Ahmadinejad speech at Columbia University



  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Darb, you've said this several times now. It doesn't make it more true when you repeat it. My parents are independent thinkers
    . This maybe true but school definitely taught your parents to believe they are independent thinkers.
    They learned many things from school, but they learned more from their parents
    But their parents are conditioned under the same suppression, and the further you go back the worse the repression. We were definitely taught we are intelligent enough to spot our own suppression though.
    GASP, going out and finding things out for themselves.
    Yes but they were already conditioned by school, singing songs like god save the queen. Hating people in foreign lands they don't have any idea about.

    Me, I'm just gonna call you on your bullshit.
    What bullshit is that you are calling me on?
  • Shtebs wrote: »
    People people. Quit feeding Darb's narcissism and stop responding.
    We are discussing issues that pertain to real suffering that is going on in the world today.
    -Darb is always right, even when he only has admittedly marginal experience studying a particular issue or point
    -Darb has different definitions for words. This allows him to avoid being wrong in his mind
    -Darb is privy to insight and knowledge that most of the people in the world do not have
    -He will never EVER concede even the most marginal of errors he has made because he has yet to make one in any discussion on here yet.
    Steve corrected me with the Thule society.
    I was wrong about betting the protestor had a broken wrist, it appears he didn't and I was wrong again


    -He demands evidence or credantials before he will give us credit for our contributions. Even then he dismisses it all out of hand.
    I mean, I could go on an on and on but I'm not Darb so I'll cut it off there.
    The best solution is to let him make his non poker posts and not get fished in by his cries for attention. Who knows, if we stop feeding the troll he might just stop trolling?
    my 2 cents
    Ya you could have proven your point better by not posting.
  • 800OVER wrote: »
    Actually we don't study events to judge their accuracy at all.....ever. We can study records to see if they are accurate. See the difference? I don't study your birthday party to see if it is accurate....do you not see how that makes no sense? I could try and find out if peoples recollection of your birthday was accurate. But I'd have to come up with some kind of test that has validity. See the difference?
    Actually we study events to judge their accuracy all the time, its called archeology.

    For instance when we decoded the hieroglyphs we got to cross reference a whole bunch of past history from surrounding civilizations. Guess what? We found lies!!! We found inaccuracies!!! We found scandal!!

    This has happened all through history, and we continue to study past events to clarify these things....

    But we don't study the Holocaust like this. Because thats racist!?
    But again no answers
    Wait what did you read the above, shall i copy and past it again?
    .....you're trying very hard not to answer anything. You're doing well. In fact as well as heir Presidente did in the video you posted. You still haven't told us whether or not the Holocaust happened. When you write the first paragraph....you imply that you have questions about the truth of the Holocaust. But if you don't, just say so.
    No I thought I was clear I did?
    Don't you see how someone who doesn't know you and how much you love Jews (but you don't because you don't see race) would think that you could be minimizing the Holocaust?
    Yes I can see that, does that make a person racist?

    800OVER wrote: »
    You are a Holocaust denier. But that's just my definition.

    Yes its clear anyone who talks different about the Holocaust become a minority you alienate and are prejudice towards. They instantly get called racist for no logical reason (I'm not hateful towards any race). Everyone gets angry and no one uses their brains.
  • I think y'all should really have to watch the vid to make these comments though.
  • darbday wrote: »
    Actually we study events to judge their accuracy all the time, its called archeology.

    For instance when we decoded the hieroglyphs we got to cross reference a whole bunch of past history from surrounding civilizations. Guess what? We found lies!!! We found inaccuracies!!! We found scandal!!

    This has happened all through history, and we continue to study past events to clarify these things....

    But we don't study the Holocaust like this. Because thats racist!?

    Again...events are inherently "accurate", we study history and records and fossils to see if the "history" is accurate. Egyptian writing is not an "event" Just like a book or a desk is not an event. A book may NOT be accurate....but it is not an event. I thought I was clear I did.

