Results from West Side Poker Club Low Limit Tournament Kitchener



  • Will someone PLEASE tell me who the fuck won this thing? :)

  • I don't know his real name but his friends call him Mo I think. He's a UW student (or was). Salar was 2nd I was 3rd.
  • I will give a report tonight. Been doing a lot of sleeping today!!!

    Prophet 22
  • SirWatts wrote:
    I don't know his real name but his friends call him Mo I think. He's a UW student (or was). Salar was 2nd I was 3rd.
    Thanks for the short version, looking forward to Brent's full report later (will it include full finishing order? - don't know where I finished except for "early" :) ).

    Congrats to the winners, and good job with 3rd SirWatts.  I really enjoyed the big tourney atmosphere, and thanks to WestSide for a very professionally run day. It was a great experience.  Now if only I could get a couple playable hands next time...
  • beanie42 wrote:
    SirWatts wrote:
    I don't know his real name but his friends call him Mo I think. He's a UW student (or was). Salar was 2nd I was 3rd.
    Thanks for the short version, looking forward to Brent's full report later (will it include full finishing order? - don't know where I finished except for "early" :) ).

    Congrats to the winners, and good job with 3rd SirWatts.  I really enjoyed the big tourney atmosphere, and thanks to WestSide for a very professionally run day. It was a great experience.  Now if only I could get a couple playable hands next time...

    if you went out "early" then what did I go out in? :D
  • First I want to thank everyone for coming to our Low Limit tournament.  It is interesting how before yesterday, I only had one person ask of this is a limit tournament or a NL tournament.  Yesterday as people signed in. I had the question about 30 times.  Just found that interesting.

    Between the cancellations and re-booking we ended up with 120 people pre- registered for our event yesterday.  After setting up for 2 hours all we could do is sit back and wait.  We have been in this position before.  When all was said and done, we hand 93 people play.

    This was a Low Limit Tournament meaning the buy was low, 30.00.  Unlimited re-buys were available for the first 2 hours for a penny per chip up to 1500 chips.  We had a total of 109 re-buys.  At the end re-buy period there were 75.add-ons.  Play was fast and furious and many thought they were Gus Hanson calling all ins with nothing and getting 4 card for a flush to take out top pairs and straight draws.  The more experience players were more than a little frustrated.  Once the re-buy period was over, I thought play would settle down a bit.  5 minutes were added to the blinds and that would give the players more time to play and get some rhythm to the game.  However that wasn’t quite the case.

    It seem the short stacks felt they still need to play catch and were still going all in with pretty much and two cards trying to steal blind and antes.

    Here are the results of the final table:

    1st Abdul L 1300.00 cash, 400.00 ring and a free 160.00 entry onto our 3 day Tournament of Champions.

    2nd Salar M 860.00
    3rd Mike W
    4th Paul S
    5th Eddie
    6th Garnet K
    7th Peter M
    8th Nicole E
    9th Anothony B
    10th Mike Whitlock
    11th Tom N
    12 Mike L was the bubble.

    There were over 4000.00 handed out in prizes.

    Trevor C finished 70th

    All in all it was a great day and I trust you all had fun.  Special thanks to Trevor C who made the projector work with the laptop.  To Braad H for the chip set for the bubble prize.  To Adam and Cam for doing the beer and water runs as well as dealing the ring games.  To Al for dealing the final table and being the tournament director.  To all the players, you are the once that make the tournament work.

    West Side Poker Club will announce it’s next major event later today.  It will also have a special announcement for all who attended this event so look for it late today or early tomorrow.

    Thanks again
    Cam and Brent
  • Great Job Brent, this was alot of fun! I hope to see a few more of these.

    As for my report it went like this

    How to blow a tournament in 5 hands.

    I was up to 84k at one point the leader then this is what happened;

    TT in BB, blinds 1k/2k 100ante button bet 7K, I reraised  10k - he went all in for 45K more, I folded. Showed me AKs ugggghhhh - down to 72K

    AJs in cutoff, blinds still 1k/2k 100ante, folded to me I bet 6K, button (same player as above)  goes all in - uggghhh folded he shows me QQ... down to 66K

    Dinner break I am moved to new table

    Blinds 1/2k with 200 ante

    I limp with 67s in LP, button doubles the bet, everyone folds I call. Flop comes T78, I check he checks, Turn is 2, I bet 6K he flat calls. I check the river, he bets 3k. I think I might be beat, but Im forced to call, he shows me queens. Ugggh down to 43k

    Same Blinds

    Late position I have T7 Suited, and the BB is a player I know to be tight weak. I open for 6K, folded to BB who goes all in for 2200 More. Forced to call I do, Her nines hold up. down to 30K

    Blinds 1.5k/3k antes 200

    One A2s off cutoff I open for 6K, Button raises to 12k. Everyone else folds I call. I am thinking lower pair as this is the same player who only opened for 22xBB with QQ.
    Flop comes KT4 with two of my suit. I check, thinking to c/r but he checks too. Turn is an A, and I go all in...he calls with little hesitation. He turns over two pair KT and I am out.

