Fuck it! I'm mad as hell.

I don't care what the stop watch says since the shooting this morning.

I don't care what the supposed "grace" period is for discussing the topic at hand.

And no offense Comp, but I don't care right now if you think it's appropriate or not for us to discuss gun violence, or not at this time.

As a great man once said, "If not us, who? If not now, when?"

If you must, just pretend I'm not speaking about this gun tragedy. Maybe I'm talking about the 7 year old boy that was killed last week by his own father in the parking lot of a Pennsylvania gun shop as the man was getting back into his car supposedly unaware the gun was even loaded.

Ok, that's just an unfortunate accident...it's not like harsher gun control is going to prevent accidents from happening.

Well maybe I'm talking about the white supremacist that walked into the Sikh temple and opened fire on the worshippers killing 6 before turning the gun on himself a couple weeks after the Dark Knight Rises shootings.

But, he's just some "wacko" with hate in his heart and something in him snapped to make that happen. Besides he probably got the gun illegally so it's not like stiffer gun laws would have affected him in any way. Funny stat about mass shootings with illegal guns...


Or maybe I'm talking about the recent fatal shooting of a 17 year old girl and wounding of a 22 year old boy by their 23 year old friend. This one just happened to occur about 20 minutes from my house a couple weeks ago....THIS IS NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN NEAR MY COMMUNITY! This guy was not a "loony" or "nutbar" as we like to describe everyone that uses a gun to take a life, but just a regular kid that couldn't control his temper or hormones and had access to a gun. He didn't use a knife that was in the house, or an axe that was in the garage, or even a shovel or frying pan. He left the house to get a gun, came back and did his deed.

And that is all I'm talking about. The ease of access to guns in the US is now creeping into my personal space and I have had far more than enough to be worried about political correctness....especially when I know I am correct.


  • Hey I have no issue you or anyone else discussing gun control, capital punishment or sex with goats, but what I object to is lumping todays tragedy in with that discussion while it is so fresh. You know where that thread was going to end up, we all do.. I did not feel like having to mediate at this time..

    And if you are really mad, you are getting mad at the wrong person..;)

    And for the record I am for stronger gun control (especially in the US), I am for capital punishment, I am neutral on the 3rd item.>:D

    Oh, and I am not a great man, are you?
  • bah humbug
  • costanza wrote: »
    superned wrote: »
    bah humbug

  • I'm not sure what to say here. I 100% see why Mole sees the need to discuss the issue of gun control right now. It's completely relevant.

    I also 100% see why Comp sees the need to keep that discussion away from the events of today even though it's completely relevant. People need to digest a bit first. It's awe inducing and absolutely horrible in an inhumane fashion.

    I absolutely agree that gun control in the US is 100% necessary, but unlikely. The sad thing today in particular and on many other days is that many of the victims of the crimes aren't of legal age to vote on such issues. This has been overflowing into Canada and many other countries for decades.

    I will never agree that capital punishment is a solution. It's a proven fact that the severity of sentencing has no bearing in recidivism or the commission of a crime. Rather, the certainty of apprehension and successful prosecution that prevents crime. At no time, in my opinion, should a government kill someone to show others that killing is wrong. It shouldn't exist in legislation. If I want to do it myself and pay legal consequences, I'll deal with that myself.

    Costanza, try spoken language. The internet cut and paste shit is lame, non- communicative and ineffective. Most of the time I have no clue what the fuck you're talking (not talking) about. It's just not right today either.

    Whatever.gif away if you feel it necessary.
  • I'm not sure what to say here. I 100% see why Mole sees the need to discuss the issue of gun control right now. It's completely relevant.

    I also 100% see why Comp sees the need to keep that discussion away from the events of today even though it's completely relevant. People need to digest a bit first. It's awe inducing and absolutely horrible in an inhumane fashion.

    Costanza, try spoken language. The internet cut and paste shit is lame, non- communicative and ineffective. Most of the time I have no clue what the fuck you're talking (not talking) about. It's just not right today either.
    I agree with all three paragraphs above... Remember the children...
    I have 2 grandchildren who are traumatized tonight after hearing about this.. The rest are too young and were shielded... Those in Connecticut were not...
  • Costanza, try spoken language. The internet cut and paste shit is lame, non- communicative and ineffective. Most of the time I have no clue what the fuck you're talking (not talking) about. It's just not right today either.

