Fuck it! I'm mad as hell.



  • No, I said 'I'm entitled to my opinion' not 'That's my opinion'

    The difference is that I have come to my own conclusion of Darb's personality and I'm not asking anyone to change theirs.
  • Yeah ok...

    slept on it, woke up.. and fuck it, im still pissed.

    Darb is a friend of mine that has given me bankrolls after being busto numerous times, spent hundreds of hours with me and my game.... the fucking guy even bussed me out 3 hours away and took me into his home for christ sake. for TWO entire days all we talked about was poker theory. Im grateful in my poker life ive managed to come across a guy like him. I feel sorry many of you dont want to use his knowledge of the game to better yourselves.

    you people talk about "abilities" and degrade him for playing what you deem to be small stakes.. like, this is a POKER forum, educate yourselves a bit better.

    I know for a fact that some of the BEST players in this country seek out Yoda for advice or coaching on some things, bet u guys didnt know that did you?

    oh, and also just in case you were wondering, over the past 8K games , Darb's ROI is something that has never even been seen before.


    Also, I bet this "micro stakes" player has made more than you this year hasn't he? Yoda would be mad at me for discussing money right now, and money isn't a real thing, so I will come off that.

    Darb is like a free spirit, he doesn't want harm to anyone, he's just a realist and looks at both sides of coins, not just what's in front of us, or taught to us in schools, and I think that's awesome.
  • costanza wrote: »
    I feel sorry many of you dont want to use his knowledge of the game to better yourselves.

    This line of thought disgusts me.

    If an anti-semite offered me a goose that laid golden eggs I'd say "no thanks".

    EDIT: And can we get this bullshit out of my thread please?
  • This line of thought disgusts me.

    If an anti-semite offered me a goose that laid golden eggs I'd say "no thanks".

    EDIT: And can we get this bullshit out of my thread please?

    you spew bullshit in my threads, suck it up sweet heart

    also darb isnt an anti semite
  • costanza wrote: »
    you spew bullshit in my threads, suck it up sweet heart

    also darb isnt an anti semite

    My bullshit was moved out of your bullshit thread, I am asking for the same.

    Your second point has already been disproven whether you want to recognize it or not.
  • My bullshit was moved out of your bullshit thread, I am asking for the same.

    Your second point has already been disproven whether you want to recognize it or not.

    you people saying he's an anti semite tilts the sweet living fuck out of me
  • Some things

    1. I've not said anything (lately) about the quality of his game. That was an old argument, and I don't care about it. It's the quality of person he is that I have contention with, he's a bigot and no graph will show otherwise.

    2. I'm awfully glad he was nice to you, but that doesn't mean he's a nice guy. He has a fucked up view of reality that allows him to justify his own prejudices and hatred, do be careful not to drink that kool-aid.

    3. All of the posts relating to darb of late have consistently mentioned or at the least not disputed his mad poker skills. You're looking for a fight you can win, but we're not even discussing the same topic. You say he's a great player - awesome. I say he's anti-semitic, not awesome. If you're willing to call him a friend because of poker, you're denying the darker part - again, not unlike anyone that said he should be back here. If you're comfortable with that, cool - I'm not. But don't deny it, especially not with darb's "logic".

  • costanza wrote: »
    you people saying he's an anti semite tilts the sweet living fuck out of me

    From wikipedia:

    Antisemitism (also spelled anti-semitism or anti-Semitism) is suspicion of, hatred toward, or discrimination against Jews for reasons connected to their Jewish heritage. A person who holds such views is called an "antisemite".

    From Darbday (thank you GTAPoker):

    The Jews run America

    Again, wish I could link to the offending posts but they've been redacted.

  • How is saying the Jews run america anti semetic????????????????????????????
  • Also from Wikipedia...

