Results from West Side Poker Club Low Limit Tournament Kitchener



  • Next week I will be sending out emails on my list. Now is the time to sign up.

    Prophet 22
  • Pretty sure you have me down for this...

  • Tyson You are in you are # 9 on the list

  • Glad to see this list continue to grow. We are almost have way there to our goal of 120 people.

    Prophet 22
  • Shame less bump. However, if you ever wanted to expereince a large tournament format then this is the tournament for you. Low cost. lots of people, lots of fun!

    Prophet 22
  • Still wondering if anyone can car pool or pick me up at the University of Waterloo to head down to the tournament. Please PM me if you can. Thanks
  • I am sure once I send out the formal invitations and the students get back from university this request will be met. Just be patience.
  • Count me in Brent (Mike W.). Idon't know the location yet but you can probably get there on the #7 bus if worse comes to worst westside.
  • Hi prophet,

    Please add another buddy, Brian K to the list...

  • Hey brent could you put me down for 4 more players. I'll give you their names later on this week.
  • Mario, four spots have been reserved for you. It was good to talk with you Friday, sorry about the jinx, maybe you will catch fire again soon.
  • If you are one of the following people or know who they are, could you PM an email address, I seem to be missing one for each of the following and they will need to get directions for the tournament in the next couple of weeks.

    Pat Z
    Pat M


  • Brent,

    I have a question on your rebuys? Do you have to be completely out of chips or is there a limit that you need to be below before rebuying? Thanks
  • Sandros, when are you just going to sign up? LOL. I think it will be below 250 chips. How many player are you going to bring out!

    Prophet 22
  • LOL. I know so non comital I am. When I do sign up we will probably be good for 4 or 5 but not sure yet so I do not want to reserve spots and back out later. That's a real piss off for the organizer I know from experience. So I will let you know as soon as I know.
  • I nice way to kill time playing cards before the big trip too Vegas. Even if you don play while your friends do you could be my chip runner! LOL

    Prophet 22
  • hey brent just to let u know when your running the 1-2 NO limit cash game at the turny , id be willing to deal when the players , get tired or need a break from dealing thanks i had so much fun doing that on the cruise thanks .

    Hollywoods cole
  • The list continues to grow! With 16 days left to pre-register we are up to 66 people. This is going to be a lot of fun, you do not want to miss out on this great event.

    Prophet 22
  • Brent,

    Please sign me up along with 3 guests. After I told my friends about the cruise, they couldn't wait to enter this tournament.

    Salar M
  • Hi.

    If there are still seats for the 17th open, sign me up.

  • Hey,
    I just saw the note about your need of names and such.
    Dave K.
  • Brent,

    Here's the list of names for me and my buddies:

    1. Salar M.
    2. Cristina P.
    3. Anthony M.
    4. Brandon R.
  • Thanks, the list has been updated!

  • Thanks Brent. No proplem about the jinx its bad luck to beleave in them any way.

    Here are the names of the other guys:

    Neal fitz
    Jay fitz
    Paul Greenaway
  • ItsaMe wrote:
    Thanks Brent.  No problem about the jinx its bad luck to believe in them any way.

    Now that's funny.

    The names you gave are added to the list.  Let me remind all, you must be pre-registered for this event.  Walk ups could be extremely dissappointed.  Now is the time to register before the university students get back.

    Prophet 22
  • Filling up nicely. Hope to see the full 120 at this tournament and it should be another great time.
  • HI Brent.

    Please add me to the list. My name is Lehel S. Thanks.
  • Will we get to the 100 person mark before the weekend ends? 15 people to the 100 mark.

  • An overwhelming response. Should be sold out this week. Again, let me stress, if you are not on the list you will probably be disappointed at this fun, low limit tournament.
    Thanks to Braad from "The Play" a hotstamping company in London Ontario for donating a bubble prize. One tournament I was at they were fight to so who would get the bubble prize. This guy does awesome work.

    Prophet 22
  • This is going to sell out so sign up soon.

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