Why this Site Will Eventually Shut Down



  • Enjoy the ride AJ. For the record, I think a LOT of your comments are spot on.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Been lurking this thread since it was created. Darryl's summary expresses my own thoughts that I've had for quite awhile, and those of many others over the past couple of years. PFC is NOT a poker forum...its a social forum that offers poker discussion.

    On any given day, you will find two to three times posts in OTF than all the other subgroups combined. Not that this is a bad thing...all discussions are usually fair, interesting, and can be informative.

    When I first signed up here, the group of regular posters concentrated on POKER, mostly online, and there were many many indepth analysis offered and disputed daily. I found it much more educational and as a new player, found many concepts hard to digest only because of my lack of experience with the game. What I found early on was that new players were often torn to shreds on their requests and often made to feel inadequate in their skills, which I was no doubt, but very little was offered as genuine help. Most of my personal knowledge on this game did NOT come from this site at all, and I think most here would say the same thing. We might start out here, but move on to other sites for education and advise. This forum, as a POKER forum, was and is currently not up to standard imho.

    Not to say there haven't been some gems here. GTA's posts on cash game theory are rock solid, great advise, and BTP and Wetts tournament game successes are proof that this forum does have what it takes to be a very informative and helpful arena. But there is simply more bashing and personal attacks being hurled at each other in these threads that it makes them redundant and readers lose interest in the original questions/answers of the threads.

    I've came to realize some time ago that I will never be as profitable at this game as many of you seem to have been, and I'm okay with that. I still enjoy the game, the theory, and MOST of the people I've come to meet from playing this game. I enjoy live play more than online, and I still would love to play more often. I think my game has come a long way, but it will never be up to par with BTA or Wetts or GTA's or most of the rest of the upper level players here, and I"m still okay with that. But it would be nice to actually make a profit and maintain a level. A concept I had thought I had, but apparently have not.

    It would be great if this forum had more 'training' opportunity other than being thrown to the wolves. It would great to see more coaching in either one to one or in small groups. And it would be great if some of the more successful players here would actually take more time and create vids or threads that concentrated on specific concepts of the game. It will never be a 2+2 environment, but it would go a long way in generating more traffic and increasing the POKER value of this forum.

    Alas, I am most likely talking out of my ass, and its been awhile for me since I last played. Not because I don't want to either. I can't wait until I'm in a position to start up the league again as I very much enjoy the social aspect of the game, and damnit it was fun!! Other than posts in The Hill section here, my forum participation is almost nil over the past few years, but I would enjoy it more if it were more centered on the game rather than on topics not related.

    Will this site crash and burn? I doubt it. Its got a very good solid base of participants who enjoy the social aspects of the group as it is. I doubt if this site will, but it is and has been changing from a POKER forum to more of a YMCA type of thing (something for everyone). I just wish some of the members here would post more strategy related topics rather than "If you have Hate in your heart" or theory of God topics.

    tl;dr don't blame you...i wouldn't have read it all either. just killing time before i head out for a ride

    There have never been many/any serious live cash game players on this site. I am always willing to help anyone who wants to learn or improve in live cash, but it seems there are either no serious players or players that don't want to improve their game. Players that have been playing/posting for years and don't even realize attainable/realistic winrates or how to improve lines in fairly straightforward hands. You can try and teach them over and over or you can just give up and enjoy other aspects of the forum.

    I recall being frustrated with this site back in 2005 or 2006 because noone wanted to learn much about poker. It's probably about the same these days, but poker is less popular and less profitable in most areas so you see a greater degree of disinterest.

    Also, 8 years ago concepts that are now basic strategy/knowledge were not...there was more to talk about. Just look back at some of the strat threads involving AllAces. Strat that was debatable back then is just plain laughable/common knowledge these days, Many aspects of the game are somewhat solved or are at a much higher level to achieve an edge and that does not lend itself as easily to casual discussion.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Urm, I said I was a failed Catholic and, while I am sure they are nice churches, I am not there yet. She works for a sprinkler and fire suppression company.

    Being a Torontonian I can easily say that Calgary provides everything you can find in Toronto with amazing proximity to the mountains and 1/4 the traffic. 1.2 million is a nice size for a city.

    I can also say do not move to Edmonton.

    If you move to Calgary I get to be Mike and you are Worm.
  • I am NOT tattooing an Ace on my forearm . . . but that was a snazzy leather jacket.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Been lurking this thread since it was created. Darryl's summary expresses my own thoughts that I've had for quite awhile, and those of many others over the past couple of years. PFC is NOT a poker forum...its a social forum that offers poker discussion.

    On any given day, you will find two to three times posts in OTF than all the other subgroups combined. Not that this is a bad thing...all discussions are usually fair, interesting, and can be informative.