    Whatever.gif away if you feel it necessary.

  • Thoughts...

    I was running late for an outing just as I got the thread locked - I was pretty pissed off that that got locked down, and disagree with the call - but me and Dad PM'd and will chat about that later

    HM you should be mad, we all should be mad. I have to say - as much as it may pain me to do so - that I'm most impressed by Milo. His statement in the other thread that he agrees with some of the gun measures that had previously been mentioned (keep them at a club vs in private possession) is something I'm proud to see him do.

    HM again - you stealing my lines too? ;)

    Costanza - IIRC correctly you told me a few months back when you and I met that you were trying to mature and be a different / better person. I've watched you with all these gifs of late, and even with the general tone you take in threads. I hope you recognize that you are passive-aggressively antagonizing, being just vague enough to deny that you were basically shit disturbing. If you were ever serious about maturing - recognize what you're doing and the reasons behind it. If not, own it at least and drop the facade of trying.

  • DrTyore wrote: »

    Costanza - IIRC correctly you told me a few months back when you and I met that you were trying to mature and be a different / better person. I've watched you with all these gifs of late, and even with the general tone you take in threads. I hope you recognize that you are passive-aggressively antagonizing, being just vague enough to deny that you were basically shit disturbing. If you were ever serious about maturing - recognize what you're doing and the reasons behind it. If not, own it at least and drop the facade of trying.


    You do IIRC correctly , for sure ... I don't know why I've been so trolly lately...

    I guess I keep being poked by sticks, and act out in a way that is somehow expected of me? Im not sure, but there is some sort of psychological imbalance going on with my posts for sure, I need to fix it.

    Not sure why im lashing out at people unprovoked. shits wack.

    I need to balance my brain range , and hopefully i can get back on the right track.

    /end thread derail.
  • costanza wrote: »
    You do IIRC correctly , for sure ... I don't know why I've been so trolly lately...

    I guess I keep being poked by sticks, and act out in a way that is somehow expected of me? Im not sure, but there is some sort of psychological imbalance going on with my posts for sure, I need to fix it.

    Not sure why im lashing out at people unprovoked. shits wack.

    I need to balance my brain range , and hopefully i can get back on the right track.

    /end thread derail.

    You have been provoked, but part of being a big boy is not letting that start you to act like a dick. Stop it.

  • Mark the change you mentioned is not one of enlightenment, or whatever else you may call it. Simply put, it is the age old trope of any parent . . . if you cannot play properly, you cannot play at all.
    I am just tired of seeing the usual suspects drag out the same tired arguments every time something like this occurs. The "usual solutions" have not worked, so lets try something new. There is no "logical" need for a Bushmaster to be in private hands. It is not designed for hunting, and is inefficient for home defense (unless we're talking zombie apocalypse). The only reason to have it is "because", and every child knows that "because" is not a good enough reason. The handguns, at least, make a little more sense in terms of "why", but even there, the issue becomes safe storage. Put a trigger lock on those things, and no one gets shot with them. So again, it all comes down to, "if you do not respect your toys, you will not be allowed to play with them." I am tired of this argument, and I am tired of innocent people getting killed. Too many deaths for me to give a damn about what some guys wrote over 200 years ago. Times change
  • And predictably, other forums I'm on with a significant number of below the 49th parallel members have loads of content about:
    finding local gun ranges
    finding defensive pistol use courses
    why'd we disarm our teachers when Israel armed theirs

