Fuck it! I'm mad as hell.



  • Foxrod wrote: »
    Thoughts and prayers go out to the people of Newtown CT...

    Morgan Freeman's statement about these random shootings....

    "You want to know why. This may sound cynical, but here's why.

    It's because of the way the media reports it. Flip on the news and watch how we treat the Batman theater shooter and the Oregon mall shooter like celebrities. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris are household names, but do you know the name of a single victim of Columbine? Disturbed people who would otherwise just off themselves in their basements see the news and want to top it by doing something worse, and going out in a memorable way. Why a grade school? Why children? Because he'll be remembered as a horrible monster, instead of a sad nobody.

    CNN's article says that if the body count "holds up", this will rank as the second deadliest shooting behind Virginia Tech, as if statistics somehow make one shooting worse than another. Then they post a video interview of third-graders for all the details of what they saw and heard while the shootings were happening. Fox News has plastered the killer's face on all their reports for hours. Any articles or news stories yet that focus on the victims and ignore the killer's identity? None that I've seen yet. Because they don't sell. So congratulations, sensationalist media, you've just lit the fire for someone to top this and knock off a day care center or a maternity ward next.

    You can help by forgetting you ever read this man's name, and remembering the name of at least one victim. You can help by donating to mental health research instead of pointing to gun control as the problem."

    a) They're not Morgan Freeman's thoughts.

    b) Murders and even moreso mass murders are covered this way in any country by their media. They just happen in the US way more often because of the ease of access of guns.
  • a) They're not Morgan Freeman's thoughts.

    b) Murders and even moreso mass murders are covered this way in any country by their media. They just happen in the US way more often because of the ease of access of guns.

    Interesting those comments were not from Freeman, but again, with the media the way it is today, not surprising in the least.
    Ask yourself this mole, and again, I'm not into getting into a big debate here. What has changed in the past 20 years? Certainly not access to guns. They've been highly available for 100 years. Yet somehow in the past 20 years....even moreso in the past 10 years these crazy people seem to want to go out and take innocent lives with them. What has changed?
  • The cult of celebrity has increased it's hold. From Honey-Boo-Boo, to Dave Hester, to Omarosa. If you get on TV, even in the most embarassing and ridiculing way, you are somehow a celebrity. So, if you are not getting the attention you think you are due, or you feel the world owes you something, or that you owe the world some payback . . . then doing what what this disturbed young man did becomes a viable option. And for a foreign reference, look to Anders Breivik. Ranting on the interwebz is one thing, but this guy is now a whack-job star.
  • SuperNed wrote: »
    Interesting those comments were not from Freeman, but again, with the media the way it is today, not surprising in the least.
    Ask yourself this mole, and again, I'm not into getting into a big debate here. What has changed in the past 20 years? Certainly not access to guns. They've been highly available for 100 years. Yet somehow in the past 20 years....even moreso in the past 10 years these crazy people seem to want to go out and take innocent lives with them. What has changed?

    You think nothing has changed in the last 20 years? Unreal.

    Sheer numbers alone. The advanced "killability" of the automatic weapons being made today. The change to laws that allow "gun shows" ease of sale rights that stores don't have. And the only gun laws Mr. Anti-Gun president Obama has signed has expanded gun rights.

    EDIT: Sorry, also forgot about the prevalence of on-line ammunition and gun sales....obv a bit different from 20 years ago.
  • You think nothing has changed in the last 20 years? Unreal.

    Sheer numbers alone. The advanced "killability" of the automatic weapons being made today. The change to laws that allow "gun shows" ease of sale rights that stores don't have. And the only gun laws Mr. Anti-Gun president Obama has signed has expanded gun rights.

    EDIT: Sorry, also forgot about the prevalence of on-line ammunition and gun sales....obv a bit different from 20 years ago.

    The advanced 'killability'? Well, considering high powered machine guns themselves have been around in close to their present form for what....70+ years....I think those guns have and always have had plenty of killability.
    Gun shows? Again, you are talking about availability that has been around for decades and decades. You think the laws regarding gun shows were more strict in 1965? I'm guessing back then someone would have had a very easy time of piecing together a military weapon and using it for all sorts of mayhem if the idea was planted in their head and they were in a state of mind that many of the nuts today are.
    As for on-line ammunition and gun sales, you are getting to the point of the problem....the internet and media and what it is doing to society is a major reason why these things are happening....but availability of guns has very little to do with it :-[
  • I could be convinced that open carry is ok if these guys show up.

    Westboro Baptist Church Says It Will Picket Vigil For Connecticut School Shooting Victims

    If true, those Godless scum (I use the term advisedly and literally) will not be allowed within MILES of the funerals . . . it would not be the first time that officialdom, and decent citizens, conspired to thwart them. Hell (see bracket above), we might even see some sort of biblical excoriation of the congregation.
  • ok here is another nice tid bit of info about the shooting.

    Sandy Hook is reference and shown in the batman movie which we all know how that ended on opening night.. look where he is pointing in the pictures!



    oh ya, and in a PREVIEW for the batman movie was this..

    this is NOT a coincidence. ...
    Illuminati code for conduct mandates that they must place warnings of upcoming events. They don't have to be particularly clear, but they must be there.

    guys what more proof do you need it was a psy-op just like the batman shooting and many others.

    (this is not photoshoped - go watch the bluray yourself)

    I am not trying to inflame a terrible day but the truth is more important hence why I also tell everyone on the dangers of fluoride, aspartame etc
  • I could be convinced that open carry is ok if these guys show up.