    When I first signed up here, the group of regular posters concentrated on POKER, mostly online, and there were many many indepth analysis offered and disputed daily. I found it much more educational and as a new player, found many concepts hard to digest only because of my lack of experience with the game. What I found early on was that new players were often torn to shreds on their requests and often made to feel inadequate in their skills, which I was no doubt, but very little was offered as genuine help. Most of my personal knowledge on this game did NOT come from this site at all, and I think most here would say the same thing. We might start out here, but move on to other sites for education and advise. This forum, as a POKER forum, was and is currently not up to standard imho.

    Not to say there haven't been some gems here. GTA's posts on cash game theory are rock solid, great advise, and BTP and Wetts tournament game successes are proof that this forum does have what it takes to be a very informative and helpful arena. But there is simply more bashing and personal attacks being hurled at each other in these threads that it makes them redundant and readers lose interest in the original questions/answers of the threads.

    I've came to realize some time ago that I will never be as profitable at this game as many of you seem to have been, and I'm okay with that. I still enjoy the game, the theory, and MOST of the people I've come to meet from playing this game. I enjoy live play more than online, and I still would love to play more often. I think my game has come a long way, but it will never be up to par with BTA or Wetts or GTA's or most of the rest of the upper level players here, and I"m still okay with that. But it would be nice to actually make a profit and maintain a level. A concept I had thought I had, but apparently have not.

    It would be great if this forum had more 'training' opportunity other than being thrown to the wolves. It would great to see more coaching in either one to one or in small groups. And it would be great if some of the more successful players here would actually take more time and create vids or threads that concentrated on specific concepts of the game. It will never be a 2+2 environment, but it would go a long way in generating more traffic and increasing the POKER value of this forum.

    Alas, I am most likely talking out of my ass, and its been awhile for me since I last played. Not because I don't want to either. I can't wait until I'm in a position to start up the league again as I very much enjoy the social aspect of the game, and damnit it was fun!! Other than posts in The Hill section here, my forum participation is almost nil over the past few years, but I would enjoy it more if it were more centered on the game rather than on topics not related.

    Will this site crash and burn? I doubt it. Its got a very good solid base of participants who enjoy the social aspects of the group as it is. I doubt if this site will, but it is and has been changing from a POKER forum to more of a YMCA type of thing (something for everyone). I just wish some of the members here would post more strategy related topics rather than "If you have Hate in your heart" or theory of God topics.

    tl;dr don't blame you...i wouldn't have read it all either. just killing time before i head out for a ride

    Guess not a good post.

    This is the same thing I was saying for the longest time only to be bashed, also Darbday said the same, so does this mean wetts and yourself are going to be threatened with a ban now? No of course not cause wetts is the golden child around here and you guys are part of the clique.

    Wetts starts this thread then turns around and starts berating people who want to talk poker in a full tilt thread, yup makes sense........... and that's why this forum is failing, I too checked the value of this forum long ago and it was worth thousand's compared to what people have said above about the numbers now that's not good.

    Everyone is too scared to post cause you have people like wetts and GTA bashing people every post they make and mods not doing their jobs. No one wants to post or read the fighting crap, I know I don't and their is quite a few on here that feel the same. I agree when GTA talks poker cash games it's great, it's unfortunate he is a hateful person cause certain aspects of his life did not work out.
  • philliivey wrote: »
    Very good post and pretty much bang on! I feel I should buy you a beer.:)

    This is the same thing I was saying for the longest time only to be bashed, also Darbday said the same, so does this mean wetts and yourself are going to be threatened with a ban now? No of course not cause wetts is the golden child around here and you guys are part of the clique.

    Wetts starts this thread then turns around and starts berating people who want to talk poker in a full tilt thread, yup makes sense........... and that's why this forum is failing, I too checked the value of this forum long ago and it was worth thousand's compared to what people have said above about the numbers now that's not good.

    Everyone is too scared to post cause you have people like wetts and GTA bashing people every post they make and mods not doing their jobs. No one wants to post or read the fighting crap, I know I don't and their is quite a few on here that feel the same. I agree when GTA talks poker cash games it's great, it's unfortunate he is a hateful person cause certain aspects of his life did not work out.

    Which parts of my life didn't work out? I think it's going pretty well.

    I'm hateful? Wat?

  • Oh God... Philli is baaaaack.... Welcome back, we missed you...:)

    Above bolding is for Prophet and Milo.. :)

    lol @ forum is dying... If you knew anything about forum evaluation at all you would know that is not true..
    philliivey wrote: »
    Very good post and pretty much bang on! I feel I should buy you a beer.:)

    This is the same thing I was saying for the longest time only to be bashed, also Darbday said the same, so does this mean wetts and yourself are going to be threatened with a ban now? No of course not cause wetts is the golden child around here and you guys are part of the clique.
    Wetts is the golden child? I thought it was DrTyore? ;) And why would Wetts or STR82ACE be banned? You have some strange ideas.
    philliivey wrote: »
    Wetts starts this thread then turns around and starts berating people who want to talk poker in a full tilt thread, yup makes sense........... and that's why this forum is failing, I too checked the value of this forum long ago and it was worth thousand's compared to what people have said above about the numbers now that's not good. .

