Fuck it! I'm mad as hell.



  • Why do ppl take other ppl's views so literally and take such offense to differences of opinion?
  • Edit: removed slanderous quote at Milo's request.

    Im kinda shocked that you would say this Johnnie. Not cool IMO.
  • Yeah . . . maybe a little over the line, as I was only referring to how "touchy" he would get when called out for his BS. I will delete, if you will, JH, in the interests of avoiding the distraction.
  • well, that escalated quickly
  • And besides,

    Yoda would have said none of the kids were Jewish because the Jews orchestrated it.

  • Meaning what? You are entitled to an opinion no matter what that opinion is. You entitled to say that you are right and everyone else is wrong and I applaud you for that, but there are other opinions and there are others who think they are the one who are right and you are the one who is wrong.

    Time will tell.

    Meaning I agree when you say the westboro baptist church people are insane.

    Pump the break there big fella.

  • Fine, I deleted my post, but I still still think Darb is a anti-Semitic douchbag.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Fine, I deleted my post, but I still still think Darb is a anti-Semitic douchbag.

    you guys are fucking low lifes to say something so offensive about someone that can't even defend himself

    also your thoughts on him are completely wrong and you should all be ashamed of yourselves

    johnnie you are fucking disgusting for saying that shit about yoda, that is insane.

    You get mad at me for being slanderous towards gays (lol) and yet you can be that opinionated about Darb? The fuck is wrong with you?

    (yes I saw what you actually wrote btw)

    fucking biggots ITT and OTS

  • I concur, but no need to go off on a tangent.

    Reibs, could i ask you to remove the quote, in the interest of amity?
  • and you fuckers can go along "liking" posts here and posts there , it just shows how stupid you all are
  • Milo wrote: »
    I concur, but no need to go off on a tangent.

    Reibs, could i ask you to remove the quote, in the interest of amity?

    no, go fuck yourself

    everyone should see the blasphemy
  • Any sort of political or human rights issue that gets posted on this site always leads to fire works because people have the most insane ego's ever on this site

  • You know, sometimes I wonder whether it's you, or Darb "borrowing" your account, when you post crap like that. "Blasphemy"? Really?!? When did they canonize the little racist twit? Childish? Perhaps . . . Churlish? Definitely . . . but blasphemy? As the great Inigo Montoya would say . . . I do not think that word means what you think it does.
  • Sorry for my remarks, peeps. It was a cheap shot, and uncalled for. My bad.

    I'm entitled to my opinion. I'm not going look past Darb's anti-Semitic posts because he is a decent mirco-online-limits poker player. Maybe he is decent guy, but I can only go on what he chose to put up here.

    Not that it matters, as he is gone and CPF is all the better for it.
  • costanza wrote: »
    You get mad at me for being slanderous towards gays (lol) and yet you can be that opinionated about Darb? The fuck is wrong with you?

    The difference is that you use homophobic slurs like 'gay' and 'homos' in place of other negative words. You shouldn't paint anything negative with the same brush like that. Why not say "ridiculous" or "ass-hat"?

    My 'bigotry' is towards Darb is ONLY toward him. I don't think all pot-smoking West Coasters are like him. I'm sure most of them are VERY different.

    Or at least I hope so.
  • How come you guys are so "biggoted" towards old guys? :)

    And I think that costanza doesn't understand the difference.
  • Im gunna just say this:

    I have never met Darb. Never even spoke to him on the phone. Don't know what he looks like. I also never really read too much into his ranting threads after a bit.

    However, I chat with him frequently, and he has done nothing but helped me with anything I ask - poker related or not. The guy is straight up a nice dude.

    Obviously, his views are different than most, but has he really hurt anyone here? Johnnie, has he hurt you in some way? Have you spoke with the guy? Has he threatened you or your family? I get that you feel his views are racist. He doesn't agree, and quite frankly I haven't seen anything that has hate in it (towards a certain race) from him, so I don't agree either (maybe my idea of racism is different than yours though). So lets leave it at that, shall we? Or maybe everyone enjoys wasting their lives arguing on the interwebz? This place is supposed to be for learning and I haven't seen any of that anywhere lately. Just a bunch of bitchy old farts in every single thread. Until it gets closed of course.

    From what I see of him, hes the least likely of any of us to be racist. But obviously this is just me following my "cult" :D:D:D

    (notice the cheesey smilies)

    Oh and I love all the "rec players" pointing out that Darb is crushing "micro-limit-sngs" lol..... do some research and you will see hes crushing all the 180s nowadays.
  • I think darb and I went tete a tete the most.

