Poker Tournament for a Cause...Just announced!!!!

Hi guys,

Witch Doctor Poker along with the help of Brent and Cam from West Side Poker are proud to announce an upcoming tournament to help raise money for a young 21 month old girl from London, Ontario named Faith Abbey.  Faith has been diagnosed with a rare form of cancer and we want to do our part to help the family out.  The tournament will be held on Sunday October 2nd and will be in Markham, near Markville mall (Hwy 7 and McCowan).  Registration starts at Noon and the tourney will begin at 1:00 p.m. sharp.  This will be a 100% rake free event.  The location has been donated, all food and drinks will be sold at cost.  The only person benefiting will be little Faith.  The tournament will be a $95 freezout with $30 of each buy-in going to the family we are helping out.  We have lots of corporate help for this event.  We have lots of companies providing prizes for the event and even more commited including Daniel Negreanu and Dave Scharf both contributing items for the tourney and silent auction.  Please check out our website under the Poker for a Cause tab, for more info and on the list of sponsors, which will change as we recieve the contributions.  This tourney will be capped at 80 people meaning we should be able to raise the family close to $2500 for this one event (hopefully one will follow in London a few weeks after).  Please e-mail to reserve your spot or message me here on the forum.  This event will fill up fast as it is for a good cause and the fact that everyone will receive some sort of prize for attending.  We do require a $30 deposit be paid before September 25 (the portion that we are contributing to Faith).  This can be made by paypal (message for address to pay), cash, cheque, money order etc...   It can be dropped off or mailed to myself in thornhill or to Brent or Cam from West Side Poker.  Any other questions just ask.....My wife and I have poured our hearts and souls into the organization of this event as we really want to help this family out.  We ourselves have a 11 month old son and we can't fathom what this little girl and her family are going through.  We made it earlier on a Sunday so if you are from out of town you can still make it home in plenty of time.  We hope to see you your support and participate in Poker for a Cause!!


  • I'm in! Who else have committed so far?
  • This sounds like a great idea. I'm in as well.
  • I'm in for sure
    just incase u don't check ... i've email you too:)
    if u need help organizing ... i will help out also just let me know
  • Sounds like a great benifit, put me down on the list. can"t wait to play.
  • The first 10 people to drop off or mail in their deposits for the event will be entitled to a complimentary Doyle Brunson T-shirt in size M-XL in Black White or Gray!!!
  • Please count me in as well. let me know the details for payment and I'll send it off straight away

    Complements on the effort your putting in for this!!!!

  • Thanks for the kind has been a lot of preperation canvasing for a location and donations but hopefully it will be all worth while in the end. I will message you with deposit details.

  • VERY IN! a couple of my friends I'm working on still!
  • I just sent you an email, this sounds great and I for sure want in, I may email you about some more people soon.
  • Finally a game in the EAST end!! :D

    I am in. I can likely get a few people too, if needed. I work in Markham, PM me details and I can meetup for the payment.

    Sounds like a great tourny for a great cause.
  • Thanks to everyone! MDS next time you see Cam you can give it to him seeing as you are just around the corner.

    Prophet 22
  • Wow...thanks for all the early support guys.....we have more then a dozen guys signed up so far in advance!!! I realy appreciate it!!! Everyone I owe e-mails to should now have them. Thanks a lot!!!
  • Let's keep the momentum going! Anyone have anything they would like to donate to the prize table PM the witch doctor, prophet 22 or blazin72. The goal is for everyone to walk out with something.

    prophet 22
  • We have a "probable" confirmation of a prominent Toronto sports figure attending the event...when it is confrimed fully it will be posted!!!
  • I would like to play
    Geoff C
  • Sounds like a great cause. I can't play in it, but, if there's a Stars account or something that I can make a donation to, I'll throw a few bucks in.
  • That would be a great idea! I will talk to Dave and we find a way to make it happen.

