Poker Tournament for a Cause...Just announced!!!!



  • Well, the fact that I'm posting before 5 pm is a good indicator that I busted out fairly early. I had a blast though.

    I'd like to thank Dave and everyone else who had a hand in organizing and running the tournament, it was well very done. I hope a lot of money was raised for Faith Abbey and her family, certainly a worthy cause.

    Incidently, this was my first live tournament and my only goal was to have fun, try to look like I had a clue, and try not to bust out first. So two out of three ain't bad. :). By all accounts it was a good day. Thanks Dave and crew.


    P.S. Will you be posting a list of where everybody finished? Just curious as to where exactly I went out,
  • My brother and I would also like to congradulate Dave (WitchDoctor), Brent (Prophet22), and Cam for an excellent tourney. What made it all worth while was that it was for such a great cause, and I'm proud to have been a part of it.

    Needless to say, I too didn't fair that well either :'( but I still had a blast. And speaking for my brother, he too had a great time. As a matter of fact, he is just tickled that I busted out before him, even if only by 2 or 3.

    Well done guys. KUDOS to everyone who helped make this such a great event.

  • Thanks guys,

    This was my second tournament run by Cam and Brent, had a good time, well run game. Even though I headed out tired this morning at the ungodly hour of 12PM on a Sunday, I felt good on the drive there about dontaing to the charity.

    Sorry to hear that the Brampton games are no longer going on Friday nights, KW is a bit far for me, maybe you can get something going closer to the GTA once in a while.

    It was another well-run tournament, had alot of fun. Nice meeting witchdoctor and a bunch of others... I think I met more people from the forum, but I'm not sure who was who... I did have some brothers at my table for a while...

    I'll post a few hand histories on my blog when I get around to it, I'm going on a few hours sleep and am pretty tired right now.

    :ah :ac :ad :as
  • GTA Poker wrote:
    Sorry to hear that the Brampton games are no longer going on Friday nights, KW is a bit far for me, maybe you can get something going closer to the GTA once in a while.

    Yes, that really sucks wind!! :rage: I was having a great time at these events, and can't for the life of me understand why it has to be over. I'm hoping you guys can find another venue soon, and we can get back into it again.
  • Hi guys...thanks for the great turnout....79 of the 80 seats were filled. Lot of extra money raised for Faith and her family. When we bring by the money/card and stuffed animal I will take pics that I will post on the forum so everyone can see who we raised the money for.

    Congrats to:

    1) Trevor...........1st place
    2) Dave (GTA Poker)....2nd Place
    3) Edward C............3rd place
    4) Howard S...........4th place

    *What is really great is Edward is the gentleman who posted the heart breaking story of how he lost his young son to Cancer not to long ago, so it was nice to see him place high up in the tourney. Obviously his son's spirit was with a special thanks to Edward.

    I will post more tomorrow...tired..very tired. It was 2 months of planning and getting prizes etc....I'm glad its over, but sad at the same time. We will do the London event but because of low response right now, we will do it once I move to London in November.

    Thanks...Brent,Cam, Brad from Showdown Tables for the great table giveaway (, all of the forum members who contributed prizes (sloth,acid joe,the Play in London, Dave Scharf...sorry if I missed anyone...brain is mush right now.

    Thanks as well to Daniel Negreanu for his generous donation, and to all of our other corporate sponsors.

    That's it for now...time to rest!!!

  • Great tourney, great cause and great prizes!
    Check out what I got for busting out early,
    Plus a T-shirt. Pretty good for being a loser.

    The Friday Brampton tourneys are done? Too bad. If it is just venue problems I know of a place in the same area that is perfect and willing... Let me know.

    Good work guys!
  • It was a great tournament and well-run to boot. It was a bit nerve-wrecking since it was my first live tourney. I even surprised myself and the wifey on my third place finish. I'm ecstatic :D!! Chris Moneymaker and WSOP, here I come!! <gr>

    I'd like to thank witchdoctor and everyone that organized and ran this tournament. Sorry if I don't mention all people involved since I'm still new to the forum and don't recognize everyone and haven't played in any of the games posted here.

    Thanks again for a great game,

    Ed (& Wife)
  • Hey Ed,

    Was good meeting you.

    You're a solid player, great run given that you were pretty short-stacked for a while at our previous table and you almost won the whole thing.

    If you want to but up $20k for the two of us for a major evet, I'll throw in a free ride.

  • I knew I forgot to thank some people...thanks to Josh who was kind enough to sponsor a seat for the event, to AJ for throwing a couple of satellites for the event, to WolfHound and the guys at the rack that made a donation to get a Doyles Room T-shirt, and also to one young lady who made a very generous cash contribution at the event who I apologize can not remember her name. I met so many new people yesterday, I wish I could thank her here as well.

    Glad everyone had such a good time!!!!
  • One more the Markham Rugby Club and the two members (in particular Doug) for letting us use their wonderful new wclubhouse for the event. they donated the place and their time, so we could hold the event, and did so solely out of the goodness of their hearts!!!
  • Great Tournament!!!
    It is good to see such a great responce to such a noble cause. Great, great job everyone, in particular organizer, floor crew, venue host and we cannot forget all participants. Big thanks to everyone!!!
    One thing that spoiled the day for me was to go out before the brake!!! I think I was 3 one out, but I picked up an instructional DVD by Howard Lederer so watch out next time everyone!! For now I'll remain in my cozy, dark corner and will sob like a girl...

    Once again, great job Dave!!
    K :c:
  • Good job with the tournament. I had a great time and ended up going out about 20th. Had an A2o as the short stack, was folded to me and I pushed to try for the blinds and got called by pocket 10s. I caught my ace on the flop.....then lost to a runner runner straight. :'(

    Ah well. That's the way it goes. I got a CPT hat and some mini golf passes, then headed over to All-Star Wings with my friends and spent like half an hour choosing from their list of 50 wing sauce types, ha.

    Sad to hear about the fridays and wednesdays in brampton as well...was a really convenient location for me...gonna check it out this wednesday to see how it goes still...any idea if they are keeping the previous standings and everything in place?
  • Awesome tourny guys!

    Thanks to Witchdoctor, Prophet22, Blazin22 and all the others who helped put together such a great day. I had been really looking forward to this event for quite awhile, and even though my own brother busted me out, I still had a great time and finally met alot of forum regulars and even some forum stalkers.

    Congrats to the 8 winners, especially to my brother Trevor who eventually took home first place. He kept the cash but was generous enough to give me that gorgeous table that was donated by Brad from Showdown Tables. So even though I busted out in the 20's, I still took home an amazing prize.

    The only things I might do differently if we were to do this again is.....

    1) Order MORE Pizza! :D
    2) Supply XXL shirts for us portly fashion concious poker players. :D:D:D:D
  • Well ran tournament, ireally enjoy going to it ... wouldn't mind going to another one along wit my friend,
    Hope the money will help the family out a bit

    Who took my lighter, you were suppose to fill it with gas for me -.-
  • Keep us up to date with the London Tourney, even tho I felt like I was short stacked almost the whole tourney it was great. I realize you only the the club house for 5 hours but the blinds were way to aggressive for my playing preference. I got to see a few familiar faces and since the g/f busted out early we got some cool prizes. i never complain about getting t shirts cuz I live in them. Well run tourney guys. Tho it's easier to take a real dealer rivering you than dealing your opponent the one card that saves him on the all in and puts you out LOL.
  • Thanks Dave et al for holding this tounament for a good cause.
    Definite fun game for me and this for a good cause too. A well organised event to boot and nice prizes for all !
    waiting for your London tournament for Kasper n me .
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