the Cook Crew. I was great to walk, pay, get my seat assignment, chekck out the other tables (table 2 wow) and rock n' roll.

    I played pretty tight weak poker, eventually losing to Witchdotors King high. Oops.

    But for the night I'm up $60, thanks to Shopsy and the cash game.

    Great night, good luck all

  • Bust-outs by "Blazin72" Cam, "The King" Jonny L., "itsame" Mario, "Reddington" Tyson, "King Mob" Dave, "pinhead" Brad, and "Zithal" Rob L. give us our final table.

    The final table is:
    Seat 1 - $23,200 - Damien C.
    Seat 2 - $56,900 - "TwoThree" Brad
    Seat 3 - $17,600 - "compuease" Jeff C.
    Seat 4 - $46,100 - "SpecialK" Kyle
    Seat 5 - $35,700 - Elliot W.
    Seat 6 - $56,600 - "TheProphet22" Brent
    Seat 7 - $99,200 - "witchdoctor" Dave
    Seat 8 - $41,400 - Rob K.
    Seat 9 - $54,000 - "g2" Greg

    Good luck to all.
  • From pkrfce9:
  • "compuease" Jeff C. is eliminated by "TwoThree" Brad and finishes in 9th. He wins a set of DalNegros donated by "witchdoctor" Dave.
  • "TheProphet22" Brent is eliminated by "g2" Greg. He finishes 8th, and wins a chipset donated by "TwoThree" Brad.
  • "SpecialK" Kyle is eliminated 6th, and Rob K. is eliminated 5th in a 3-way all-in by "witchdoctor" Dave (in a 3-way all-in with ). Kyle receives $65 and Rob gets $130.

    Rob had AKo, Kyle (massive short-stack) had 74o, and Dave had 33. Flop came down A79, turn was a 3 giving Dave trips, and the river blanked.
  • Great job Trev and Jenn,

    I appreciate you hosting, it means I get to play every now and then.  Thanks to Braad for the donation of the chips set, can never have to many chips being a tournament director.  It was great to see everyone and we will do it all again in two week at our West Side event (shamless plug I know)

    Prophet 22
  • gg Brent, sounds like a great night so far, congrats to all at the final table.
  • "witchdoctor" Dave is eliminated by "TwoThree" Brad.  He finished 5th and wins $195.
  • Damien C. is eliminated in 4th by "TwoThree" Brad. He wins $260.
  • Elliot is eliminated in 3rd by "g2" Greg. He wins $320.
  • After 5 hands, "g2" Greg eliminates "TwoThree" Brad. Brad wins $430 and Greg wins $750.

    Thanks to all who came out, and congratulations to Greg!
  • Nice Job Greg!

    Prophet 22
  • Congrats to the Team Waterloo Captain!!!

    Way to go!!!
  • Congrats Greg, well done.
  • Thanks agian to Trev and Jen for hosting a wild and fun night :D I'm still in shock that I came 2nd! and I won the last longer bet between, Me, Mark, Mario, Cam, Brent and Wes. Today was a good day. Put me down for the next one Trev!


    p.s. Sorry for putting all the other team London guys out :'(
  • Ok Best play of the night.....

    Trevor was chip lead and i was second in chips.....

    Trevor, typical with his stare down, i decid to try that. After the flop (all low cards) i never looked back at the board we check the turn and on the river i bet all in. Trevor calls and ask "have you looked at the board?" he says thank you and starts racking the pot. We all ask "What?" he rolled over A 10 and i hit a pair of queens. Trevor thought that he had the nut flush! We couldn't stop. laughing.
  • Many thanks to the Cook crew for an awesome tournament.  Well organized and I loved the blind schedule.  If only we weren't using the fixed cards.  Needless to say, I really enjoyed the tournament and had fun -- BAM!

  • Big thanks to Trev and Jenn for hosting such a wild and fun day of poker. Very well organized, and I had a really good time.
    Congrats to g2 for his win after taking some time off from poker, maybe I should take a break once in awhile seeing how Shannon comes back and goes on a streak and now g2 with his big win...:D

    Once agian, thanks for organizing this Cook Crew, it was a great, fun day of poker.

  • Great tourney Trev and Jenn, thanks so much for hosting. perhaps a little to much man flirting at the final table.
  • Hey Trevor....

    Thanks for a great day of Poker.....We had lots of fun...... We Didnt do so well....But I got first at my evening Tourney....Guess the Poker Gods felt bad for me :)........At Trevors I was short stack and went all in with 10-10.....everyone folds it gets to the big blind...the guy in big blind ( I think his name was John (Same guy that took Lou out)...was big blind with the blinds being 400/800. I go all in for another 4200. He calls me....he shows me 10 6 soooted. Two clubs came on the flop....and yes, u guessed it.....the river came a club.......But what can you do....Thats Poker...:)

    Congratulations to Greg.

    Hope to see some of you at Brents.....

    Once again, thanks Trevor....:)
  • Good Day Trevor, had a lot of fun for being so tired. This trying to do too much on one weekend is crazy. I don't feel so bad now for having greg beat me twice in a row to put me out, however I never would have been in that situation if my KK didn't run into AA earlier and really short stack me. I made some comebacks but the blinds and antes were beginning to kill me.

    Wished I could have stayed to see Braad and witchdoctor playing at the final table, however was sound asleep by the time that happened.
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