Ryder Cup of Poker::: waterloo 2



  • ok, since we know we want to practice... how are we gonna set this up? i mean the actual game?
  • Well if everybody is in for Thursday the 9th at 7 (or later for Kyle)
    I'll pm the address and we can play a couple SNGs with the Royal Cup blinds

    I've still only heard that 4 of us can make it, so if you haven't told me yet, please do so soon :)
  • If anyone is just looking for a couple practice SnG's tonight (the 2nd), check out my other thread. We've only got 4 so far too.
  • so we're good for thursday practice? i need some walking directions from campus pinhead or watts.
  • Yes, I know Watts, Kyle and Wes are going to be late, so maybe we will start with
    a LHE SNG and save the PLO and Stud until they get there
  • Ok, I've now had almost everybody tell me they're going to be late, so I'm just going to push the start time back
    until 8:00 PM instead of 7 - I know some of you might be late, but just get here whenever you can
  • pinhead can you please pm me walking directions from campus.
  • I'm assuming we're all cramming in the team bus on the Sat?
  • what are we doing to celebrate our victory? and yeah, i'mhoping that we're getting a ride with pinhead...?
  • Brad and Elliot both have cars, I'm not sure if Brad will have the seats in his van by then but if he does then most of us can pile in there. We definitely need to work on our plans for after the this though so I can at least figure out where I'm crashing.
  • yeah i really just want to figure out where i'm going to sleep... first thing is first, who is up for drinking their face off??
  • I should be going home Wednesday to pick up the seats for the van, so I'll be able to take 7 total
    I know a couple people said they expected to already be in Toronto before the 18th, so if this is still
    the case I can probably take everybody that is left here.

    Who is interested in getting a hotel room and just crashing there and drinking ourselves stupid?
    (If we do this I would suggest we get in the same hotel as the other teams to maximize the drunken
    stupidity, and of course make fun of them when we win :D )

    Just pm me or post here if you need a ride and also if you want to stay for the night
  • I'll need a ride, but not 100% sure if I'm staying the night yet.
  • i'm 100% sure i need a ride, and i'm down for the hotel thing... it sounds like tonnes of fun, can't wait.
  • Well that takes 4 of the 7 seats
    I think Elliot is planning to drive too and then come back that night so if anybody come with me and doesn't
    want to stay needs a ride back I'm sure they can be arranged

    It looks like hotel prices for one night would be reasonable if we split it between a group of us so if anybody else wants to stay let me know soon.
    I'd like to book this in the next couple days so we don't have any problem getting a room
  • sounds good, we'll just have to figure out what the hotel of choice is...
  • It appears that Team Kitchener "We think we're better than you because we came up with a team name"
    is staying at the Holiday Inn so I would suggest that as our first option.
  • yeah i just read that, i would propose the cramming the four people in rather than paying more, but it's up to you guys... i'm cool with whatever, but yeah holiday inns are very nice.
  • I'd also vote for that idea...although we may need a few people to get all the booze into the room, so we might have to tell them we have 4

    I'll give them a call tomorrow and see what I can get sorted out
  • ok sounds good, do we know who is definately in on the room? what i understand now is that it's me mike and brad as of now... anyway just let us know what's going to be happening capn pinhead.
  • The other problem is if when we come back drunk and rowdy they'd have a legitimate reason to be pissed at us for having 4 in a room paying for 2 which could be bad.
  • you do make a good point mike
  • fuck the hotels, cram as many people in as you can.
  • THANKS BRAD for being a great captain & the rest of the team who made it such an awesome tourny! We all played solidly and I'm definitely looking forward to the next event with you guys =)

    Thanks Dom for renting a car and driving across the cities to pick us up and drop us off!
  • First of all, thanks to all you guys (and girl) for putting the time into this event. When the next Royal Cup occurs,
    I would love to keep as much of this team together as possible - since I need you all to make up for my terrible scores :'(

    After looking at the overall standings, we had 5 players in the top 10 for overall points, and that is pretty amazing.
    Especially when 2 of them are Mr Weak-tight and Mr Calling Station :) You guys both played great all day yesterday, but
    if we're going to keep playing together you need to go back to your old ways so I can actually beat you.

    As much as I had fun running around checking up on everybody else yesterday, maybe next time I'll be able to last long
    enough that I'm not the first team member out.

    I'll let you all know when the date for the next Royal Cup is set, and you all definitely have a spot if it works for you...
    hopefully I can make the team :)
  • Congrats to all of you. You played well, Dom I'm sorry but you never want to go against me with a suited Q. I've won a few tourneys now with that hand and with a chip lead will insta call.

    To Brad, good thing you out captained the others since you didn't out play them :) j/k....

    Your team put up a great fight (and honestly I didn't see you coming as I was worried about the heart breakers) as you played consistantly enough to amass the points and generally kept out of trouble. Personally I felt the toughest table I played at was the limit table since it's hard enough to bet enough in nl to get Pinhead and stp out of a hand. Hell it was almost impossible in limit.

    Again congrats.
  • our team was definately the most consistent team and i don't see how you couldn't have seen us coming, i mean look at our roster. jeesh, think if pinhead DIDN"T have a bad day, we woulda blown everyone out of the water. so anyway, yeah next time lets keep the same team, and capn pinhead can have a decent day wth the rest of us. I'm looking forward to it.
  • It's that time again. I'd like to get the same team together to defend our title,
    so post if you're interested, or if you know you can't attend so we can start working on another Waterloo

    If you didn't see the updates in the other threads, it looks like this event will be held in Kitchener on Sept 16th

    Let me know what works for you guys. I'll happily act as captain again if you'd like, and hopefully I can actually step
    it up on the tables too.

  • If Team Waterloo needs a replacement player, I believe I'm free and clear that weekend. yay!
  • Zithal wrote:
    If Team Waterloo needs a replacement player, I believe I'm free and clear that weekend. yay!

    You're free that Saturday but not Sunday Rob :D

    I'll be back Pinhead.
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