Ryder Cup of Poker::: waterloo 2



  • :'( I know I need a haircut but that hurts.
  • xx23 wrote:
    hmmm...may be interested...
    it's all the way in feb so we'll see =)


    I was referring to you when I said I can recruit someone by then lol.
    stpboy wrote:
    xx23 wrote:
    hmmm...may be interested...
    it's all the way in feb so we'll see =)


    She'll definately be the hottest member of that team!


    Woah woah woah...did you forget I was on this team?
    You've broken my heart the way my pocket aces always get broken lol.

  • I got your back Dom. I mean Xuan's (xx23) okay if you go for that whole really sweet, cute and sexy kinda thing but Dom's got ... uh... uhm... well hes ... hmm, I can't think of what edge you might have on her. She might very well be a better poker player than you as well. Sorry man, I tried to help ya out there but you've met Xuan. You know what I'm talking about.

    Steve S.
  • I doubt she can hit runner runner flushes and straight flushes like Dom. That's kinda hot.
  • SirWatts wrote:
    I doubt she can hit runner runner flushes and straight flushes like Dom. That's kinda hot.

    hahaha you got that right.
    But she does have magical hands that deal unbelievable flops. Recently she gave one player two pair on the turn but then the other player rivered a straight...TWO HANDS IN A ROW! Now that's what I call an action dealer lol.
  • hahaha you got that right.
    But she does have magical hands that deal unbelievable flops. Recently she gave one player two pair on the turn but then the other player rivered a straight...TWO HANDS IN A ROW! Now that's what I call an action dealer lol.

    Are you trying to convince us you got some action from her? I can't believe that Dom, I'll call.

  • stpboy wrote:
    hahaha you got that right.
    But she does have magical hands that deal unbelievable flops. Recently she gave one player two pair on the turn but then the other player rivered a straight...TWO HANDS IN A ROW! Now that's what I call an action dealer lol.

    Are you trying to convince us you got some action from her? I can't believe that Dom, I'll call.


    You know what...I don't care.
    Yea that's right.

  • well i guess we have some interest in our sixth spot. i would say that xx probably has the spot if she is interested (because she is a current UW student) but i think that it should be left up to pinhead to fill the spot.
  • hehe ohhh goodness you guys are great! (dave wasn't too thrilled after reading the all too flattering posts but heck, when is he ever happy when it comes to poker & me?  :D)

    member or not, i'm sure the UW team will kickass with its superstar lineup. Heck, Dom robbed the house before I can buy xmas presents =(
  • you're in xx
  • Ok boys and girls
    If you haven't been following the other threads, the date has been set for Sat Feb 18th at a venue on the West side of Toronto.

    We will also need to come up with 2 more players since the format has been changed to include 8 players per team instead of the 6 we have. So, if anybody else is interested, or knows anybody who might be interested, let me know ASAP so we can start getting ready for this.

    We need to have our $$ in by Feb 1st ($50 each) - I think the best approach is for everybody that is going to beanie's in 2 weeks to pay me there (since I see at least 4 of us are going) and I'll just hunt down the rest of you

    Also, now that we have a confirmed format, let me know your preference between Stud and PLO
  • Gow (Fallen Angel) and Jamal should be able to play. Haven't seen them around though.
  • brad i'm definately good for the PL omaha... real good. lol, for the money yeah that seems like a good idea, to get it to you at beanies.
  • still looking for two more players.
  • We're still looking for 2 more players so if any UW students/grads are interested and not playing for another team, send me a PM
    and I'll add you to the list
    Also please let me know if you'd like to play PLO or Stud

    I'd like to be able to get this team finaliazed soon so we can get our money together and maybe get in some practice games

  • Wes is easily worth two players.
  • Yeah but there are some of us that should probably only count for about half a player, if that :'(
  • TNORTH wrote:
    Wes is easily worth two players.

    You mean busting out first in 2 SnGs last night actual have a positive effect now?
    Pinhead wrote:
    Yeah but there are some of us that should probably only count for about half a player, if that :'(

    Its always better if others take you lightly. :D
  • My roommate might be interested. I'll confirm soon.

  • Can I just 2-table? Playing one table is soooo boooring.
  • My roommate might be interested. I'll confirm soon.


    Alright sounds good - any confirmation from Xuan? I pm'd her but no reply yet.

    If we can't find any more UW people interested, we should probably
    open it up to any Waterloo players who were left off the Waterloo 1 team
    (or those who didn't get their names in at all yet).
    SirWatts wrote:
    Can I just 2-table? Playing one table is soooo boooring.

    You want to put up the $$ for both spots??
    And no, I don't think this will be allowed
  • westside8 wrote:
    TNORTH wrote:
    Wes is easily worth two players.

    You mean busting out first in 2 SnGs last night actual have a positive effect now?
    Pinhead wrote:
    Yeah but there are some of us that should probably only count for about half a player, if that  :'(

    Its always better if others take you lightly.   :D

    Well Wes, consider your competition!
  • cole woods pmed me, he wants in i think...
  • Might as well add him unless someone already has other players in mind.
  • Actually it looks like we're up to 8 now (still waiting on official confirmation from 2)
  • Do we have interest in getting some practice in?
    Is there any sort of format that has been decided on for these SnG's?
  • I don't mind getting together for some practice sessions, even some stud or Omaha. I'm sure there is a place on campus we can go to. If not then maybe someone who lives close to campus?
  • I'd be up for some practice games too (timing could be an issue for me though)

    We need to figure out which 4 people are playing PLO too
    Does anybody other than me and Watts play Stud?
  • I play Stud but not very good at it. :D
  • I think we might still need you to play it just based on numbers,
    but we can decide a bit closer to the date
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