Why this Site Will Eventually Shut Down



  • The absolute best post in this thread is post #59 by AJ.

    Only because Philli took the time to login with both his accounts and like the post.

    Art imitates life.........
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    The absolute best post in this thread is post #59 by AJ.

    Only because Philli took the time to login with both his accounts and like the post.

    Art imitates life.........

    Soon he will be 2 tabling sngs

  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    The absolute best post in this thread is post #59 by AJ.

    Only because Philli took the time to login with both his accounts and like the post.

    Art imitates life.........

    With Milo sandwiched in between... hmmm.
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    You... you do realize just how much is wrong here yes?

    Darb was banned for saying crazy shit about jewish people, not his poker, not his personality (personalities?). If it was about bruising the mod's vaginas I'd have been gone years ago.

    As for talking religion? I'm stating (as well as others) that I disagree with the institution of religion, and the crazy that people do in the name of it. I'm not saying those PEOPLE are inferior / wrong / unnatural / evil etc.

    And your thing about it should not be allowed to talk religion? They tried something similar years ago with censorship around here... didn't take, nor should it, and fuck you kindly for suggesting I shouldn't be allowed free speech.

    Darb was a victim of nothing but his own crazy, and I get a feeling that particular trend is going to continue. As for your return here, welcome back. But can I point out that you tend to refuse to accept anything counter to what you want? Might be a hole in your life game.


    Thank you for the welcome back but I'M not, I only came back to get the above off my chest and also give some people credit for finally admitting some things that I have rightfully stated before. I am all for the freedom of speech buddy as you can tell, so your the only one that can have freedom of speech and no one else?

    I am fighting for people to have free speech and that's why I like you Mark, but you have to do it for the right reasons and not attack people who are trying to accomplish the same things as you.
    It is what it is, but the last part states what's wrong with some of you, I don't counter anything as I am right but some of you refuse to accept that even after countless times of it being proven. It's funny cause it's the same thing about you and Milo.;)

    As for Darb, ya he is not right on some things and a lil nutso but so are you and again no proof has ever been given, it's just your take on what he said cause again you refuse to accept anything anyone else has to say.

    I just want darbday unbanned as it would be the right thing to do as explained in my last post. I actually don't want him to post here really and I don't know if he would even come back if he was.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Uh . . . no. Mark and I, as well as Prophet, GTA, and 800over may disagree about religion in our discussions, but if the worst that happens is that some one is "accused" of being racist or homophobic, that is still a far cry from what Darb did. I will say that I miss his poker comments, but overall his banning was a net gain for this site, as his non-poker thoughts ran to racism, Holocaust denial, and other general assholery. No one mentioned earlier in this post even comes close. Your "free Yoda" tagline is a sick joke. No one, with the possible exception of yourself, has had as much rope with which to hang themselves as he did. Good riddance.

    finally, I doubt if you would recognize a "fact" if it dropped out of the sky and crushed your house.

    LOL, not if the worst happens, it has happened in that thread so thanks for pointing out one of the facts, DUH! no free yoda is not a joke and was/has/is been supported by quite a few others on here cause he has been wronged which plainly can be seen.

    It must be Brampton water..........
  • philliivey wrote: »
    Thank you for the welcome back but I'M not, I only came back to get the above off my chest and also give some people credit for finally admitting some things that I have rightfully stated before. I am all for the freedom of speech buddy as you can tell, so your the only one that can have freedom of speech and no one else?
    It is what it is, but the last part states what's wrong with some of you, I don't counter anything as I am right but some of you refuse to accept that even after countless times of it being proven. It's funny cause it's the same thing about you and Milo.;)

    As for Darb, ya he is not right on some things and a lil nutso but so are you and again no proof has ever been given, it's just your take on what he said cause again you refuse to accept anything anyone else has to say.

    I just want darbday unbanned as it would be the right thing to do as explained in my last post. I actually don't want him to post here really and I don't know if he would even come back if he was.

  • #phillico one time... A steak for philli anyone?

    other than that, philli, your arguments are pitiful....

