Results from West Side Poker Clubs October 22 Main Event



  •   :h: :s: :d: :c: THANK YOU ALL!!! :h: :s: :d: :c:

    This event is now sold out and a waiting list has begun.  If you know that you are not going to make it and your name is on the list, please let me know.

    Prophet 22
  • Can you please add me to the waiting list.
    Dan Usher

    hope someone drops
  • We have been told that we can add another table to the tournament so those who are on the waiting list are in the tournament for sure.


    PS directions will be emailed early next week.
  • Hi
    I don't know how i missed this post all this time but i would like to have my name on the waiting list or if still room on the main list please. I'll be coming from oshawa area so will need to know day before if i am in.
  • Wow, this will be the biggest tourney I've ever entered. I'll have to play the poker of my life. It should be fun.

    No Kris, AJ or Jonathan? GEEEEEEZ!
  • If your name is on this list you will be guaranteed a spot.  The waiting list is now in effect.  My experience has been that 20 people who say they are coming won't show and do not tell me, therefore if your name is on the list you will play.

    I strongly encourage any who are on the waiting list to still come chance are you will play.  For those who don't have the directions they will be sent on Monday night.

    Prophet 22
  • Brent, You have Pete Vanstrien twice on the list 124 & 136 I think please double check.

  • Brent give me a call I need to talk to you.

  • I believe I have the list right for the tournament this weekend. Names are in alphbetical order to make things easier for me. If your name is in the first 140 players you are playing for sure. If your naem is on the waiting list you are playing for sure. If everyone show, it maybe a little tight. As I said before. There will useally be 20 or so know shows please don't hold that against me for allowing the list to grow. Check your email for further instructions on Tuesday morning.

    Prophet 22
  • 13. Braad Harild

    LOL I see the "luck" has started for me allready!

    Get the side game ready! i'll be 1st out! :D
  • hey Brent I dont see my name!! :D:rage::D
  • Hey Adam it is at the top of the list.

  • Hey guys if you could, could you put another friend down on the waiting list? name is Jayson C.

    Thanks again
  • hey Brent,

    Now that the tourney is looking pretty well full. Do you think you could post the payout schedual.

  • Can i please get on the list? Sounds awesome. Jonathan Clarke
  • I have sent directions out to everyone on the list as well as those on the waiting list. any questions just ask.

  • Once again I'll have to bum a ride. If anyone from Waterloo is going and has extra seat in their car let me know. I'm located near uptown Waterloo just off King. Willing to chip in to cover gas etc...
  • Brad Cairns from showdown tables, not only will be playing in this event, but will also be raffling off one of his 10 man tables. He is also donating an eight man octagon table to the winner of this very large tournament.

    Looking forward to Saturday

    Prophet 22
  • To all those coming on Saturday, please do not be late. I have allowed 1 hour to sign everyone in and have them seated. If you are not there 15 minutes prior to the start time you may lose your seat as my waiting list continues to grow. All seating will be pre-arranged to speed things up. It's going to be a great day!

    Brent & Cam
  • *****pretty please*******

    Can I bum a ride from any one taking the the hanlon to highway 7? I live in Guelph but I have no ride to the tournament. I can wait at one of the light intersecting the the Hanlon and pitch in $10 for gass. The Hanlon is highway most people will take coming from hamilton, guelph, toronto. Otherwise I will be forced to bike it out there, a prospect I don't look forward to in this wheather.


  • Hey Bent, can you add Marcel to the waiting list. Thanks

  • Still wondering what the payouts are going to be approx...
  • As the original email states we will be paying out the top 10 players.  First useally gets somewhere around 40%
  • Is there anyone willing to give me a ride to the tourney from Waterloo?  I live right near the U of W.  I'm willing to chip in for gas.  Please PM or email me if you can.


    Erik Y
  • Just a bump because i got no response earlier and I'm in the same boat as Erik. Will chip in for gas and I don't mind walking/busing to meet up somehwere more convenient in KW if that's a problem.
  • Brent & Cam
    I am so fricken pumped for this saturday I think I'll start drinking the homemade wine now. I'd also like to apologize' in advance ' to everyone for being loud, abnoxious and farting in public. I'm hoping Tyson, Salar and Cole are at my table, cause I'm going ALL IN blind against these BLUFF KINGS. I'm also looking forward to the superb view downstairs in the losers lounge where the bar is closer to the tables. Best of luck to all.
    Brent - I'm going to bring along a prize for the first person knocked out. It'll be something we all enjoy over ice.
    Take care guys, and thanks for your continued efforts in helping to make this area one of the hot beds for texas hold'em poker. You guys always do a super job. We've got some outstanding players in this region and I'm covinced that one day soon you'll be recognizing one of these faces on T.V. at a major tournament. Talk soon lads.
    Larry L.
  • Brent I need you to call me

  • Brent, you can take me OFF the list.

    -Erik Y
  • Looks like I'm gonna have to drop too unless someone volunteers a last minute ride. If I haven't said otherwise in here by tomorrow morning then just fill my spot.
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