    Are you sure you're not playing a game where you simply leaf through a bucket and pick a word that you have no idea how to use and insert it in the next sentence? (Hint I just did the same thing...it's really fun.) I can hardly wait till you do it again. I'll call it a "darbism".
  • darbday wrote: »

    Yes its clear anyone who talks different about the Holocaust become a minority you alienate and are prejudice towards. They instantly get called racist for no logical reason (I'm not hateful towards any race). Everyone gets angry and no one uses their brains.

    When it's "everyone" don't you think it's a little egocentric to assume that you are the one using your brain as opposed to the "other side" you espouse?
  • Someone who isn't informed and is a Holocaust denier may in fact not be a racist.......you just lack knowledge and the wit to impliment it.
  • 800OVER wrote: »
    Again...events are inherently "accurate", we study history and records and fossils to see if the "history" is accurate. Egyptian writing is not an "event" Just like a book or a desk is not an event. A book may NOT be accurate....but it is not an event. I thought I was clear I did.
    Really? You are taking time to point that out? Ok there 3 things now I've pointed out I've been wrong on 3 things, and I'm sure there is more.

    So we need to study, records and the like, to see if the history is accurate and whether or not the "Holocaust" happened or not.
    Are you sure you're not playing a game where you simply leaf through a bucket and pick a word that you have no idea how to use and insert it in the next sentence? (Hint I just did the same thing...it's really fun.) I can hardly wait till you do it again. I'll call it a "darbism".
    I dunno but I have like 20 people trying to scrutinize everything I say, calling me a racist because I got banned when a few people lost their shit and thought I said something I didn't.
    800OVER wrote: »
    When it's "everyone" don't you think it's a little egocentric to assume that you are the one using your brain as opposed to the "other side" you espouse?
    No I've explained why you all feel the same way. And its not everyone, its Canadians....school didn't teach you to be smart enough to understand this. Plus I feel like you didn't do too well in our school system the way it is.

    800OVER wrote: »
    Someone who isn't informed and is a Holocaust denier may in fact not be a racist.......you just lack knowledge and the wit to impliment it.
    Yet you still haven't watched the video entitled, the other peoples view!?

    You can't imply that someone is racist or more capable because they don't agree with the propaganda. That is the conditioning you've been brought up with.

    I know its tough for people to swallow but there is a whole world out their and people of all backgrounds are suffering. Not just the ones we like and agree with.
  • darbday wrote: »

    Steve corrected me with the Thule society.
    I was wrong about betting the protestor had a broken wrist, it appears he didn't and I was wrong again


    Ya you could have proven your point better by not posting.

    Originally Posted by hiphopopotamus
    Diagnosing his own dislocated shoulders, jaw, broken wrist and a concussion is pretty ridiculous.
    Originally Posted by Darb
    dislocated shoulders are obvious and people know...ask anyone whos shoulder comes out...jaw is much the same but obv harder to diagnose specifically....i'm willing to bet he fractured his wrist....and a concussion has a sliding scale...being drowsy from a hit to the head is a full on concussion...

    but im not really arguing for anything there tho....
    I still stand by the things I said, he didn't fracture his wrist it seems though.

    So you are saying your argument BASED ON ADMITTEDLY INCORRECT INFORMATION is still valid and you will stand by. You have done this many times. I'm sure you will demand I sift through the pages and pages of drivel you've been spouting to bring them all forward and even then you will deny their validity.
    I also love your use of the term "I don't believe in" when applied to words with clear and concise definitions. Not abstract thoughts or debated theories but words. Words like grammar, spelling, race, etc...
    I wonder, why do you think there are several people taking issue with you in these threads of yours? Do you think we are offended by your peeling back the veil? Are we all scared of "the truth"? Or do we get a little worked up when someone claims to have great knowledge and insight and then proceed to prove the exact opposite. All the while deriding and denying anyone and anything that doesn't strictly adhere to his wildly out there world view? Can the butthurt victim act. You invited this on yourself with what you are posting. If you can't stand people questioning you then you don't want to share or enlighten. You want to be given unquestioning authority in all matters of debate. In case you didn't notice, that doesn't fly here with anyone. Not even the man you clearly envy the most, Mark (DrTyore).
    Delusion, Darb is your name.
  • darbday wrote: »

    So we need to study, records and the like, to see if the history is accurate and whether or not the "Holocaust" happened or not.