    # fake giraffes by philli
  • philliivey wrote: »
    Thank you for the welcome back but I'M not, I only came back to get the above off my chest and also give some people credit for finally admitting some things that I have rightfully stated before. I am all for the freedom of speech buddy as you can tell, so your the only one that can have freedom of speech and no one else?

    I am fighting for people to have free speech and that's why I like you Mark, but you have to do it for the right reasons and not attack people who are trying to accomplish the same things as you.
    It is what it is, but the last part states what's wrong with some of you, I don't counter anything as I am right but some of you refuse to accept that even after countless times of it being proven. It's funny cause it's the same thing about you and Milo.;)

    As for Darb, ya he is not right on some things and a lil nutso but so are you and again no proof has ever been given, it's just your take on what he said cause again you refuse to accept anything anyone else has to say.

    I just want darbday unbanned as it would be the right thing to do as explained in my last post. I actually don't want him to post here really and I don't know if he would even come back if he was.

    I like the part where the point blew past you.

    Can you try to see what I mean here? Does any part of my first post to you resonate? Is there POSSIBLY something you didn't read originally or discarded that I might, just MIGHT be talking about? No? Please try... just, just a little. Do it for the children.

  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    The absolute best post in this thread is post #59 by AJ.

    Only because Philli took the time to login with both his accounts and like the post.

    Art imitates life.........

    Not sure if I should be honoured...or insulted.
    Methinks I'll dwell on your intended meaning abit more before I decide to either thank you, or hunt you down.
  • compuease wrote: »
    With Milo sandwiched in between... hmmm.

    I refuse to be the "meat" in a Philli/AJ sammich.
  • philliivey wrote: »
    Thank you for the welcome back but I'M not,


    So, I don't need to spend the arduous hours adjusting my graph. You are the egg-man, sir:

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    I like the part where the point blew past you.

    Can you try to see what I mean here? Does any part of my first post to you resonate? Is there POSSIBLY something you didn't read originally or discarded that I might, just MIGHT be talking about? No? Please try... just, just a little. Do it for the children.


    No point blew by me but it did you, I agree with your stance on the religion thing in your post, other than that you just created the thread for the wrong reasons and everyone including comp knows it was a bad idea and would go nowhere. The real point is people are posting the same stuff as other people before them while those same people bitched and whined. That's what I have a problem with and that's the people who are a joke.

    We all know you don't like anyone else making valid points and you are a hot head like the Kristy day's for example, but we need to stick together and fight the good fight for the right reasons and not against each other as you can see their is not many of us.

    If you want to do a thread and your freedom of speech thing, do one on that stupid article about people not having kids are selfish.
  • philliivey wrote: »
    No point blew by me but it did you, I agree with your stance on the religion thing in your post, other than that you just created the thread for the wrong reasons and everyone including comp knows it was a bad idea and would go nowhere. The real point is people are posting the same stuff as other people before them while those same people bitched and whined. That's what I have a problem with and that's the people who are a joke.

    We all know you don't like anyone else making valid points and you are a hot head like the Kristy day's for example, but we need to stick together and fight the good fight for the right reasons and not against each other as you can see their is not many of us.

    If you want to do a thread and your freedom of speech thing, do one on that stupid article about people not having kids are selfish.

    The real point is people are posting the same stuff as other people before them while those same people bitched and whined.

  • philliivey wrote: »
    No point blew by me, everyone including comp knows it was a bad idea and would go nowhere.

    I did? Thanks for letting me know...>:D
  • philliivey wrote: »
    We all know you don't like anyone else making valid points and you are a hot head like the Kristy day's for example, but we need to stick together and fight the good fight for the right reasons and not against each other as you can see their is not many of us.

    You are so detached from reality its scary.

    Mark is one of the most level headed guys I know. He likes to debate sure, but a "hot head'? Not even close.
  • Lets all be friends.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    You are so detached from reality its scary.

    Mark is one of the most level headed guys I know. He likes to debate sure, but a "hot head'? Not even close.

