Results from West Side Poker Club Low Limit Tournament Kitchener



  • Hi,

    This is Jeremy, just wanted to let you know that Jay Le, Jay LA, and Tracy will not be attending this Saturday after all. Sorry about that.

  • This list is as current as I have at 9:50 pm tuesday night.  thanks to those who have kept me informed.  In the next couple of hours you will recieve an email with the directions to the venue.  The updated list is below.  You are the person who refered you should have a copy of the directions by now. I you do not have the directions and you name is on the list, please email me. If your name is not on the list and you think it should be PM or email me at

    Thanks Again


    # Name
    1. Abdul L.
    2. Acid Joe
    3. Adam B
    4. Adria Grant
    5. Aimee P
    6. Amanda J
    7. Andrew K
    8. Andrew RusseLL
    9. Anthony B
    10. Anthony  M
    11. Ashley Wharin
    12. Ben Hofstede
    13. Ben Stutts
    14. Bhavesh J
    15. Braad H
    16. Brandon R
    17. Brian C
    18. Brian K
    19. Chad Giroux
    20. Chico H
    21. Chris S
    22. Christina P
    23. Cole Woods
    24. Colin Shea
    25. Cory Battler
    26. Court Overgaauw
    27. Damian J.
    28. Dane B
    29. Daniele Luzi
    30. Darren
    31. Darrly C
    32. Dave K
    33. Dave W
    34. Dennis from baseball
    35. detter
    36. Dom C
    37. Don Stoodley
    38. Eddy Dale
    39. Eric Stephens
    40. Erik Youngson
    41. Evan E
    42. Evan Gravitis
    43. Frank S
    44. Garnet Kay
    45. Geoff Carmaker
    46. Geoff Clodd
    47. Greg M
    48. Greg T
    49. Ian Hilson
    50. Indy
    51. Ivan Zagorac
    52. James Carn
    53. Jamie H
    54. Jason C
    55. Jason Simon
    56. Jay B
    57. Jay F
    58. Jeff Flower
    59. Jeff S
    60. Jeremy S
    61. Jim K
    62. Joe C
    63. Joe Renauld   
    64. John Knight
    65. Jon L
    66. Jon Snider
    67. Justin Ekubor
    68. Karl D
    69. Ken F
    70. Kevin F
    71. Kris P
    72. Kuljit R
    73. Kyle W
    74. Larry L
    75. Lehel S
    76. Leroy Hollan

    77. Liana Woods
    78. Louie A
    79. Mario
    80. Mark H
    81. Mark Paralovos
    82. Melesh J
    83. Michael L
    84. Mike B
    85. Mike Grant
    86. Mike W
    87. Neal F
    88. Nicole E
    89. Pat H.
    90. Pat M
    91. Pat Z
    92. Paul G
    93. Paul S
    94. Pete M
    95. Pete M Volley
    96. Richard H
    97. Richard V
    98. Rob L
    99. Rob M
    100. Robert Demille
    101. Rohit J
    102. Romer
    103. Ron S
    104. Salar M
    105. Sammy M.
    106. Scott Strickler
    107. Selena
    108. Sharif S
    109. Spence
    110. Stefan K
    111. Steve C
    112. Steve Lott
    113. Steve S
    114. TJ S
    115. Tom N
    116. Tony Tran
    117. Trevor C
    118. Tyson R
    119. Vince D
    120. Wesley W
  • Just wondering,

    what is the payout if all 120 players do attend?

    :c: :d: :rage::s: :h:
  • depends who adds on and how many players rebuy
  • IM-ON-TILT wrote:
    Just wondering,

    what is the payout if all 120 players do attend? 

    :c: :d: :rage::s: :h:

    Top 15 plus a bubble prize

    Prophet 22
  • Brent, you can remove Mark Holman from your list as he is a baby. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  • This list is as current as I have at 9:50 pm tuesday night. thanks to those who have kept me informed. In the next couple of hours you will recieve an email with the directions to the venue. The updated list is below. You are the person who refered you should have a copy of the directions by now. I you do not have the directions and you name is on the list, please email me. If your name is not on the list and you think it should be PM or email me at

    Thanks Again

    ahem... you going to give me directions? or should I just look follow the poker stink ...wait that stini could get confused in downtown welfare weekend is next week
  • Tyson,

    I told Brent you couldn"t make it, sorry :D

  • ahem... you going to give me directions? or should I just look follow  the poker stink ...wait that stini could get confused in downtown welfare weekend is next week

    Tyson, how did I miss you?

    I will see you tonight at Rob's

  • If you have not recieved the directions please email ASAP. The last time I will check my tomorrow computer will be by 2:30 pm and won't be checking it until after midnight. Again, you must be on the list in order to stay on the property.

