Results from West Side Poker Clubs October 22 Main Event



  • I would think that returning a CUSTOM MADE RING would be kind of difficult, and just a little....ummmm...redneck.
  • pilsner wrote:
    You say the ring gets you into the Dec. tournament. Does this mean you have to give the ring back at the door the day of the tournament or do we get to keep the ring.

    It means that you register for the tournament like everyone else and when you sign in to pick up your chips and get your seating assignment you show the ring and we let you in the door. you keep the ring.
  • Damn! i was fully hoping the winner of the TOC would get a bag full of rings!
  • I am trying a new system for emailing potential poker players for tournaments. If you are in my database you should get an invitation for this tournament. For those who are already register you can you can still click accept you won't be double booking.

    If you want to give me your feed back on it I would appreciate it. Only I have access to your email address so you should not receive emails from anyyone else.

    Prophet 22
  • Brent,

    The new system looks good. The only problem I see with it is with people who signup their friends who aren't on the forum for tournaments. For the next tournament, i'm probably bringing at least 3 people with me, so how would that work with the new system? Do you need all of their email addresses?

  • Salar,

    Thanks for the comments. Ideally, that would be the best. I think people like the idea of being the only ones getting the email, without giving up there email address to a whole bunch of different people. For people who are brining other people, I still need first and last names so at somepoint they will have to email me names. I can add to the list I already have so email address are important if people want to recieve personal invitations. I guess we will grow together.

    Prophet 22
  • Can you please count Michelle T. and Dean M. in for Oct. 22nd tourny.
  • You have been added to ths list. we are up to 50 players. and it is still September!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • brent other name is liana .w for one of my reserved spots thanks
  • Thanks Cole,

    Does that mean you have one left or are you full?

  • We have added 12 people yesterday to this tournament. Spots are filling up quickly. Don't delay reserve your spot today.

    Prophet 22
  • Just wondering Brent, have you guys thought of getting fold out table tops or something for your tourney's. You could probably get a deal on the 15 or so you would need, and would make a big difference in the look and sound of your games.

    The only, and I mean absolutely only complaint about the last, and first tourney of yours I attended was the tendency of the cards to slide off the table, chips bouncing and clanking(not in the nice staisfying way, but in the jarring, headache inducing way), and occassionally difficulty in getting under my cards to get a look at them. I shuffle in the cut, flat riffle style seen at casino's, which was also difficult to do.

    I'm sure you have thought of this, just wondering if you had plans in that direction.

    Cheers, see you on the 22nd.
  • Brent,

    Please add Cristina P to the list.

  • Brent...please add myself plus one for this event.....thanks!!!
  • thanks Dave the list has been updated. looking forward to sunday.

  • Brent,

    Can you add Brandon R to the list for me?

  • The list has been update. If your name is not on the list and you thinks it should be please email me at

    prophet 22
  • With just under three weeks to go we are almost sold out. Sign up today to avoid being disappointed.

    Prophet 22
  • Good day Brent
    Is your list updated. Are there any games this weekend? You folks did an awesome job sunday. I have'nt touched the homemade wine yet, I'm saving it for your might wanna bring some ear plugs just in case! Take care.
    Larry L.
  • Larry,

    I need to update thee list, will do that latter today. We are up to 90 player. As far as the weekend goes. I son't really know yet.

  • We are very close to being a sellout. If your name is not on the list and you think that it should be on the list; email me at

    prophet 22
  • What Happy has to reserve his standard two spots on line you know I can't use a computer!! :D:D
  • "West Side Poker Club" is such a misleading name!  I always get my hopes up when I see it, until I realize it has nothing to do with the West Coast :P  Tournaments in Vancouver seem to be fairly rare, yet Ontario always seems to be bumpin'... it's not fair!!
  • 19 spots left with two weeks to go! It's not too late to reserve your spot.
  • Can you please schedule your future events around the weekends that I work, sheesh. :fish:
  • Hey Brent,

    Just wondering where the hall will be located? And wondering if you know anyone that can maybe give me a lift from UW? Have a happy Thanksgiving



    If anyone can help with this please let me know
  • Hey Man,

    Are you changing up the tables this time round? Just for interest sake?
    Maybe just having the final table as a casino style holdem table?
    I dunno..that was the only feedback that "could be improved upon" from last time, just wondering?!
  • Hey Brent,

    Could you please sign up Dave for the October 22, 2005 tourney. Thanks, and see you soon.


  • Hey Brent, six more, please check your Rogers email... Jeff..
  • Hey

    I'm interested. I have 2 buddies that want to come as well. Can you add us to the list.
    Dan T
    Jon T
    Rob K
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