    No I've explained why you all feel the same way. And its not everyone, its Canadians....school didn't teach you to be smart enough to understand this. Plus I feel like you didn't do too well in our school system the way it is.


    I'm pretty sure saying that the Holocaust may not have happened should be something you should be banned again for.......it's a crime in some countries, stupid everywhere.

    AHH the "you all". The cry of the downtroden. That's a pretty broad brush you're painting with. You can't make a coherent argument so "everyone is against me" and it's not fair that "you all" don't agree with me. Couldn't be that you have nothing to add or say. Yep your assessment that everyone doesn't get your arguments because of our mass miseducation makes a lot more sense than you just being a grade A Holocaust denier. Be aware: I never said racist.
  • Shtebs wrote: »
    Originally Posted by hiphopopotamus
    Diagnosing his own dislocated shoulders, jaw, broken wrist and a concussion is pretty ridiculous.
    Originally Posted by Darb
    dislocated shoulders are obvious and people know...ask anyone whos shoulder comes out...jaw is much the same but obv harder to diagnose specifically....i'm willing to bet he fractured his wrist....and a concussion has a sliding scale...being drowsy from a hit to the head is a full on concussion...

    but im not really arguing for anything there tho....
    I still stand by the things I said, he didn't fracture his wrist it seems though.

    So you are saying your argument BASED ON ADMITTEDLY INCORRECT INFORMATION is still valid and you will stand by.
    Not sure what you are saying, a person can easily diagnose that there shoulder is out or they have a concussion (ie they are blacking out). I suggested he likely has a broken wrist but he didn't and I was wrong.

    If you can't stand people questioning you then you don't want to share or enlighten.
    Is that what people have been doing questionign? I'm trying to sort through all the accusations, yes I welcome questioning.
    You want to be given unquestioning authority in all matters of debate. In case you didn't notice, that doesn't fly here with anyone. Not even the man you clearly envy the most, Mark (DrTyore).
    Delusion, Darb is your name.
    Why are you still posting? That's the most hypocritical thing I've ever seen. You can't stop posting telling people they shouldn't post.

    Again are you gonna continue to post about how people should not be posting?
  • 800OVER wrote: »
    I'm pretty sure saying that the Holocaust may not have happened should be something you should be banned again for.......it's a crime in some countries, stupid everywhere.
    You see you are being prejudice, I am saying something you don't agree with and you feel I should be severed for it. Thats not freedom of speech that you telling people all your life you are a tolerant person but you never realized you are only tolerant to those that are just like you.
    AHH the "you all". The cry of the downtroden. That's a pretty broad brush you're painting with. You can't make a coherent argument so "everyone is against me" and it's not fair that "you all" don't agree with me. Couldn't be that you have nothing to add or say.
    I don't understand this but I'd be blown away if you didn't agree these thread have been purely people attacking me in swarms quoting each others misquotes.

    People suggesting I'm racist for being banned for being racist for saying things I didn't say...then saying everything I say is racist because I have a history of saying racists things which no one can point out and I didn't say?
    Yep your assessment that everyone doesn't get your arguments because of our mass miseducation makes a lot more sense than you just being a grade A Holocaust denier.
    But you agree that humanity over the course of our known history was repressed through education? What year did that stop? Because people still think they earth goes around the sun and not the other way around.....school lied. And thats not a surprise because its government run.

    Be aware: I never said racist.
    Thank you.