    He is racist, several videos he posted were holocaust denying. He actually was quoted saying something along the lines of "Jews run America". He did attack me personally (I never complained about it though, I like to argue) and said it was because I was bullying him, and when I legit tried to ask him some things about his situation he was evasive and played the role of the victim.

    When he was finally banned, it was the right, if belated, decision. Then there was a hue and cry to have his ban lifted, suggestions that he only be allowed to post in the strategy sections. Costanza and yourself Reibs have a tagline saying something similar.

    And all of it is sickening.

    I am disgusted that anyone would suggest keeping someone who spreads such hate around because he happens to be pretty good at something that for the majority of us is a fucking hobby. How goddamn selfish can you be? That's like saying "Well, I know he's a pedophile, but he is just so good at the company softball games, we will keep him on staff here at school"

    I've said many times that there should not be censorship as to why someone was banned, that there should even be threads outlining what they did. The fact that reibs here doesn't know what occurred suggests it may be a good idea.

  • reibs wrote: »
    Oh and I love all the "rec players" pointing out that Darb is crushing "micro-limit-sngs" lol..... do some research and you will see hes crushing all the 180s nowadays.
    Let'd get something straight, this has NOTHING to do with anyones' poker "abilities", not even a factor.. Who cares? Their are a lot more successful "rec" players on here than darb but again, who gives a f***, that's not the issue, it was his constant "attitude" and refusal to at least "somewhat" conform to reasonable standards that did him in... He refused to cooperate with requests multiple times... Just too much maintenance imo...
  • I don't think he'll come back even if the ban was lifted. He's probably moved on to another forum.
  • I don't think he'll come back even if the ban was lifted. He's probably moved on to another forum.
    lol, likely here.

    Perspectives • View forum - Government (radical)
  • compuease wrote: »
    Let'd get something straight, this has NOTHING to do with anyones' poker "abilities", not even a factor.. Who cares? ...
    JohnnieH wrote: »
    I'm not going look past Darb's anti-Semitic posts because he is a decent mirco-online-limits poker player.

    Oh? But no one cares about "abilities" right?

    Im not saying his banning had anything to do with "abilities" but Johnnie is still taking cheap shots at someone who cannot defend himself.
    JohnnieH wrote: »
    I'm entitled to my opinion.

    Wait, What? You are entitled to post slanderous opinions about Darb? Isn't that a bit ironic......
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    When he was finally banned, it was the right, if belated, decision. Then there was a hue and cry to have his ban lifted, suggestions that he only be allowed to post in the strategy sections. Costanza and yourself Reibs have a tagline saying something similar.

    And all of it is sickening.

    I am disgusted that anyone would suggest keeping someone who spreads such hate around because he happens to be pretty good at something that for the majority of us is a fucking hobby. How goddamn selfish can you be? That's like saying "Well, I know he's a pedophile, but he is just so good at the company softball games, we will keep him on staff here at school"

    No what I am suggesting is that he is not racist, from the conversation we have had and what I have read on here. The videos he was posting were out of hand, I agree with that - but mostly cus of the amount of threads he started on the same stuff and that. And I dont think PFC is the place to discuss such topics.

    I dont know how it all went down (the banning between comp and him), but I know there was a lot of "poking" from pretty much all of you, which likely lead to him posting more stuff.

    What I was hoping for in the past (and still now) is that we could all get along, and Darb could come back and improve the PFC community. There is no questioning that his input is appreciated, if he stayed on topic. Obviously we cannot partially ban someone from certain areas of the forum... thats silly. Its up to him to refrain from posting holocaust stuff and that. Personally I dont wanna see any of it here, whether he believes in it or not, or if its hateful or not. Regardless, Im not here to read that stuff.

    What I want is him and Comp to talk and come to an agreement of some kind that allows yoda back into pfc.... And for him to stay on topic.

    Lastly, I know its a fucking hobby for you Mark, but some of us would like to learn and excel at the things we do, even if its a hobby. Besides that, there are minimum 5-6 ppl on pfc that play for a living that I know of. Not incl our resident pro. >:D

    Edit: and Mark your comparison is not valid... I dont agree that he is racist, so comparing him against a known pediphile is ridiculous
  • reibs wrote: »
    No what I am suggesting is that he is not racist, from the conversation we have had and what I have read on here. The videos he was posting were out of hand, I agree with that - but mostly cus of the amount of threads he started on the same stuff and that. And I dont think PFC is the place to discuss such topics.