    No I am all about reality, too bad you guys aren't. Why people get upset and jealous of me and that I tell the truth and stand up for things is and that I am right about things I have no idea.As for Mark, no he flew off the handle against me and others right on this forum but yes it's only a couple of times and hold no ill will towards him for it.
  • philliivey wrote: »
    No I am all about reality, too bad you guys aren't. Why people get upset and jealous of me and that I tell the truth and stand up for things is and that I am right about things I have no idea.As for Mark, no he flew off the handle against me and others right on this forum but yes it's only a couple of times and hold no ill will towards him for it.

    As long as you're not back. This is fucking with my giraffe.

  • Lets all be friends.

    I agree and I am not here for a fight and have shown many occasions to just talk poker or wrasslin, unfortunately as proven yet again in this thread people are just here for a fight and to argue and not let people post their views on things which is why this forum has suffered which is the point of this thread. I could care less about the religion thing and don't really read the thread but I have stated what my problem with it is, nor do I care about this forum closing down tomorrow, there are more important things in life to worry about.

    Instead of just saying I agree or if disagree don't even post then like grown ups instead of just posting bullshit. If you don't like or want to read a certain subject or posts by someone then don't read it.

    Sadly these people are grown men who are acting like this and some with kids which is scary.
  • philliivey wrote: »
    I agree and I am not here for a fight and have shown many occasions to just talk poker or wrasslin, unfortunately as proven yet again in this thread people are just here for a fight and to argue and not let people post their views on things which is why this forum has suffered which is the point of this thread. I could care less about the religion thing and don't really read the thread but I have stated what my problem with it is, nor do I care about this forum closing down tomorrow, there are more important things in life to worry about.

    Instead of just saying I agree or if disagree don't even post then like grown ups instead of just posting bullshit. If you don't like or want to read a certain subject or posts by someone then don't read it.

    Sadly these people are grown men who are acting like this and some with kids which is scary.

    The real point is people are posting the same stuff as other people before them while those same people bitched and whined.
  • philliivey wrote: »
    No point blew by me but it did you, I agree with your stance on the religion thing in your post, other than that you just created the thread for the wrong reasons and everyone including comp knows it was a bad idea and would go nowhere. The real point is people are posting the same stuff as other people before them while those same people bitched and whined. That's what I have a problem with and that's the people who are a joke.

    A: I started a thread about George Zimmerman trial
    B: I did not start the religion discussion therein
    C: Current events is not a bad reason to start threads

    We all know you don't like anyone else making valid points and you are a hot head like the Kristy day's for example, but we need to stick together and fight the good fight for the right reasons and not against each other as you can see their is not many of us.

    D: Not a hot head, potential interest in sidekick tho - submit resume, sizing for tights

    If you want to do a thread and your freedom of speech thing, do one on that stupid article about people not having kids are selfish.

    #stillrmissingthepoints #selfawarenessfail

  • compuease wrote: »
    I did? Thanks for letting me know...>:D

    You knew... but then you forgot... #advancedyears

  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    You are so detached from reality its scary.

    Mark is one of the most level headed guys I know. He likes to debate sure, but a "hot head'? Not even close.

    Don't you dare spread that shit... I will cut you man!

  • philliivey wrote: »
    Sadly these people are grown men who are acting like this and some with kids which is scary.

    I am curious how you think something posted on this site, which amounts to little more than a conversation amongst "virtual" friends, could be an indication of bad parenting?

    Hell . . . I am just as curious as to what qualifies you to make that judgement, as well. Please enlighten us.
  • Milo wrote: »
    I am curious how you think something posted on this site, which amounts to little more than a conversation amongst "virtual" friends, could be an indication of bad parenting?

    Hell . . . I am just as curious as to what qualifies you to make that judgement, as well. Please enlighten us.


    BTW Phili, you never did give us an explanation (or you know, PROOF) that the mods were messing with your account.
  • Did Philli just say people were jealous of him?

  • philliivey wrote: »
    people get upset and jealous of me
    Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Did Philli just say people were jealous of him?

    Yep, yep, he did... Must be you guys, not me..:p
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Did Philli just say people were jealous of him?


    i love this game
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    i love this game

    It's almost like there are multiple parallel universe's..
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