  • darbday wrote: »
    . This maybe true but school definitely taught your parents to believe they are independent thinkers.

    As I've said three times now, you're talking about this like you actually have a clue about what you're saying. You don't. Want me to make it really, abundantly crystal clear that you're completely lost on this one? My parents were the first ones in their families to go to school, at all. The generations that came before were all farmers that worked the land, passing it down to their children.

    But their parents are conditioned under the same suppression, and the further you go back the worse the repression. We were definitely taught we are intelligent enough to spot our own suppression though.

    So I'm right but you want to spin it like you came up with some compelling arguement that made you right before I was right? Sure thing cupcake.

    Yes but they were already conditioned by school, singing songs like god save the queen. Hating people in foreign lands they don't have any idea about.

    See first point about how you don't know what you're talking about vis a vis school and my family.

    What bullshit is that you are calling me on?

    I think I just showed exactly what bullshit I was calling you on.

    See Darb, I like your attempts at thinking outside the box. It's awesome. However, when you turn into this all knowing, all seeing, omnipetent being, someone has to explain to you that you're not God/Buddha/Mohammed (hope I spelled that right) or any other deity. You're just a guy on the internet that thinks he knows everything and is the only one capable of a different way of thinking. Sadly, there's duplicates of you all over the place. You just curse a lot less.
  • darbday wrote: »
    Not sure what you are saying, a person can easily diagnose that there shoulder is out or they have a concussion (ie they are blacking out). I suggested he likely has a broken wrist but he didn't and I was wrong.

    Is that what people have been doing questionign? I'm trying to sort through all the accusations, yes I welcome questioning.


    Why are you still posting? That's the most hypocritical thing I've ever seen. You can't stop posting telling people they shouldn't post.

    Again are you gonna continue to post about how people should not be posting?

    I admitted in a previous post. I just can't seem to take my own advice. I see you spouting so many errors and inaccuracies and my logical thought OCD kicks in. I promise myself "one last post" but then you say something even more absurd and deluded and I am compelled to once again wade into the quagmire that is your thoughts.
    Do you not understand the definition of the word question now? Shall we explain it to you?
    I would love to hear your thoughts on my questions in regards to why you think there are so many people taking issue with you right now. I asked above and you didn't address it all. sadface. Just a straight up answer. Not a dissertation on why it isn't actually happening. Nor a thesis on why we don't have the credentials to point out your errors. Just a good ole' fashioned point blank answer to the question:
    Why, in this forum of (I believe) several intelligent people, does everyone who had something to say disagree with you in these last few threads? Or at very least, nobody has sided with your theories and assessments at large? The couple instances where you tried to interpret something Milo or someone said corroborated you when they said before and after that they disagreed with you does not constitute agreeing with your claims.
  • What bullshit is that you are calling me on?

    I think I just showed exactly what bullshit I was calling you on.
    Lets see:

    As I've said three times now, you're talking about this like you actually have a clue about what you're saying. You don't. Want me to make it really, abundantly crystal clear that you're completely lost on this one? My parents were the first ones in their families to go to school, at all. The generations that came before were all farmers that worked the land, passing it down to their children.
    This is why I brought up feudalism under monarchy before. You are thinking in segmented forms, you have to look further back. Not sure where your lineage is from but i think you'll find you come from a background of suppression. The suppression for most of us comes from Monarchal/Christian rule kinda like Braveheart times. I get what you are saying but you are separating your parents from your great great great great great grandparents who were conditioned, bred conditioned children, who bred, conditioned children and so on. The only separate conditioning we get is in public education, which essentially is the same movement that conditioned our great great great grandparents in the first place.

    This is not an argument for you to call me stupid, its a valid discussion.
    But their parents are conditioned under the same suppression, and the further you go back the worse the repression.

    We were definitely taught we are intelligent enough to spot our own suppression though.

