Free Free Poker Freeze-out this Tuesday(6th) great time lots of freebies!!

RiverRatJosh here........... :D

My company  :c: :d:"Holdem for Hire" :s: :h: is pleased to run another free poker tourney night at the Econologe Hotel at 6355 Airport Road in Toronto.

The Venue is called the "Pearson Pub". The event has been growing slowly and gaining a core group. We simply bring out premium tables, and dealers to host a fun free poker night in the bar, at no cost to anyone. People come out and eak and drink their faces off, and have a great time.

It provides some exosure to tourney play, and practice that one would not normally get at a cash game. We have also had several people come out and learn the inside and out of the game, and what better than  a live experience. (Read some of the testimonials that show up on this thread from time to time)

People always ask about prizes, and as has been the case, the Gracious owner has always been able to expunge some bar tabs for our winners, as we undertake several small tourneys in one night. AND SOME OF THESE GUYS CAN RING UP A TAB!!. Watch for other special guests and prize giveaways as we always have something cool on the line.

We get started around 7pm, and run unitll midnight or more if it calls for it.

We would love to see new faces out there. Any who have attended feel free to share an opinion and suck some fish into comming to play with us...!!!! :D

comments or questions on this thread will be answered or email me directly at

Read the entire thread for all the details about this Tuesdays event August 31st.


  • lots of people checking out the posting I see,,,,,

    Any bites......

    reply if you think you want to make it out..

  • I went out to this event last week and it was a pretty good time. My girlfriend had Josh's number among everyone elses for most of the night but Josh redeemed himself in the last game. Josh FYI we went to an event on Friday and she placed 2nd in two SNG's so she is on a bit of a roll. Have fun tonight wish I was in the area to play this week.
  • I went to the this Tuesday, I had a great time.
  • It was a good evening for sure, nice to see the two ladies duke it out for 1st for the $100. buy in evdent in June.. Jeff...
  • Thanks for the kind words all.......keep em comming and I am sure the players will do the same!

  • Do you do this any other night of the week?
  • Yes I have a Saturday Night and Sunday night gig in Aurora, and Newmarket respectively.

    Both are multi tabled events, and if you want details let me know.

  • Yes i am interested. Can you please PM me the info? Thanks
  • We are on for Tuesday night, it is confirmed. All who want to come out and give it a try......drop my a lin eon this thread or send me an email to

    It is a no brainer for those who want to play some tourney stlye sit n go's and win modest but practical prizes.


    RiverRatJosh out................
  • Hey Josh....hadn't heard back from you about those tourneys you were thinking of having me at. Let me know. I'll probably drop by one Tuesday night coming up as well to play and give out some prizes....Dave (Witch Doctor Poker)
  • We'd love to have you there on Tuesday. The Thusday night event for Breast cancer, has given me the "No GO" on having you set up there, but I have other events that would love your presence. For example. Sunday May 29th, there is a cash game for 70 or so players in the Jane and steeles area. Not to mention the Tuesday night thing as well as a Saturday night thing in Aurora, and Sunday in Newmarket. Both free bar events, where we publisize New york poker.

    call me on my cell at 647-999-0089

    and we will discuss Tuesday.

  • Sounds good....I will call you on the weekend sometime...I have visitors down until Monday so when I get a chance I'll call you.
  • We are on for Tuesday night the 24th.....


    Anyone who wishes to come out and have some free poker fun simply give me the heads up that you are comming out.

    Location is in the potst above, and so are the details of this event.

    I Also want to see any dealers that wish to have some part time work (2-3) events per week to chose from) to come out and sit in the box for a few minutes. Lets meet, and discuss some great part time stuff. Hey at the very worst you can sit down and play some free poker.

    Reply on this thread,

    See you there.

  • Common dudes, over 300 takers./.
  • I'll be there Josh.... Jeff..
  • Josh, during the week will never work for me. I get up at 4 am and get home at 6:30 or so. I would love to attend a free night of hold em with the g/f but it just can't happen. She gets home about the same time as me so it's just a lost cause. Weekends now is all good.
  • Hey Josh....sorry I haven't got back to you yet...the new business is keeping me very busy plus the new little one I have around the house. I will come out to your next Tuesday night event with some prizes....keep me posted on any other events you are holding at Talk to you soon!!!...Dave
  • No problem, we had fun last night with a full table and three freeze outs. One winner had his bar tab expunged, and then in turn bought the entire group a round...............good times.........

    We look forward to next week and having "The WITCH DOCTOR" present to make things real fun. I already have a gentleman named wayne, (Who won a seat to Robs tourney) asking about how he can get one of your shirts. Consider it sold, unles she wins one of coarse.

  • We are on aagin this tuesday the 31st of may.

    don't be shy. There will be some increased prizing this week.
  • We are on aagin this tuesday the 31st of may.

    don't be shy. There will be some increased prizing this week.

    Yes there will be....

    Bolton Poker will be there, giving away one seat to the June 10th one of the games.....but I'm not going to tell you which one :D

    And while you are there, you can check out the venue downstairs, that is going to be used for the tournament. :D

    See you Tuesday.
  • If You have any questions about this tuesdays special night at the pearson pub post them here or ask the "Man" Rgspence himself.

  • 1 day and counting unitll the big event night at the pearson pub, where we will play out sit n go's where at random one winner will get there entry into Bolton poker's next WSOP event.

    For details about this "No catch" No entry fee evening"

    read through the thread. The first posting has the details.........
  • :s: :d: :c: :h:

    I can finally make it down from Barrie to your event tomorrow night.
    I played in the Bolton Poker April tournament - excellent dealers.
    Should be a great night out - see you there.

  • I was at the game on Tuesday with my buddy. I must say that I learned a lot that day. I was heads up with Josh for the big prize (Bolton WSOP Seat). To be honest, I think Josh outplayed me. As I told him after the game, I think he read me pretty well (say 60-75% of the time). I just got lucky on my final hand with my trip 4s. Anyhow, my buddy and I are going to head up to Aurora for another event Josh runs. Definetely a recommended event to go to for new players and pros.
  • Ohhh the kind words.

    I am a student of the game, and had huge fun heads up "Tofuism"
    I actually felt I lost that lucky game, because of the Open tutorial style with the learner beside me. I pretty much talked you into laying that trap with a little reverse psychology of your own. It is part of the game, and it gave me great pleasure to see that you had a great time, and took it down the way you did.

    Congrats on winning the seat. I look forward to seeing you and your buddy at Charlie fitzwhiskies this Sunday.

  • :s: :d: :c: :h:

    Great night of poker.
    Enjoyed myself, met some new people, learned a few things, and finally won the last game of the evening.
    Anyone looking for an enjoyable and educational poker experience should check out any of Josh's events.
    You can't beat free poker for prizes! :D:D
  • It's true....Josh always throws the best run and enjoyable games around. I'll be back with more prizes to help support Josh on June 14th including our three brand new shirts that will be launching that day!!!! be sure to come by that night as well!!!!
    Great job Josh....keep it up!!!
  • Heads up all we are on for this tuesday, see you there.

    If you always wondered and want to come out please do

    also if anyone wants part time work as a dealers with my company, I have 2-3 events a week that need good people. Pay is good, and our tuesday night gig is a great try out for anyone to come sit in the box for a hand or two and prove their skills.

    Any questions let me know.

  • Tuesday is on!!!

    let the games begin.

    Just giving the thread a bump so that you all can take notice and make it out if you were itchin to play.
  • Tonight is the night for this one......come one come all!!

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