    I dont know how it all went down (the banning between comp and him), but I know there was a lot of "poking" from pretty much all of you, which likely lead to him posting more stuff.

    What I was hoping for in the past (and still now) is that we could all get along, and Darb could come back and improve the PFC community. There is no questioning that his input is appreciated, if he stayed on topic. Obviously we cannot partially ban someone from certain areas of the forum... thats silly. Its up to him to refrain from posting holocaust stuff and that. Personally I dont wanna see any of it here, whether he believes in it or not, or if its hateful or not. Regardless, Im not here to read that stuff.

    What I want is him and Comp to talk and come to an agreement of some kind that allows yoda back into pfc.... And for him to stay on topic.

    Lastly, I know its a fucking hobby for you Mark, but some of us would like to learn and excel at the things we do, even if its a hobby. Besides that, there are minimum 5-6 ppl on pfc that play for a living that I know of. Not incl our resident pro. >:D

    Edit: and Mark your comparison is not valid... I dont agree that he is racist, so comparing him against a known pediphile is ridiculous

    You don't think he's racist, but you agree he needs to not post anti-semitic videos and opinions.

    Explain to me how that's not pulling a Paterno? We discuss everything here, always have. The majority of the frequent posters have met, socialize together, and respect one another's opinions (maybe not mine). This site isn't the go to for poker strategy, never will be. It's a close community, and darb is thankfully no longer part of it. Let him go be his burnout self.

    Further edit: If anyone gets poked at it's costanza and to a degree myself, I never resort to being a bigoted ass, and costanza overall at least is just a bit of a bitch about things (and he's been called out on the "gay" thing).

    ALSO if you don't understand the difference between Johnnie calling out darbday - a single person with a demonstrated history of hate speech - vs others painting an entire population with a derogatory brush and nothing substantial to justify it, you really excel at delusional thinking.

    Your opinion he's not a racist? Great, I've already made a statement about opinions in the other thread - there comes a point when it stops being an opinion and it's fact or fiction. Darb's anti-semetic and no amount of his convoluted bullshit will change that fact.

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    You don't think he's racist, but you agree he needs to not post anti-semitic videos and opinions. I agreed that no one should be posting any holocaust anything. Be it anti/pro whatever. Its not the place imo anyways.

    Explain to me how that's not pulling a Paterno? We discuss everything here, always have. The majority of the frequent posters have met, socialize together, and respect one another's opinions (maybe not mine). Yes I have met most of the freq posters here in KW area too. Most are great people from what I have seen. This site isn't the go to for poker strategy, never will be. Why not make it one though? I don't get it. Its a P-O-K-E-R forum! Why would we not want the poker part of it to grow - or any section of it for that matter? Darb was 100% correct in saying that all the "big names" that were here in the past have left. The reason is simple, but from this statement, its obvious that you are oblivious to it. It's a close community, and darb is thankfully no longer part of it. Let him go be his burnout self. I have an idea... if you want it to be a "close-nit" community, rename it KWpantlessguyparties.ca or something. Its a shame that you see it this way.

    Further edit: If anyone gets poked at it's costanza and to a degree myself, I never resort to being a bigoted ass please save us all the effort of correcting this, and costanza overall at least is just a bit of a bitch about things (and he's been called out on the "gay" thing) - and this sort of thing would get you fired at my work and most other places of work in NA in 2012. If Costanza was gay, it shouldnt matter. He can post pics of whatever rappers he wants as long as hes not breaking pfc rules. "Calling him out for being gay" isnt allowed in society anymore, why is it on here?

    ALSO if you don't understand the difference between Johnnie calling out darbday - a single person with a demonstrated history of hate speech - vs others painting an entire population with a derogatory brush and nothing substantial to justify it, you really excel at delusional thinking.

    Your opinion he's not a racist? Great, I've already made a statement about opinions in the other thread - there comes a point when it stops being an opinion and it's fact or fiction. Darb's anti-semetic and no amount of his convoluted bullshit will change that fact.


    see bolded replies. Back to work now.
  • So...

    1. You want to censor the off topic lounge? You don't think it should be there? It's clearly one of the more popular areas. Everything is fair game here, and that's how it should be... free speech and what not. I even discussed with compuease my issues with shutting down the shooting thread and my reasoning why he shouldn't have. We're still cool.