    So I'm right but you want to spin it like you came up with some compelling arguement that made you right before I was right? Sure thing cupcake.
    No buttercup, you mistook that 2nd part, we WERE taught we are intelligent enough to spot our own suppression, we believe we can, but we can't, we were taught to believe we can while also taught to blind ourselves from it. Understand peaches? Pancakes and unicorns?

    Like me and wetts pointed out to Costanza, one cannot self evaluate one's intelligence.
    Yes but they were already conditioned by school, singing songs like god save the queen. Hating people in foreign lands they don't have any idea about.

    See first point about how you don't know what you're talking about vis a vis school and my family.
    I'm refereing to the conditioning that is 'Canada' which is a nation built on genocide. You are Canadian and so is your family we are referring to, beyond your Canadian heritage we can talk about whether or not your family comes from repressed lines like the rest of the planet. :confused:
    Cerberus wrote: »
    See Darb, I like your attempts at thinking outside the box. It's awesome. However, when you turn into this all knowing, all seeing, omnipetent being, someone has to explain to you that you're not God/Buddha/Mohammed (hope I spelled that right) or any other deity.
    No I never suggested such a thing, i've continually stated I don't believe in such things, so how could you accuse me of thinking I believe I am one? I clearly don't believe thats possible. I think deity's are the wrong thinking, I think you accuse me of that because you are looking in terms of Judaic/Christian thinking, "Your not Jesus man!"
    You're just a guy on the internet that thinks he knows everything and is the only one capable of a different way of thinking. Sadly, there's duplicates of you all over the place. You just curse a lot less.
    I have found two people Jiddhu and Bruce Lee. When Jiddhu died he admitted not a single person had truly understood him. I'm claiming I do, that's the narcissism you're feeling from me, and its not my ego its yours, I understand him....it upsets you to hear anyone claim that.

    You're upset because you think I think I am above you...you are not upset because i think I am above you....because I don't think that...I don't believe in such a thing.
  • Darb, point blank, you're full of crap.
  • darbday wrote: »
    Actually we study events to judge their accuracy all the time, its called archeology.

    For instance when we decoded the hieroglyphs we got to cross reference a whole bunch of past history from surrounding civilizations. Guess what? We found lies!!! We found inaccuracies!!! We found scandal!!

    This has happened all through history, and we continue to study past events to clarify these things....

    Isn't this just a horribly unpragmatic way of looking at it? I studied plenty of theory of knowledgy at school, a topic revolving almost entirely around the question "how do we know this?"

    Applying two simple theories from that topic (occam's razor and pragmatism) you chose to believe the these or hypothesis that involve the fewest conclusions and also the thesis that isn't completely useless for the way you view the world.

    ex, why would I argue that we're not living in the matrix? it's not impossible, but the theory of all of us living in a dreamworld wouldn't follow my occam razor principle but rather assume too much and second, believing that will have no pracical value in my life at all

    If something really bugs you go do your own digging and come back with something solid, doubt for the sake of doubt isn't helpful to anyone, just my quick two cents before rushing to work
  • Shtebs wrote: »
    I admitted in a previous post. I just can't seem to take my own advice. I see you spouting so many errors and inaccuracies and my logical thought OCD kicks in. I promise myself "one last post" but then you say something even more absurd and deluded and I am compelled to once again wade into the quagmire that is your thoughts.
    Ok you should stop telling other to stop posting then.

    Do you not understand the definition of the word question now? Shall we explain it to you?
    I would love to hear your thoughts on my questions in regards to why you think there are so many people taking issue with you right now.
    They all were taught from the same source.
    I asked above and you didn't address it all.sadface.
    Because we are conditioned under the same teachings from childhood
    Just a straight up answer.
    We are biased as Canadians like other countries have their biases.
    Not a dissertation on why it isn't actually happening.
    Its happening I pointed it out remember. To be clear its happening.
    Nor a thesis on why we don't have the credentials to point out your errors.
    To be fair the fact the none of us have credentials that are based on unconditional backgrounds was my actual point. I'm gonna need to refer to me thesis to defend it.
    Just a good ole' fashioned point blank answer to the question:
    The one I answer 5 times above as we all come from the same shitty educational backgrounds, that is our stupid parents and our stupid teachers.