    This is very similar to the reaction after that theater shooting spree months ago. Some Texan politician was disappointed in the people of Colorado and said if more people in the theater were carrying guns, the guy would have been shot and less would have died. More likely, everyone would have started pulling their guns out in the dark and mistaking everyone else who had guns out for the shooter.
  • There is no question that guns in the hands of crazy people is never a good thing.
    The only thing that really needs to be discussed is what has changed? Have guns become more accessible? Not really. Are a larger percentage of people becoming more depressed, nuts, and losing every moral fibre they once had? Certainly. Why is this? The human race as a whole is going down the tubes. Morals, ethics have never been lower. Religion (which not all that long ago may have kept 'some' of these nuts in line) has become a joke to the masses, and an excuse to be nuts to the minority.
    What I find so silly about the tighter gun law arguement and the graph on this first page is....that people actually believe that stricter gun laws will somehow stop the nuts from going nuts. Sure, it might delay them, but to think these depressed lunatics are somehow going to come to their senses if they don't have access to one form of killing machine is just silly. No, they'll just figure out how to make fertilizer bombs, burn people alive, or poison them on large scales. Or just make the 'Killer obtained weapons legally' 'No' side of the graph go way up. Or just buy a metal lathe of course :D
  • I think all cars need to be banned, they kill way more people than guns and Doctors

    (A) The number of physicians in the U.S. is

    (B) Accidental deaths caused by Physicians
    per year are

    (C) Accidental deaths per physician
    is 0.171

    Statistics courtesy of U.S. Dept of
    Health and Human Services.

    Now think about this:

    (A) The number of gun owners in the U.S.

    (Yes, that's 80 million)

    (B) The number of accidental gun deaths
    per year, all age groups,
    is 1,500.

    (C) The number of accidental deaths
    per gun owner
    is .0000188

    Statistics courtesy of FBI

    So, statistically, doctors are approximately
    9,000 times more dangerous than gun owners.

    Remember, 'Guns don't kill people, doctors do.'

    Almost everyone has at least one doctor.

    This means you are over 9,000 times more likely to be
    killed by a doctor as by a gun owner!!!

    Please alert your friends
    to this alarming threat.

    We must ban doctors
    before this gets completely out of hand!!!!!

    Out of concern for the public at large,
    I withheld the statistics on
    for fear the shock would cause
    people to panic and seek medical attention!
  • Ban guns and revoke 2nd amendment and civil war is here. Police state just waiting to happen. (already is but a gun ban would be cherry on top).

    Was a good act yesterday from B.O crying at the microphone . Another false flag shooting to bolster the attempt to take away guns.
  • I think all cars need to be banned, they kill way more people than guns and Doctors

    (A) The number of physicians in the U.S. is

    (B) Accidental deaths caused by Physicians
    per year are

    (C) Accidental deaths per physician
    is 0.171

    Statistics courtesy of U.S. Dept of
    Health and Human Services.

    Now think about this:

    (A) The number of gun owners in the U.S.

    (Yes, that's 80 million)

    (B) The number of accidental gun deaths
    per year, all age groups,
    is 1,500.

    (C) The number of accidental deaths
    per gun owner
    is .0000188

    Statistics courtesy of FBI

    So, statistically, doctors are approximately
    9,000 times more dangerous than gun owners.

    Remember, 'Guns don't kill people, doctors do.'

    Almost everyone has at least one doctor.

    This means you are over 9,000 times more likely to be
    killed by a doctor as by a gun owner!!!

    Please alert your friends
    to this alarming threat.

    We must ban doctors
    before this gets completely out of hand!!!!!

    Out of concern for the public at large,
    I withheld the statistics on
    for fear the shock would cause
    people to panic and seek medical attention!

    The stats nerd in me needs to point out that persons going to doctors have a predisposition / preexisting condition that may have spurred on the deaths. In order to make appropriate comparisons, we would need to have a scientific experiment, including control groups and tightly controlled situations. Barring that, you're comparing apples to oranges.

  • Ban guns and revoke 2nd amendment and civil war is here. Police state just waiting to happen. (already is but a gun ban would be cherry on top).

    Was a good act yesterday from B.O crying at the microphone . Another false flag shooting to bolster the attempt to take away guns.

    Here, I got this for you..


  • We are a media-obsessed society. 20-30 years ago these people would have simply jumped in front of a subway train, or killed themselves in some other fashion, maybe taking a person along with them, but that would be about it. Along comes our media obsession and the "fame" game, and people like this decide that if they are going to do this, they may as well get some notoriety. Killing yourself is no longer good enough, and so it becomes killing your family and THEN killing yourself. Eventually, even THAT is no longer newsworthy on a National level, so it becomes kill your family, kill a bunch of randoms, and go out in a hail of bullets or kill yourself with the last one.

