
  • Sadly I just got home from partying and well im waisted, I reped Team London very well being the only team from the Ryder cup to make top 7 :D and my buddy playced 3rd GO TEAM LONDON!

    think might have been alot more diffrent if there was not a dealer error on my pocket Aces.......

    oh ya and I took out Team Kitchners top player "Shannon" for the $100 bounty! :D
  • Hi guys,

    Rob is out for today as he is in Toronto and Braad as you can see by his post is out of commision, plus we have a couple of maybes...so unfortunatley we'll have to cancel since I don't want to waste anyones time and effort if we aren't going to have a decent number of people. We really need to get in one more practice prior to the event Feb 18th. So here are our choices...... Saturday Feb 4th or Sunday Feb 12th. Please pm me or post here to let me know.

    Also can everyone including the alternates pm me your e-mail address so I can forward a copy of the days itinerary for the Royal Cup.


  • Next weekend I am away in Brockville, so it's no good for me. The following weekend would likely be fine. Being the weekend before the event.CAn't stree enough though guys to use the internet for Practice and do some reading. I probably played 500 hands of Stud this week.

    Anyhow, thanks for the heads up. Congrats on your good finish in Waterloo Braad, I hated to miss this one too, I've missed them all lately.

    Take CAre
  • Hey guys, noticed no posts for a while, hope the enthusiasm hasn't waned. I should haev posted and mentioned I finished second in the monday night 7stud event that Tyore put together at Poker Room. I took the chip lead briefly when heads up, but had something come up which caused me to have to more or less give up. Westside played great, and was certainly hitting the deck hard. Two hands running, we both had paired Aces in the window, and of corse when he hits a King on sixth street I hit a deuce. Bad stuff.

    Anyhow, as mentioned I am out of town this weekend, but certainly am interested in playing agin before the big event. Cheers kids, talk to you soon.
  • I hope evryone on the team can make it to the practice a week from Super Bowl Sunday. Noon start time....please confirm, I would like the whole team out.
  • That's the 12th. I'm in for sure. Where are we playing?
  • My brotehrs place....Wonderland and Sarnia area.
  • since I'm hosting, I'll be there. What do you guys think about an 11am start so we can get in a good session of stud and omaha? I have volleyball at 5:00 so have to leave around 4:30.
  • Sounds good to me.
  • Sunday is the Lords day..... I hope he'll understand if I miss yet another service.
    Praise the Lord.... see you at 11:00
    Hey Brad.... want to car pool?

  • I can definitely be there but I'm not sure about all day. I have some stuff going on at the London Motorcycle show that day. I don't need to be there all day, but I may need to pick up my bike when the show breaks down.

    I plan to be there for as much of the day as I can though.

    Cheers kids.
  • We are still on for tomorrow...84 blanchard cres....11:00 a.m. start!!!
  • Nooner81 wrote:
    Happy Holidays....hopefully everybody takes the time to practice Stud & Omaha.  I know I will.  Do any of you play at Brantford?

    If you ever want to go let me know.  I usually play 1-2 6hr sessions a week.  I play $5-$10.  Lots of fishes at Brantford.  If your patient you can win $200-$300 easy per session.

    I go to Brantford from London a few times a week but rarely have a ride
  • Hello all
    I will unfortunatly not be there tomorrow because of sickness. But to let you know I have been playing Omaha and Stud so I have had some practice. Sorry once again but I do wish to be better for the following weekend when it is needed. Keep me posted as to what is going on for the big day.
  • Hello
    Anyone have all the info for the tourney this Sat??? If so please post. Direction, time etc.
  • Witchdoctor has all the info and I imagine we'll hear from him over the next couple days.

    I believe the doors open @ 11am. Tourney starts at 12noon.

    After our little sng yesterday Darryl and I thought that perhaps we could meet Sat morning at the Flying J and car pool from there. I have plenty of room in my car and have no problem driving.

  • Is it in TO???
  • Yes Man, it is.
  • Hey guys,

    For those that don't have the info about the event...let me know. It does start at noon and doors open at 11:00. I have the info (ie...the scoring etc...) I sent it to Brad and Brandon yesterday. If anyone does not have let me know.
  • I could use it, please send to covergaauw@johnhowardsarnia.com

  • Hi Dave,

    I would appreciate an email as well.


  • Do we know what's going on with Brad and Braad??? They were no shows on Sunday and haven't posted on the thread in a while. Should we be finding subs?
  • Brad from Showdown is a go....waiting to here from Braad myself as he has my tabletop....
  • Hey Witchdoctor, I will drop off your table tomorrow, This flu has kept me in my bed for the last week and a half today is the 1st day I have been somewhat active.
  • So you're still in Braad...if so everyone is confirmed :D
  • Is the anything particular we are doing to be Team London??? I was just wondering. Are we all basically just going to be ther for around 11?? Any other things I may have missed please add.
  • I think we will end up doing some car-pooling...and then there will be the whole winning thing!!! If you don't want to car pool that is cool too.......lets shoot to be there for 11:00
  • Hey Dave,

    Ya I'am in 100% let me know what is going down for a car pool, if needed I could be a driver.
  • Hi Dave,

    Please forward the tournament info to


    Also, meeting up at the Flying J for a car pool works for me.  I will call Brad to get his plan.
    Is there agreement on who will be driving and what time are we meeting up.

  • Rob...check your messages and pm me back....thanks
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