    Westboro Baptist Church Says It Will Picket Vigil For Connecticut School Shooting Victims

    When people ask me what denomination I am, I usually say Baptist. I might have to clarify that after reading this article. There is a hi lite portion that says God sent the shooter. These people are insane.
  • SuperNed wrote: »
    The advanced 'killability'? Well, considering high powered machine guns themselves have been around in close to their present form for what....70+ years....I think those guns have and always have had plenty of killability.

    If you were going to make the most accurate and powerful gun you possibly could tomorrow, would you use a metal lathe from 1950 or 2012?
  • If you were going to make the most accurate and powerful gun you possibly could tomorrow, would you use a metal lathe from 1950 or 2012?

    Either would be sufficient for my mad skillz :)
  • ok here is another nice tid bit of info about the shooting.

    Sandy Hook is reference and shown in the batman movie which we all know how that ended on opening night.. look where he is pointing in the pictures!



    oh ya, and in a PREVIEW for the batman movie was this..

    this is NOT a coincidence. ...
    Illuminati code for conduct mandates that they must place warnings of upcoming events. They don't have to be particularly clear, but they must be there.

    guys what more proof do you need it was a psy-op just like the batman shooting and many others.

    (this is not photoshoped - go watch the bluray yourself)

    I am not trying to inflame a terrible day but the truth is the more important hence why I also tell everyone on the dangers of fluoride, aspartame etc also.

    Conspiracy theory and illuminati code....this is really getting bizarre ???
  • SuperNed wrote: »
    Conspiracy theory and illuminati code....this is really getting bizarre ???

    whats bizarre sir is a list thats getting VERY long now with oddities and inconsistencies of both the Aurora and SH shootings.

    this is just like asking tough questions about 9/11.... people will call you un-patriotic and such even though a good majority of the victims families are asking these same questions and getting no where. just because I am pointing things out about these events doesnt mean I dont care that people were killed. thats very unfortunate.

    But I also strive to learn all I can about something that may effect my life. 9/11 affects my life due to constricting of liberties and increased monitoring/police state.

    and now these events may have a trickle down effect also (will for sure to amerikans)

    another sandy hook reference to dark knight! wow..
  • OK, guys, PERHAPS YOU WEREN'T LISTENING! Moved inappropriate posts to this thread... Continue your stupid illuminati shit here if you wish. have at it...
  • (this is not photoshoped - go watch the bluray yourself)

    You put this in a parentesis? If you want to talk conspiracy in a sensative thread for some reason at least confirm the material yourself first
  • compuease wrote: »
    OK, guys, PERHAPS YOU WEREN'T LISTENING! Moved inappropriate posts to this thread... Continue your stupid illuminati shit here if you wish. have at it...

    So you're going to move that shit into my gun control thread? Thanks a lot. (note no smiley)

    And the discussion of gun control in relation to the tragedy is well underway, why is it not allowed there?
  • so ya... ' fuck it, I'm mad as hell' as well.
  • So you're going to move that shit into my gun control thread? Thanks a lot. (note no smiley)

    And just where should I have moved it all... Just delete it? Then the rest of the conspiracy theorists would think I was part of the illuminati...

    And all note, NO SMILEY from me either...

    Back to promoting more guns, conspiracies, lathes, etc... Or if you prefer start another thread on illuminati conspiracies for the wack jobs..
  • Richard~ wrote: »
    You put this in a parentesis? If you want to talk conspiracy in a sensative thread for some reason at least confirm the material yourself first
    umm.. i did?
  • Im fucking done with this site. everyone is asleep on here. go back to watching your sports and american idol. Keep consuming large amounts of refined sugars, aspartame and fluoride.

    dont question authority.. they like that.

    good luck everyone.. your going to need it.
  • Im fucking done with this site. everyone is asleep on here. go back to watching your sports and american idol. Keep consuming large amounts of refined sugars, aspartame and fluoride.

    dont question authority.. they like that.

    good luck everyone.. your going to need it.


    edited... and the inmates here certainly question authority.. ;)
  • Im fucking done with this site. everyone is asleep on here. go back to watching your sports and american idol. Keep consuming large amounts of refined sugars, aspartame and fluoride.

    dont question authority.. they like that.

    good luck everyone.. your going to need it.

    lol u like big bang theory, your opinons are worthless

  • umm.. i did?

    then prove it, or did you expect all of us to source check your things ourselves?

    Once you've done that we can move on to my second question, what made you deem it fit to bring your speculations into a thread about facts rather than creating one of your own? Was that really the most tactful way to go about it?
  • Neverlookback your an idiot, I've wanted to say that for soooo long now.
    Good ridens you won't be missed.
  • Vamooooooo piggy
  • These people are insane.

    On this we can agree.

    Other thoughts:

    I like Big Bang Theory also.

    WTF is going on in London? They all cray cray

  • costanza wrote: »
    lol u like big bang theory, your opinons are worthless


    BBT is the stone nutz iirc LULz gg ul .... pwned.

  • reibs wrote: »
    BBT is the stone nutz iirc LULz gg ul .... pwned.


  • DrTyore wrote: »
    On this we can agree.

    Other thoughts:

    I like Big Bang Theory also. Mark

    Meaning what? You are entitled to an opinion no matter what that opinion is. You entitled to say that you are right and everyone else is wrong and I applaud you for that, but there are other opinions and there are others who think they are the one who are right and you are the one who is wrong.

    Time will tell.
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