    2. It is unrealistic to think this site will ever become the top poker site on the internet. There's not enough members, expertise, and quite frankly interest in poker anymore. The pros will stay where they are, and the rest of us will do the same. There's niches for places like this, and frankly I prefer the smaller community feel. I'm neither stupid or oblivious, let's assume that from now on, and I'll assume you're not naive.

    3. I dont think KWpantslessguyparties is taken, I'd join that forum

    4. I don't quite understand the comment about correcting the fact that I'm not being a bigoted ass.

    5. The whole costanza gay thing? You're misreading it. He's been called out on using the term "gay" as a derogatory label to actions and people. Costanza is not, AFAIK gay, and if he was, well, I'm sure anyone that's met me knows I'd not much care. Do try and be aware of the situations before you comment on them.

    6. I note that you didn't mention anything about the distinction between darbday further. I hope that's a sign you now have recognized the difference in what Johnnie did (I don't think he should have deleted his post, and I think it's kinda a pleasant surprise mine didn't get any attention - though that just may be because I'm on ignore) and what Darb did. I hope he gets the help he clearly needs, or matures and realizes his various issues. I don't want him back here though.

  • DrTyore wrote: »

    1. You want to censor the off topic lounge? You don't think it should be there? It's clearly one of the more popular areas. Everything is fair game here, and that's how it should be... free speech and what not. I even discussed with compuease my issues with shutting down the shooting thread and my reasoning why he shouldn't have. We're still cool.

    Censorship within reason? I dunno, I don't claim to have the answer. Off topic lounge is good, but I don't think holocaust videos belong in a poker forum, no matter what section its under.... I do like free speech and what not, but this is a forum owned by someone who has the right to not allow this stuff. Unfortunately, forums do not invite free speech, because you are broadcasting said speech on their site. We learned this when Darb got banned. If free speech were allowed, Darb would still be here.

    2. It is unrealistic to think this site will ever become the top poker site on the internet. There's not enough members, expertise, and quite frankly interest in poker anymore. The pros will stay where they are, and the rest of us will do the same. There's niches for places like this, and frankly I prefer the smaller community feel. I'm neither stupid or oblivious, let's assume that from now on, and I'll assume you're not naive.

    Never said I wanted it to be THE top poker site. But I dont get your "wanting to keep it small" thing. I assume the owner of the site would disagree with this and wouldnt appreciate your efforts to keep it this way, but maybe im wrong. I know this site will never get the traffic of 4. Its a completely different animal. Like not even close. But why cant we grow? Why would you not want to get skilled people posting here to improve all of our games? If you want a small group of locals to remain local, then have a section in the forum for KW players to discuss whatever (if it ever grew i mean).

    3. I dont think KWpantslessguyparties is taken, I'd join that forum

    4. I don't quite understand the comment about correcting the fact that I'm not being a bigoted ass.

    More or less I think you are an ass.... :) We will leave the rest alone for now.

    5. The whole costanza gay thing? You're misreading it. He's been called out on using the term "gay" as a derogatory label to actions and people. Costanza is not, AFAIK gay, and if he was, well, I'm sure anyone that's met me knows I'd not much care. Do try and be aware of the situations before you comment on them.

    Sorry I did misread, I thought we were talking about the fact that people are relating him posting lots of pics of rappers to him being gay? Cus thats beyond stupidity imo. Wasn't refering to costanza using derogatory gay slang, cus I dont approve of that either (even though I am guilty from time to time myself, but working to change that).

    6. I note that you didn't mention anything about the distinction between darbday further. I hope that's a sign you now have recognized the difference in what Johnnie did (I don't think he should have deleted his post, and I think it's kinda a pleasant surprise mine didn't get any attention - though that just may be because I'm on ignore) and what Darb did. I hope he gets the help he clearly needs, or matures and realizes his various issues. I don't want him back here though.

    No I still disagree with you and I dont like what Johnnie wrote. It shouldn't matter what I feel about darbday's opinions. I don't think its right to say what JH said - Thats my opinion. Like you said, no amount of convoluted crap will change your opinion.... So Im gunna just ignore this part cus we will never agree.

    Its fine that you dont want him back here. I'm sure LOTS of people don't like you either. Good thing you don't make the rules.

  • I'm very sure lots of people don't like me

    But I'm also very sure that it's because of my arrogance and sarcasm, or as you said an ass - a label I understand completely. But when I do contribute, I attack ideas and instigate arguments - which I do like. While I'll not claim to never take a shot at a person themselves, I do believe it or not try not to. You'll rarely hear me attack characteristics of a person (weight, looks, etc), but I'll rip you a new one if I think your thought processes or opinions are screwy.

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