Free Free Poker Freeze-out this Tuesday(6th) great time lots of freebies!!



  • I'm going to try to get out to this one again as well. Had a great time last week.
  • I'll be there 7:00 sharp!!!

    See Ye'll soon,
    K :c:
  • Hi All,

    Albert will be there tonight with you guys.

    if you want, edge him towards the small money freeze outs, once Mike the manager has left around 9-930.

    have fun.

  • Today was too good.

    All I've got to say is "HOW CAN THEY HAVE ALL MY OUTS?!"

    GG's to everyone.
  • Who's going tonite???? Is it on??? If it is going on I will be showing up to play a few games. Those who want to drop off their deposits for the Oct 2nd event are more then welcome to. As well...I will bring along the shirts for those who won them at AJ's satellites..and Wayne I will have yours as well. Someone let me know!!!
  • I have full intention on being there tonight. Need the practise for your tourney. :D Not sure if I will get there right at 7:00 though, plan on doing some fishing today on my favourite river for abit. But I will be there sometime during the evening.
  • I'll be late to....7:30 or so probably. Hope to see you then!!!
  • HAHA, today was jokes. Flopped Set gets crushed under straight. Busted 1st hand in small freezout. WHOOOOOO! :D

    Thanks to Josh for hosting.

    Nice to meet Witchdoctor.
  • Nice to meet you to Pegasus Kid....Congrats to Lindsay on taking the first two games by strategically dominating our host Josh. No matter what Josh was portraying she saw right through was amazing!!!! Came first next game after her reign ended....great night all in all!!!!
  • I forgot my chips there. Someone PLEASE tell me they picked them up. :'(
  • I was riding so I could not do it but, I believe that I handed your set over to Mike?(Sorry, I'm not sure about the name)
    He'll either contact you or he'll bring it next week.
    Too bad that you did not leave your wallet behind... That would make for a great freeze-out game...

    K :c:
  • Sounds like the BEATINGS continued after I left...Lindsay whooping Josh's butt not once BUT TWICE!!! And then PegasusKid leaving his chips behind. Dude, I do hope you get them back.

    Great time was had last night ladies and gents. Hope to see everyone again next week.
  • ACDC wrote:
    I was riding so I could not do it but, I believe that I handed your set over to Mike?(Sorry, I'm not sure about the name)
    He'll either contact you or he'll bring it next week
    Geeez, is that guy on the forums? I needed to get those chips back by Friday as I'm going up to the cottage and wanted to take them with me. Anyone have contact info I can use? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  • I'll be coming as per usual. If anyone can get in touch with the guys that has my chip set PLEASE ask him to drop them off or something so I can get them back. :'(
  • see you all there tonight

  • good games today

    thx for the $30 gift certificate, that was such a yummy poutine :D

    see ya'll next week
  • GG's to everyone. Big thanks to Josh for hosting and for bearing with the Freezeout that just wouldn't end.
  • it is still not over, becuae I keep replaying wayne's fuck up in my head over and over and over
  • What do you mean by this Justin? That last game of the night took less than an hour? And most importantly, PRIDE was on the line. At least I think that was the case?
    As for Wayne, I don't know how to explain this but he just jumped out of his shorts and prematurely discharged...
    It was fun to watch!!!

    See you all next week!!!

    K :c:
  • it is still not over, becuae I keep replaying wayne's fuck up in my head over and over and over
    HAHA! Yep, that was my saviour.

    Kris; it was more the figurative sense than anything else. I'm pretty sure we all wanted out of there was it came down to just the three of us. I thought Josh was going to kill someone when we kept trading the blinds back and forth.

    Josh; please don't forget to contact your friend. I'm still dumbfounded as to why he took my chips in the first place.
  • Sounds like I left the game too early. Oh well, the pressures of being an early riser I guess.
  • I am sad to announce that The pearson pub has cancelled our poker gathering untill further notice.

    It was simply a matter of numbers. We only ever got one table, and while the people were some of the best, their drinking habits did not warrant the expense to the bar. We needed more to make an impact, and we stretched it out as long as we could.

    Thanks to all who came out over the last 5 months to support, and stay tuned, I have similar events all over the city now, and some affiliations with some great people who have a tuesday night thing at a bar called "Chalkers" on Marlee in the lawrence and dufferin area.

    Their group is about 3 tables strong, and the people are great. It is the same thing, and has a little more to it involving prizes, and a nicer.

    call me if you want to join us there.
  • I'm sorry to hear about that, Josh :'( I was having a great time there. You and your team did put on a good event, and I will try to get to another one soon.
  • That is too was a great group of people!!!
  • I'm also sorry to hear that the Pearson Tuesday night group has come to an end. Although I haven't been out in quite a while that's where I 1st started playing live hold-em. I've grown quite a bit from then playing many buy-in tournaments in both private and casino locations but it all stated at the Pearson just a few short months ago. Thanks for the start Josh and I'll always remember your quote, "Do you want to win this event or just not lose it?"  Words to live by...  Good luck in the future and I know I'll run into you many times...  Jeff..
  • I'm confused, how was the bar losing money? The place was virtually deserted anyway, if anything the players were bringing (not much) money back into it. Did I miss something here?

    :rage: OMG now I have to go all the way to Aurora to get my fucking chips. GOD DAMN IT! :rage:
  • What the heck??????
    I'm constantly working on getting new people in for this and I have to say that I did manage to develop some prospects. A few, small home games get the :fish: right into the net if you know what I mean. However, if this one does not come back any time soon, please keep us all posted on any new possibilities!!!
    Great job Josh and the gang!! Keep it up.

    K :c:
  • I'm confused, how was the bar losing money?  The place was virtually deserted anyway, if anything the players were bringing (not much) money back into it.  Did I miss something here?

    :rage: OMG now I have to go all the way to Aurora to get my fucking chips. GOD DAMN IT! :rage:

    Well I'm sure it cost the bar something to have Josh's crew and tables there.....
  • compuease wrote:
    Well I'm sure it cost the bar something to have Josh's crew and tables there.....

    I was under the impression Josh was volunteering his time, table, and chips, and keeping the weekly event as FREE as possible. If I'm wrong, well, sorry. But if the idea of Pearson was to generate business on an off night like Tuesday, how would scrapping the event possibly be any good for the place???
  • I am sad to announce that The pearson pub has cancelled our poker gathering untill further notice.

    It was simply a matter of numbers. We only ever got one table, and while the people were some of the best, their drinking habits did not warrant the expense to the bar. We needed more to make an impact, and we stretched it out as long as we could.

    Thanks to all who came out over the last 5 months to support, and stay tuned, I have similar events all over the city now, and some affiliations with some great people who have a tuesday night thing at a bar called "Chalkers" on Marlee in the lawrence and dufferin area.

    Their group is about 3 tables strong, and the people are great. It is the same thing, and has a little more to it involving prizes, and a nicer.

    call me if you want to join us there.

    Josh... sorry to hear about Pearson and thanks for the kind words about Chalkers, any of your gang are welcome to join us there Sundays or Tuesday evenings. There are still 10 tournaments left before our final event to win a trip. Hopefully you'll drop by this evening as well.

    Quad Q's :D
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