    As for Neverlookback's foil hat wing-nuttery, the Doctor thing was kind of funny, the foil-hat nonsense less so. There are many ways to end this tragic BS without resorting to confiscation of firearms or repealing the Second Amendment.

    Your comments about the President demand a response: The man is a Father, as am I. I may (or may not) have a tenuous association with someone who lost a child in this tragedy, but simply as a Father I was close to tearing up yesterday. I doubt very much the President was "acting" during his press comments. If he was, he is in the wrong line of work, as he could make more $$$ in Hollywood.
  • thats what the media is looking for and the powers that be are looking for.. a HUGE emotional response from this just like 9/11. sept 11th was soooooo heinous and over the top in visuals (planes striking buildings with large explosions), that people will gladly hand over all or most rights for 'security'.

    the more the emotional response they can get out this event, the better for them. The Batman shooting wasnt enough to get it done but this 'event' may tip the scales.

    Seacrest out
  • I can pretty much guarantee that there will be a great hue and cry about this tragedy but, as always, nothing of substance will be done. doubt they even introduce a new assault weapons ban. They love their guns more than they love their kids, it seems.
  • I am opening up the CT tragedy thread for discussion of news updates and stuff to do with that event. Please do not use it to argue about gun or lathe control, keep that here or in the thread that costanza bumped previously.

    Appreciate it very much..
  • so what about the hundreds of kids killed by the corporation of the US every week? ya, were not going to talk about that.. that wont pull at the heart strings as much.

    oh and I found this little tid bit today. But we wont also talk about this little slip up by the media in this 'event'... shes dead.. no shes alive! haha (principal)

    read this...
    Shooting Reported Sandy Hook Elementary School | The Newtown Bee

    then this...
    Dawn Hochsprung: Sandy Hook Elementary

    I think for the local news it is a big slip up..or isnt it monitored by the controllers?
    Maybe just a fault in the heat? Tough it seems this inital report was very fast out..

    ps.. this IS a news update.
  • **Christ**

    The reporting at the start of ANY chaotic incident is haphazard at best. Hell, the Titanic was reported to be steaming to New York long after she hit the bottom of the Atlantic. What is your point? If it is anything other than that reporters occasionally jump the gun in an effort to scoop the competition, then you are not providing a news update. Come to think of it, what I just posted isn't exactly "news" either . . .
  • Thoughts and prayers go out to the people of Newtown CT...

    Morgan Freeman's statement about these random shootings....

    "You want to know why. This may sound cynical, but here's why.

    It's because of the way the media reports it. Flip on the news and watch how we treat the Batman theater shooter and the Oregon mall shooter like celebrities. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris are household names, but do you know the name of a single victim of Columbine? Disturbed people who would otherwise just off themselves in their basements see the news and want to top it by doing something worse, and going out in a memorable way. Why a grade school? Why children? Because he'll be remembered as a horrible monster, instead of a sad nobody.

    CNN's article says that if the body count "holds up", this will rank as the second deadliest shooting behind Virginia Tech, as if statistics somehow make one shooting worse than another. Then they post a video interview of third-graders for all the details of what they saw and heard while the shootings were happening. Fox News has plastered the killer's face on all their reports for hours. Any articles or news stories yet that focus on the victims and ignore the killer's identity? None that I've seen yet. Because they don't sell. So congratulations, sensationalist media, you've just lit the fire for someone to top this and knock off a day care center or a maternity ward next.

    You can help by forgetting you ever read this man's name, and remembering the name of at least one victim. You can help by donating to mental health research instead of pointing to gun control as the problem."
  • so what about the hundreds of kids killed by the corporation of the US every week? ya, were not going to talk about that.. that wont pull at the heart strings as much.
    If there was a dislike you would get it.. Geesh, you and others like you are so cynical..:(
  • compuease wrote: »
    If there was a dislike you would get it.. Geesh, you and others like you are so cynical..:(

  • so what about the hundreds of kids killed by the corporation of the US every week?

    How about the millions killed by enviro-weenies who got DDT banned. I mean, if we're going to start pulling our favourite memes out for a good airing, have at it . . .

    Or, we could, for once, stay on topic. and no, neither yours nor mine are that.
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