    The forum is not dying, if you knew anything about forum evaluation at all you would know that. Of course there is less poker content, same all over. Poker is definitely on the wane. That's why this site shows up a having a lower value. The US position as well as scumtard websites went a long way to doing that.
    philliivey wrote: »
    Everyone is too scared to post cause you have people like wetts and GTA bashing people every post they make and mods not doing their jobs. No one wants to post or read the fighting crap, I know I don't and their is quite a few on here that feel the same. I agree when GTA talks poker cash games it's great, it's unfortunate he is a hateful person cause certain aspects of his life did not work out.
    Same old philli crap...

    Look Philli we know you have been lurking on here all along and would eventually come back... If you want to stay cut the rhetoric and rehashing. It's a new world out there.

    By the way are you still in Barrie? How's the Pepsi job? Always wondered how you would do there...
  • Pepsi? Was there a trade? I heard the rumours but thought they were just that, rumours.

  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    Pepsi? Was there a trade? I heard the rumours but thought they were just that, rumours.


    Damn, did I mess up? Was in Coca-Cola philli worked for not Pepsi.? I must be getting old..
  • philliivey wrote: »
    Very good post and pretty much bang on! I feel I should buy you a beer.:)

    This is the same thing I was saying for the longest time only to be bashed, also Darbday said the same, so does this mean wetts and yourself are going to be threatened with a ban now? No of course not cause wetts is the golden child around here and you guys are part of the clique.

    lol @ the thought darbday was banned for poker discussion #revisionisthistory

  • compuease wrote: »
    Oh God... Philli is baaaaack.... Welcome back, we missed you...:)

    Above bolding is for Prophet and Milo.. :)

    lol @ forum is dying... If you knew anything about forum evaluation at all you would know that is not true..

    Wetts is the golden child? I thought it was DrTyore? ;) And why would Wetts or STR82ACE be banned? You have some strange ideas.

    The forum is not dying, if you knew anything about forum evaluation at all you would know that. Of course there is less poker content, same all over. Poker is definitely on the wane. That's why this site shows up a having a lower value. The US position as well as scumtard websites went a long way to doing that.

    Same old philli crap...

    Look Philli we know you have been lurking on here all along and would eventually come back... If you want to stay cut the rhetoric and rehashing. It's a new world out there.

    By the way are you still in Barrie? How's the Pepsi job? Always wondered how you would do there...

    This post made my day... I am the golden child :)

    Also, anyone notice that the traffic on typewriterfans.com has really dropped off of late?




    looks like i have to revise my giraffe!

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    This post made my day... I am the golden child :)
    Don't get too overexcited.
    Also, anyone notice that the traffic on typewriterfans.com has really dropped off of late?

    And buggywhips.com
  • compuease wrote: »
    And buggywhips.com

    No no, that's on the rise, but for very different reasons....

  • GTA Poker wrote: »

    I need to like this a million more times.... #accountslikefed

  • Sigh will try again. For the several people who have AGAIN said this is not a poker forum.

    Another informal survey of the last 20 threads with posts.

    6 B&M (hint I believe that is where they play poker)
    4 OTL (no poker)
    3 Online (poker)
    2 WSOP (that's the World Series of POKER)
    1 Intro (WTF? A new member of a POKER forum???)
    1 Home Game (shh...I think they were playing poker)
    1 Staking (of poker players. Oh No!)
    1 buy&sell (ruh roh, someone unloading their poker stuff. It's the end of the forum!)
    1 BBV (put your tinfoil hat on, for protection from the poker content)

    Forum trip to Woodstock 43 posts, FOUR HUNDRED AND THIRTY ONE VIEWZ
    Albums that stand the test of time, 47 posts, 287 views.

    Fucking good thing we're not a music forum, cuz that thread about POKER is crushing the music one.

    Perception <<<<<<<<<<< Reality
  • moose wrote: »
    Forum trip to Woodstock 43 posts, FOUR HUNDRED AND THIRTY ONE VIEWZ
    I made half the posts in that thread and I wouldn't say it had much to do about poker. I doubt anyone not involved got much from reading it.

    If anything this supports wetts original point.

    Sent from my SGH-I317M using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  • pkrfce9 wrote: »
    I made half the posts in that thread and I wouldn't say it had much to do about poker. I doubt anyone not involved got much from reading it.

    Ummm you made 3 of the 43, not quite half.. ;)

    If anything this supports wetts original point.