    Prophet 22
  • A minimum $10 donation will get you a Doyle Brunson t-shirt compliments of Doyle's Room....any donations of monetary value at this time can be made to my paypal account (e-mail for account name), by cash, cheque money order or by giving it to myself or Brent or Cam from West Side. We will see if there are other options as well.

    Flyers for the events will be ready to go tomorrow and will be distributed through different poker groups and local organizations so the seats will fill up quick. We are almost at 20 already with 7 weeks until the event...and the additional donated prizes are getting bigger and better!!!
  • If anyone has anything the would like to put up for the slient auction PM the witch doctor or myself. Any thing would work, Leaf tickets, Raptor tickets, custom made racetrack poker table, dinner for two, let the imagination run wild.

    Prophet 22
  • The Argos just sent along some gifts for the event too......there will be tons of great additional prizes....the website will be updated with the next batch of sponsors later today or tomorrow. They keep getting better and better!!!
  • Reserved:

    1) Wesley
    2) Willis W
    3) Justin
    4) Jeff S
    5) Rob B
    6) Garry C
    7) Andrew
    8) Rick
    9) Mark K
    10) Joe R
    11) MDSguy
    13) Adam O
    14) Adam O guest
    15) Wayne M
    16) Geoff C
    17) Brian T
    18) Daryl G

    Great start lets keep it going!!!!

    Prizes in hand compliments of :

    Doyles Room
    Empire Poker
    Frozen Pond
    Pizza Hut
    Peninsula Ridge Winery
    Walkerville Brewery
    Jawny Bakers
    Vegas De Santiago Cigars
    Witch Doctor Poker
    Duke of Kent
    Whitamore Farms
    Toronto Argonauts
    Canadian Poker Player Magazine
    Applewood Farm Winery
    (hope I am not forgetting anyone)

    Confirmed donations still on the way from:

    Daniel Negreanu (Full Contact Poker)
    Dave Scharf
    Putting Edge
    Poker Specs
    Bluff Magazine

    and we are still in the early parts of canvassing!!!!

    Reserve early and please get your deposits in before the cutoff date so we make sure we have all of the seats filled!!!

    There will be a London event being held for this little girl in October as well we should have a date and location next week.
  • Would love to enter for such a good cause !
    As a matter of fact I am good for 4 entries.
  • Dave,

    If you can email me the flyer today, I should be able to get it up for Monday!

  • Reserved:

    1) Wesley
    2) Willis W
    3) Justin
    4) Jeff S
    5) Rob B
    6) Garry C
    7) Andrew
    8) Rick
    9) Mark K
    10) Joe R
    11) MDSguy
    13) Adam O
    14) Adam O guest
    15) Wayne M
    16) Geoff C
    17) Brian T
    18) Daryl G
    19) Karl d
    20-22) Acid Joe and Friends
    23-26) Jeff P and Friends
  • count my husband and I in!!
  • Great...can you message me your names so I can add them to the list. I sent you a personal message!!! Thanks for the support!!!
  • Reserved:

    1) Wesley
    2) Willis W
    3) Justin
    4) Jeff S
    5) Rob B
    6) Garry C
    7) Andrew
    9) Mark K
    10) Joe R
    11) MDSguy
    13) Adam O
    14) Adam O guest
    15) Wayne M
    16) Geoff C
    17) Brian T
    18) Daryl G
    19) Karl d
    20-22) Acid Joe and Friends
    23-26) Jeff P and Friends
    27) Karine S.
    28) David S.
    29) Jeremy
    30) Mandy J.
    31) Dave W.

    Filling up quick!!!! Thanks to all those with their deposit in so less thing to have to take care of!!!
  • Thanks to whoever locked our event at the top of the home games page!!! We really appreciate it!!
  • Put me down for some prize donations. PM me please.

    looking at 5 or so sets of chips, hats, shirts and DVDs from and
  • Thanks, what happened to the lock?

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