Free Free Poker Freeze-out this Tuesday(6th) great time lots of freebies!!



  • The poker was great and the people even better. Josh and his crew know exactly hat they're doing. We really do need to get a second table going. If only 5 or 6 more people would show up, then we'd really have a game.
  • They were kind of shocked that you left the joint so abrubptly.

    please consider comming out againm just for the hell of it.
    I didn't mean to be rude when I left. I just figured it was going to be quite a while before I saw any cards again and while I'm big on socializing, I'd rather be playing while I do it.

    I'll come back next week work schedule permitting and chill.
  • We still go with one full table for our tuesday night crowd. The game has gotten interesting in the later parts of the night.........

    if you need details just ask..........

    but the crowd is still a nice bunch........and very fishy except you Wayne!
  • Is this running tonight?
  • GG's to everyone.

    Albert is a jerk calling my all in with 82 off and making the boat. :rage:

    Is there no place we can have a $5 or $10 freezeout on Tuesday nights? We obviously have the people to make it happen.
  • Hey pegasus kid, we have dabbled in the 5$ freeze outs at the pearson, but the timming has to be right. The night manager takes off, and some of the bars best customers organize it very quietly.

    when I am there next on Tuesday I will see whats up?
  • This Tuesday is a go!!!!

    The real action starts taking shape about an hour into the free rolls.

    hint hint
  • 99% I will be there this Tuesday barring some emergency or plane crash!!!!! Anyone wants to drop off there deposit for the Poker For A Cause event can do so there. I should be there from 7-9:30.

    Support Josh, he works hard and puts on a great night of poker!!!
  • So, who is coming out this week???
  • Count me in...
    And, I hope to see all the regulars???

    K :c:
  • Can I get one of those magazines that Bill had yesterday? I forgot to take one (were they supposed to be given away?).

    I'll be there to keep Kris from doing anything crazy like winning. :D
  • hey Pegasus Kid...I have them at my place still. If you pick me up tomorrow, we can head down together, and I can give you your copy then.

  • Hi i would love to come to this event but am not sure where it is exactly i will be coming from the east end from the 401. anyone can help me out with directions. thank you
  • sorry just reread and i know where this is now i will be there .
  • I see that the magazine issue has been resolved, but. AJ, could you please bring a few copies with you, I know that Stoneskn would like to grab one. If he shows up??

    See you guys at 7:00,
    K :c:
  • Sure no problem. I have a few copies left. Once they're gone...THEY'RE GONE!!!
  • I can't make it. I have to hit up a BBQ in Sauga. Can someone hold a magazine for me?
  • Yea, I will hold a mag for you Kid. But there goes my ride.

    AC/DC...mind if I tag along with you?? I'll drive, just not sure how to get them from my place. Let me know. Thanks.
  • What are these magazines everyone is talking about. I should be there tonite....just curious!!!
  • We have some left over mags that you supplied to various games/venues. Specifically, the issue that came out just before the 2005 WSOP. Still, there are people who did not get a copy or some who have surplus.

    K :c:
  • Youd think they were playboys r something, these mags!!

    like contraban moving through the general population of c-block!!

    see you tonight, and save me a mag, i will trade you 4 malboro's for it!


    BTW, what time does this start?

    Sorry guys...See you at 7
  • To all of those who didn't make it out to the Pearson tonite.....Josh was kind enough to give a spot to the Poker For a Cause event of mine to the winner of the second game. The first game received a free t-shirt compliments of Doyle's Room and Witch Doctor Poker. Make sure to turn out. I will be back in the next week or two with a bunch of goodies to giveaway. Thanks for another great time Josh and for the generous giveaway!!!
  • Josh, thanks for running a great evening. For being out the first time, I wasn't sure what to expect, but you guys outdid yourselves. Keep up the great work.

    I was the lucky SOB who won the buyin to Witch Doctor's charity tourney, and when I say lucky, I MEAN IT!!! Caught some good cards, and managed to hold onto the chip lead. Doesn't happen nearly enough for me. Now that I'm going to Witch Doctor's show in October, I'm going to be hammering the books and tables as much as possible to tune up my game. Can't hurt right?

    Josh, thanks for hosting a great evening. Hope to see you all again over the upcoming weeks.

  • AJ won the spot? NICE! Congrats man.

    *sigh* I won two freezeouts at the BBQ I hit but I'd much rather have got that damned Witchdoctor spot. Ah well... such is life.
  • Congrats on that win AJ. These events sounds like they're an awesome place to fine tune my skills. Hopefully I will be able to make it out to the next one.
  • Westside, it WAS alot of fun. You should try to make it out next time. Tuesday aren't usually a good night for me starting in the fall, but I will be trying to get out at least once every couple of weeks or so. Great bunch of people, and Josh has done a fantastic job on organizing the event.
  • Kris; you going tomorrow? I think I'll hit it up if I'm not going to see a cheap movie.
  • i'll be there :)
    psst im the quiet spanish guy lol
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