    Looking back on this I was complaining about the blind schedule, it was very aggressive through the middle. It took away alot of post flop play.

    After reviewing it more, I realized that ALOT of tournaments are like this (outside of online or multiday tourneys). Late where a Big stack (I was 2nd or 3rd) is only 20x rounds, and next blind level I would have been just over 10. However, thats a BIG stack. Small stacks are desperate and I have to be ALOT more patient.

    This makes it much more about preflop play as opposed to post flop play. I am great at short stack play in this scenario but horrible with big stack.
    I think it taught me a couple of lessons, although expensive still very valuable...

    The cash game and after tourney made up for everything... So it all worked out  :D
  • Trevor C finished 70th
    Thanks Brent, now my records will be accurate. Horrible, but accurate :(
    TwoThree wrote:
    if you went out "early" then what did I go out in? :D
    You lasted longer than at my tourney, right? Look at the positives :) Or, consider that we tied with 82 others who all won $0 !
  • Once the re-buy period was over, I thought play would settle down a bit. 5 minutes were added to the blinds and that would give the players more time to play and get some rhythm to the game. However that wasn’t quite the case.

    Not really surprised about this. Coming back from the break, the avergage stack was 4,900. We came back at the 200-400(50) level which meant there was 1,000 already in the pot. This meant that the average stack had an M of 5 which put them on the higher end of the Red Zone.

    Luckily (very luckily), I didn't have to take a rebuy and wouldn't of, had I busted out at any level above the 100-200(25) I think the levels went 25/25, 25/50, 50/100, 75/150, 100/200(25), 150/300(25).

    If you take a rebuy of 1,500 that's mean you have an M of (in order) 30, 20, 10, 7, 3, 2. Taking a re-buy at level 4 is pretty iffy and level 5 and 6 is just a downright bad idea.

    Two changes that I think would have helped are to1) (small change) nix the 25/25 level and add a straight 100/200 (no ante) level (which I think was on the original schedule). This would have smoothed out the schedule a bit. More importantly, I'd offer rebuys of $1,500 when you hit $1,500 or less. (This way, players are allowed, if they choose, to take a double-rebuy if they completely bust out, which gives them a little more wiggle room)

    Those two nitpicky things aside, the tourney was a blast and well organized for the size it was! Hope you guys do another soon (with a similar buy-in) as it was blast to play in a tourney that large! I'll post my report in the next reply.
  • I agree, i've never seen a tourney that big with such a reasonable buy in!
    I'm looking forward to the next one in the area! (i'm even willing to help orginize if you guys need it!)
    Cant wait til next time!
  • Report:

    Started out the day with 2,500 chips and play was weak-passive for most of the first few levels. Lots of limps. and folds to a single bet. I hovered around 2,500 for the first few levels and built up the stack a bit.

    At the 50/100 level I thought I'd need to add some aggression. In cutoff I picked up A7h and limped in with three others to a flop of QQ7, no hearts. Check around to me, so I bet out 150. The SB immediately raised 400 more, one fold and the player to my right calls.

    Hmmm... a check-raise and a call of a check raise after two levels of weak-passive. I'm beat and let the hand go. I got to see the hand to showdown and the BB had the Qx, while the player to my right had pocket Aces. Ouch. When limping with Aces go bad.

    Next rotation, I'm on the button with J9s. get 3 limpers for 100, and I raise an additional 500. The player who was the SB in the hand above, immediately moves all-in, and it's folded to me. This guy is in love with his hand as it has the same look and feel when he check-raised with his trip queens. The pot was laying me 2-1 to call, but I just can't get the feeling he had QQ+ . I know, small box to put him in, put this was only the second hand in the first few levels that he raised, and the first time was with a monster. I decide to let it go.

    After that, I was able to up the aggression a bit and worked my way up to about 2,700 before our table broke.