    Sent from my SGH-I317M using Tapatalk 4 Beta

    Don't agree. If you are only going to include posts re hand histories, etc then yes but there is a lot more to poker than that. With your reasoning even on 2+2 by far the majority of posts would not have much to do with poker.
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    This post made my day... I am the golden child :)


    naahh . . . #fishinabarrel
  • Hey it's at least 5 or 6 posts. Going by most of the math skilz used here that's half.

    Sent from my SGH-I317M using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  • pkrfce9 wrote: »
    I made half the posts in that thread and I wouldn't say it had much to do about poker. I doubt anyone not involved got much from reading it.

    If anything this supports wetts original point.

    Sent from my SGH-I317M using Tapatalk 4 Beta

    No it proves people are far more interested in poker here than reading OTL
    People seem to have the perception that OTL generates all the traffic on the Site and nothing could be further from the truth. OTL threads generally appeal mostly to those who are posting in the thread and hold little interest to anyone else. OTL generate a very low ratio of views per post and remember each post will generate a Page view as well.

    This is a POKER forum. Any thread related to poker generates a far higher ratio of views to posts than OTL because, obviously that is what people are here to read.
  • Philli is still on my ignore list, but I just can't help myself to read his content when someone quotes him.

    Philli, the reason you get pissed off is NOT because of your poker knowledge. Its your lack of LIFE knowledge.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Philli is still on my ignore list, but I just can't help myself to read his content when someone quotes him.

    Philli, the reason you get pissed off is NOT because of your poker knowledge. Its your lack of LIFE knowledge.

    LOL what?

    Don't know what you are on about, but I have plenty of life knowledge bud.

    I have never did anything wrong here, never started fights or arguments on here, I am proud for standing up for myself and fighting for the right things cause I have the "life" knowledge to do so.
  • I knew Mark would like that, after all it's something he would say.;)

    LOL at Mark though, Darb was banned for saying the same thing as what wetts and str8 among others are saying here about poker content and also for talking about religion which you are doing right now with others. So if it's allowed (which it should not be) to talk religion here now, Darbday should be unbanned then since he has done nothing wrong and this is 100 percent discrimination which is the real threat to this forum.

    @comp, no you are wrong, I have not been lurking on here all the time, was long period of time that I have not been around at all, so nice try.
    I was not evaluating the forum at all, just going by what people have stated and the facts.
  • Uh . . . no. Mark and I, as well as Prophet, GTA, and 800over may disagree about religion in our discussions, but if the worst that happens is that some one is "accused" of being racist or homophobic, that is still a far cry from what Darb did. I will say that I miss his poker comments, but overall his banning was a net gain for this site, as his non-poker thoughts ran to racism, Holocaust denial, and other general assholery. No one mentioned earlier in this post even comes close. Your "free Yoda" tagline is a sick joke. No one, with the possible exception of yourself, has had as much rope with which to hang themselves as he did. Good riddance.

    finally, I doubt if you would recognize a "fact" if it dropped out of the sky and crushed your house.
  • And I thought this was going to be a boring day. :D

    And agreed Milo, darb stepped waaaay over the line.
  • philliivey wrote: »
    I knew Mark would like that, after all it's something he would say.;)

    LOL at Mark though, Darb was banned for saying the same thing as what wetts and str8 among others are saying here about poker content and also for talking about religion which you are doing right now with others. So if it's allowed (which it should not be) to talk religion here now, Darbday should be unbanned then since he has done nothing wrong and this is 100 percent discrimination which is the real threat to this forum.

    You... you do realize just how much is wrong here yes?

    Darb was banned for saying crazy shit about jewish people, not his poker, not his personality (personalities?). If it was about bruising the mod's vaginas I'd have been gone years ago.

    As for talking religion? I'm stating (as well as others) that I disagree with the institution of religion, and the crazy that people do in the name of it. I'm not saying those PEOPLE are inferior / wrong / unnatural / evil etc.

    And your thing about it should not be allowed to talk religion? They tried something similar years ago with censorship around here... didn't take, nor should it, and fuck you kindly for suggesting I shouldn't be allowed free speech.

    Darb was a victim of nothing but his own crazy, and I get a feeling that particular trend is going to continue. As for your return here, welcome back. But can I point out that you tend to refuse to accept anything counter to what you want? Might be a hole in your life game.

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    As for talking religion? I'm stating (as well as others) that I disagree with the institution of religion, and the crazy that people do in the name of it. I'm not saying those PEOPLE are inferior / wrong / unnatural / evil etc.


    not to quibble (:)) but the anti/non-religious do some pretty fucked up things as well (#Mao, #Stalin, #theAustrianhousepainter).

    Hell, I think darb might even classify himself as non-religious, so he'd be in good company.

  • Milo wrote: »

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