  • brent send the directions to this email for me now
    its new but i use bnoth the other one isent working right now is my new one thanks
  • Hollywood you've got mail.

    Prophet 22
  • Just one more question, how long do you think this tourney will last considering you make it to the final table?

    :c: :d: :rage::s: :h:
  • The goal is to have the tournament end around 9:30 pm to 10:00 pm.

  • With 120 players, we start with a total of 120 x 2,500 = 300,000 chips.

    Let's estimate the rebuys at 100 x 1,500 = 150,000 chips.

    Let's say 3/4 of the people take the add-on 90 x 3,000 = 270,000

    For an estimated grand total of 720,000 chips, though it's possible to go higher.

    Using the estimation method of 20-30 BB's, that puts the end, some where around the 24,000-36,000 (roughly 30,000).

    But we're using antes so the level that looks most likely to end is the final one posted of 10k-20k (10k ante)

    According to the schedule the final level happens at the 540 minute mark, which makes it sound like a 9 hour tournament. Starting the tournament at 1pm, I'd also expect the tournament to end at 10pm.

    Good planning Brent!! :)

    (And, yes, I'm really this bored at work today)

  • what the hell are you doing up this early Brent?

    You dont even have kids!
  • Hey Tyson it is Cameron I just got back from the Friday's Tourney it was great and the after party was even better I will see you in a few hours I have been up for 28 hours so far and need to get 45 min sleep for the madness in less then 7 Hours away.

  • i will have to pull out of the tourney today. sorry, really wanted to play but something big came up (very pissed).

    please take Chris S. & Selena S. off the list.

    at least this way, now you have a chance to win.

    hope to see another tourney like this soon.
  • brent my moms droped out she has to work sorry
  • Hey Brent/Cameron,

    Sorry I couldn't make it.......I was called into work in the morning! I hope everything goes well! Had fun at the after game on Friday!!!!

    :c: :d: :rage::s: :h:
  • FANTASITC GAME! TONS OF FUN! Nice place! Good Food! Can't wait for the next one :D
  • Hello everyone, I just wanted to say thanks to the organizers of todays tourny, it was very well run and alot of fun. I am looking forward to the next one. Well done everyone.


    PS, Thanks Cameron for answering all my questions at the cash game.
  • Thanks guys you run an excellent tournament. My only real complaint would be the that the rebuys were for fewer than the starting chips so this makes you not want to lose your starting chips, and once the blinds got big people probably shouldn't have even bothered rebuying since compared to the blinds they just weren't getting many chips. I think a slightly more expensive rebuy for starting chips would be more appealing and get more money in the pot and encourage a bit more loose play in the opening stages. But you guys run these things all the time so maybe you know better than me. I don't think the extra chips would make a huge difference in finish time, the structure you had today was plenty quick though it did allow lots of play. You organization was excellent even with the 30 no shows though. Thanks again!

  • Thirty no-shows? That SUCKS shame on them

    So who won?

  • It was a GREAT tourney!
    I had a blast, and as an introduction to true tournament style play, was perfect!
    I can't wait for the next one (but maybe with an air conditioner?? ;) )
  • It was a great tourney. Great job to the organizers as well as those who helped direct the tournament.
    A follow up to SirWatts comments, I think once it got to near the end of the rebut period when blinds were 150/300 with antes of 25, it was more like "lets go gamble with rags and hope to double up" scenerio with the rebuy being only 5xBB and the antes eating away yoru stack the process. A more expensive rebuy (maybe similar to getting same number of starting chips for same cost) might work better, or have a restriction on the number of rebuys.
    Just my two cents, take it for whats it worth. I have never ran any tournaments so I might be completely out in left field, so I apologize if my ideas are ridiculous and I'm just wasting space.
  • Hello,

    I just want to thank Brent, Cam and the other guy who ran the tourney. Thanks for a great day of fun. I also agree with the re-buy point. I think there would have been more action, and maybe even more money in the pot. I didn't want to take a chance and have to re-buy because if I only received 1500 I would have little room for maneuvering. If it would have been $30 for 2500 more, I would have loosened up. Another option would have been to allow a re-buy when people got below a certain amount of chips(maybe 1000), and allowing a re-buy of 1500 for $15. Anyways, it was a great event either way, and I will be at the next one for sure!!!

  • Thanks to Brent, Cam and everyone else who helped run the tourney. I had a great time and even though I crapped outta the tourney, yet again, I really enjoyed it. As per usual, I had much better success in the cash game afterwards so all in all it was a great day.

  • Thanks to brent and everyone at West Side for putting on another great tournament. Everything went smoothly and was well organized in my opinion. My friends and I will be back at future tournaments for sure. I personally had a great time and learned a lot. I wish I didn't blow it at the end, but live and learn.

    Salar M
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