    Stack dropped a bit with the antes and at the 150-300 level, found AQs in mid position. Folded to me, so I made is 1,000 to go and was re-raised by the button for a modest amount more, but one that would cripple me. I went for the call and he turned over 88. No help and I was down to 350.

    Posted and folded one hand then found my self UTG with 325 left. Posted the ante and called all-in blind. Luckily, it folded around to the BB, who then turned over K4 to my Q6. A Queen on the turn allowed be to survive the blinds with crappy hands and a couple antes.

    It was getting close to the end of the re-buy period, so I wanted to hang on to my micro stack as long as possible, then dump it to get the rebuiy+addon. With 400 left, I posted the ante and found 64o. Sweet!! One caller in front of me and I raised all-in to 375.

    The player to my left re-raises, and the player to his lefy re-re-raises all-in, getting called by both the ortignal bettor and the person to my left.

    I sheepishly turn over 64o and get the money out of my pocket. The other players turn over AQ, AA and JJ. Guess who turned a straight? :D Mario loved the hand.

    It took awhile to sort out the side pots so this put me at 1,700 chips with one hand level in the level, which I folded. I took the add-on and was at ~4,600.

    We had a break and I came back and lasted three hands..

    Hand 1: (UTG+1 with crap). Folded to the BB.
    Hand 2: (UTG with crap). Player to my left, one of the bigger stacks at the table, raises to 1,000 (Blinds are 200-400(50)) and everyone else folds.
    Hand3: (BB with 44).

    Player to my left raised to 1,000 again and it's folded around to me. I consider pushing but then think that this would be a perfect time to break out the stop and go play. Hopefully I'll get a low flop.

    Flop comes T 5 2, which is pretty much what I was hoping for, and push all-in in. I immediately get called and he turns over AA. Opps. No 4 and I'm out.

    Dissapointing way to end the day, but I'm not terribly upset with how I played it. His AA was well disguised by the fact that he made the same raise the hand before, so I was hoping he had two high-cards. Which he did. Only they were the same. My bet would have been a very hard one for him to call with only two overcards, and him folding would have brought my stack from 4k to 6k, a 50% increase.

    It was a fun tournament, even though I was out much earlier than I wanted to be! I had been up since 4am, so I headed home early and zonked out.
  • Anybody else getting a login pop up when you go to this thread?
  • I got the roblegood logon once.. I thought he was stalking me.

    I didn't mind.

    It's the long hair.... he's dreamy

  • Greast turny i had about 50 K in chips top 5 in the chip leaders playing against a guy with tons of chips at my table he was the chip leader of my table , i was delt pocket :qc :qd the chip leader raised 4 K i re raised him pre flop 8 k he called the flop came :9c :10d :js he bet `10 K i pushed all in he fliped over :kd :jh i jumped up and yelled yes the new chip leader in the whole turny the turn came :6c river came :jd witch knocked me out of the turny damn i fisihed 16 or 17th i think
  • moose04 wrote:
    Anybody else getting a login pop up when you go to this thread?

    It's something to do with my avatar, I think. I've switched to a generic picture for now.
  • I thought it was a silhouette of '8Ball' Tye Z.

  • I just had a big long report written up and then my browser crashed when I was on the last hand. If anyone actually wants to see it maybe I'll write it up again, otherwise I'll give the condensed version. Get lucky and win some chips, get called by A9 a lot and win a lot of chips, stop being lucky lose chips, luck returns and get called by Q6, get lots of chips. Lose coinflip for basically the entire tournament, finish 3rd. Grab a beer.
  • Still trying to figure out how I had 10k just before first break and was out by the second. All in 4 times with best hand against 3 outs and lost all 4. Ace against smaller kicker twice and mid pair against Ace b.s. twice. Still had fun just bad luck.

  • OnTilt98 wrote:
    Still trying to figure out how I had 10k just before first break and was out by the second. All in 4 times with best hand against 3 outs and lost all 4. Ace against smaller kicker twice and mid pair against Ace b.s. twice. Still had fun just bad luck.


    Was that Ron that was at my table? As we watched this dude who moved to our table take 3 or 4 of us out when he was behind every hand tho with a large stack and rivered every one of us. And I got to see my first live casino royal flush after going to brantford tho with a board of 10 :s: J :s: 2 :d: Q :s: K :s: it's not surprising someone had the :as

    and buddy was pissed he didn't get paid off.
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