    In 2005, the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (now Fundamental Rights Agency), then an agency of the European Union, developed a more detailed working definition, which states: "Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities." It adds "such manifestations could also target the state of Israel, conceived as a Jewish collectivity." It provides contemporary examples of antisemitism, which include: promoting the harming of Jews in the name of an ideology or religion; promoting negative stereotypes of Jews; holding Jews collectively responsible for the actions of an individual Jewish person or group; denying the Holocaust or accusing Jews or Israel of exaggerating it; and accusing Jews of dual loyalty or a greater allegiance to Israel than their own country. It also lists ways in which attacking Israel could be antisemitic, and states that denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g. by claiming that the existence of a state of Israel is a racist endeavor, can be a manifestation of antisemitism – as can applying double standards by requiring of Israel a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation, or holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the State of Israel.[19]

    There can be no argument that he posted a video denying the Holocaust and voiced his approval of it.
  • costanza wrote: »
    How is saying the Jews run america anti semetic????????????????????????????

    You're not this stupid, stop trying for attention and arguments.

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Some things

    1. I've not said anything (lately) about the quality of his game. That was an old argument, and I don't care about it. It's the quality of person he is that I have contention with, he's a bigot and no graph will show otherwise.

    2. I'm awfully glad he was nice to you, but that doesn't mean he's a nice guy. He has a fucked up view of reality that allows him to justify his own prejudices and hatred, do be careful not to drink that kool-aid.

    3. All of the posts relating to darb of late have consistently mentioned or at the least not disputed his mad poker skills. You're looking for a fight you can win, but we're not even discussing the same topic. You say he's a great player - awesome. I say he's anti-semitic, not awesome. If you're willing to call him a friend because of poker, you're denying the darker part - again, not unlike anyone that said he should be back here. If you're comfortable with that, cool - I'm not. But don't deny it, especially not with darb's "logic".


    Less being wrong, moar. Wrestling's reviews;)
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    You're not this stupid,

    That has unfortunately not been disproven.
  • That has unfortunately not been disproven.


    and nice "like" hobbes, ur the one thats been posting retarded shit lately.
  • costanza wrote: »

    and nice "like" hobbes, ur the one thats been posting retarded shit lately.

    You know, I never really have had any animosity towards you in any of your previous incarnations, and don't really even now....but your tendency to troll like a son of a bitch until you get a little slap back and then cry foul like a whiny little bitch is getting tiresome.

    And when I refer to you as a "bitch" I mean no disrespect to all the bitches out there.
  • I'm an equal opportunity "liker" :D
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    I'm an equal opportunity asshole :D

    FYP, because that is what we like about you . . .

    Darb may be the GOAT when it comes to on-line poker, but the measure of a person is in the totality of their being. Darb has some dark and ugly corners to his personality and beliefs. My parents lived through the Occupation . . . trains passed by my Father's farm on a regular basis with people packed in cattle cars. Full cars to the East, empty cars on the return trips.

    It is noble to stick up for your friend, but it is delusion to ignore his flaws.

    Be very careful
  • Im fucking done with this site. everyone is asleep on here. go back to watching your sports and american idol. Keep consuming large amounts of refined sugars, aspartame and fluoride.

    dont question authority.. they like that.

    good luck everyone.. your going to need it.

    Welcome to my ignore list. I've been a member her for more than a decade and I placed my first ignore on somebody posting here a few months ago. I'm now at three in a few months. Statistically this increase must be due to the illimunati's increased activity. It must be true, I read it somewhere on the internet and I want to believe it even though it lacks any credible sources. I also think it's true because it's wild and sensationalistic and whenever I make preposterous and absurd claims that nobody (or very few) are making that must mean that I'm more enlightened and more intelligent the rest. Right?
  • Shtebs wrote: »
    Welcome to my ignore list. I've been a member her for more than a decade and I placed my first ignore on somebody posting here a few months ago. I'm now at three in a few months. Statistically this increase must be due to the illimunati's increased activity. It must be true, I read it somewhere on the internet and I want to believe it even though it lacks any credible sources. I also think it's true because it's wild and sensationalistic and whenever I make preposterous and absurd claims that nobody (or very few) are making that must mean that I'm more enlightened and more intelligent the rest. Right?

    This post has been forwarded for action to the appropriate wardens. Nobody fucks with my shot at Togo, dammit . . . NOBODY.
  • Back to guns anyways. Americans just don't get it.
    A representative for Colorado's Bureau of Investigation's (CBI) InstaCheck Unit told CNBC that firearms background check requests was in the throes of "record setting volume." The day following the Sandy Hook shooting the CBI received a one-day total of 4,154 requests - a new historical peak.
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