Ryder Cup of Poker::: waterloo 2

OK since UW guys/girls cannot play on the "Waterloo 1" team (what's up with that?) we're gonna need a waterloo 2 (UW team)
here is the list so far:

specialK (confirmed)
westside (confirmed)
SirWatts (confirmed)
Pinhead (confirmed) (C)
hughjazz (confirmed)
xx23 (confirmed)
elliot (confirmed)
hughjazz + 1 (confirmed)


  • sorry my bad, just saw that
  • I'm sure if you live in Waterloo you can play on the Waterloo Team...
  • nope, team UW, that's how its gonna be
  • I was under the impression that there was no "UW" team but actually 2 "Waterloo" teams
    which would leave me in the Kitchener group. If there is actually a "UW" team then I guess
    I could be a member of that one too (hmmm can I multitable?)
  • I thought there was 1 waterloo team and a UW team?
  • I was working off this thread http://pokerforum.ca/forum/index.php?topic=7098.0
    Now the geographic locations for the teams would be as follows
    Kitchener 1
    Kitchener 2
    Waterloo 1
    Waterloo 2
    Guelph including Fergus/Rockwood and Maryhill cough cough Shopsy!!!

    No mention of a UW team, but if one of the Waterloo teams is going to be a UW team, and they have room,
    then I would play for that team over Kitchener...unless they make a better offer :D
  • i think that one of those two waterloo teams is the UW team. i am really confused about this whole thing, i think each team has a thread now or something like that? how could you sell out the UW team to play for kitchener -- i know g2 did it, but you? besides i see no reason why you can't be the captain of the UW team.
  • Pinhead wrote:

    No mention of a UW team, but if one of the Waterloo teams is going to be a UW team, and they have room,
    then I would play for that team over Kitchener...unless they make a better offer  :D

    Oh, we have plenty to offer.  Number one thing would be the Championship.  The other thing might be the fact that you wont have to partake in UofW teams initiation.  I heard it has something to do with a piece of bread and a circle...

  • wait a second, stp didn't you go to WLU? oh that's right yes you did... enough said.
  • specialK wrote:
    besides i see no reason why you can't be the captain of the UW team.

    Shannon, I think this is a much better offer than you have made so far.
    And I think I'll enjoy beating you HU in the final match to overtake your team by one point  :D

    Counter-offer ?? lol
  • I think the fact that you can have the chance to beat Shannon HU alone is a good enough offer :D
  • I think if you LIVE at UofW then you can play for them, otherwise you LIVE in Waterloo.  Hence, a Waterloo team.  I suppose you could just pick players that go to UofW for your team but then I'm going to JUST pick players that are as good looking as I am...and Live in Kitchener.  Anyway, perhaps my point is lost in the comment about my good looks.  

    I think there are too many players in Waterloo to make it a just UofW group.  I think this should be strictly regional, just my opionion though.  Brad, I want you on my team with Mark. Top 3 from the Bristol TOC!

  • sounds like pinhead is the newly declared captain of team UW. btw UW is a region, kinda.
  • stpboy wrote:
    I think there are too many players in Waterloo to make it a just UofW group. I think this should be strictly regional, just my opionion though.

    Redington's fault! :D
  • stpboy wrote:
    Brad, I want you on my team with Mark. Top 3 from the Bristol TOC!


    Most good players tend to remember who they beat HU to win the title...remember Tye? He lives with Rob, finished 2nd  :D
    Although I would have loved the chance to play you HU for that title.
  • Hahaha woops, sorry Ty. Either way, you get my drift...

  • Pinhead wrote:
    stpboy wrote:
    Brad, I want you on my team with Mark. Top 3 from the Bristol TOC!


    Most good players tend to remember who they beat HU to win the title...remember Tye? He lives with Rob, finished 2nd :D
    Although I would have loved the chance to play you HU for that title.

    remember, he's a WLU graduate
  • I'll sign with whichever team offers the most playing time lol...although my loyalty lies with the UW squad first.

  • Well guys, if we're going to have an all UW team we need a couple more players
    I'm sure Watts is in, but that still only gives us 5 - anybody want to multitable?  :D

    Edit: We could always open it up to WLU guys...like Johnnie...
  • i suppose we could go accross the street... isn't there a max six per team? i think we just need 1 more. I was under the impression taht this was going to be 6 per team and then there were gonna be 6 different tourneys played (NLHE, Limit HE, PLHE, PL Omaha, 7 Card Stud, and 5 card draw) and each team was going to have their 2 best players at specific games play in 2 games. I think taht would be cool.
  • so we have got 5,

    pinhead (C)

    we just gotta find one more WLU or UW student who wants to complete our team of six.
    g2 you would just round out our team but no, it's fine, play with the old guys.
  • anyone have any game preferences?
    i'm definately in for the omaha
    i'm good at NL and PL holdem
    decent at draw and stud
  • This event is going to be held around February so we still have time.
    I think I can recruit someone by then.

  • UW alumni - class of '95.

    Count me in if you want a player.

  • sounds good to me
  • Furfy wrote:
    UW alumni - class of '95.
    If you're looking for alumni... I can beat that!
  • well they're lining up now
  • hmmm...may be interested...
    it's all the way in feb so we'll see =)

  • xx23 wrote:
    hmmm...may be interested...
    it's all the way in feb so we'll see =)


    She'll definately be the hottest member of that team!

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