    Why, in this forum of (I believe) several intelligent people, does everyone who had something to say disagree with you in these last few threads?
    Because they are conditioned to disagree without thinking, and that makes what I'm saying the most controversial things they've ever hear, because I'm trying to point out that conditioning.
    Or at very least, nobody has sided with your theories and assessments at large?
    Nobody but Einsten who came up with the principle, kobys reference and my reference from a physics prof. You see my point about the orbit theory was nobody was taught they truth, now you see why they all argue.

    The couple instances where you tried to interpret something Milo or someone said corroborated you when they said before and after that they disagreed with you does not constitute agreeing with your claims.
    Lets not beat around the bush, you are talking about the earth going around the sun vs the sun going around the earth. Which is it? The former, or either? Its either. This is clearly what I said and clearly what is true...you are trying to point out Milo is correct while ignoring what he is correct about. Why does Milo not admit he was wrong? I'll leave it up to your interpretation.

    Lets not beat around the bush though, if I was wrong about something point it out, don't refer indirectly through others pointing.
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Darb, point blank, you're full of crap.
    So I'm a poo poo head?
  • Richard~ wrote: »
    Isn't this just a horribly unpragmatic way of looking at it? I studied plenty of theory of knowledgy at school, a topic revolving almost entirely around the question "how do we know this?"
    Is this high school or university...because we don't have such a thing in high school. By college I think its kinda too late.
    Applying two simple theories from that topic (occam's razor and pragmatism)
    Hold on...before you use these, what theories did you use to decide these ones are born from unconditioned backgrounds before you had these theories to help you decide.
    you chose to believe the these or hypothesis that involve the fewest conclusions and also the thesis that isn't completely useless for the way you view the world.
    This doesn't suggest these theories always pick the truth, and its also is subject to tainted views on whats useful.
    ex, why would I argue that we're not living in the matrix? it's not impossible, but the theory of all of us living in a dreamworld wouldn't follow my occam razor principle but rather assume too much and second, believing that will have no pracical value in my life at all
    I thought this was part of the philosophical point of the matrix.

    If something really bugs you go do your own digging and come back with something solid, doubt for the sake of doubt isn't helpful to anyone, just my quick two cents before rushing to work
    I did the digging, it makes sense to me now.

    I'm glad you commented your view is important because you are from a different nationality (right???).

    But I also wanted to say I didn't know what anarchy was before and you were right and now I'm ready to talk about it.
  • No Darb, I'm saying that you're full of crap intellectually. You seem to think that you're somehow more open minded than everyone, yet you will not look at any ideas other than your own.

    Also, you call our educational system shitty, both schools and parents. Neither my school nor my parents were shitty teachers. Try to understand that please.
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    No Darb, I'm saying that you're full of crap intellectually. You seem to think that you're somehow more open minded than everyone, yet you will not look at any ideas other than your own.
    You believe the world is fully of different 'ideas', I believe there are 2 types of ideas conditioned partial ones....and totalistic unconditioned ones.
    yet you will not look at any ideas other than your own.
    Correct I only consider unconditioned ideas.

    You however won't accept the idea that this concept exists. You are accusing me of what you are doing.

    You want me to accept conditioned ideas and I cannot.

    Also, you call our educational system shitty, both schools and parents. Neither my school nor my parents were shitty teachers. Try to understand that please.
    Maybe they were good, but something we can say for sure: you were taught to think they were. You have no way of of evaluating such a thing without using the stuff they taught you in the first place. Hard to understand I know.
  • darbday wrote: »
    You believe the world is fully of different 'ideas', I believe there are 2 types of ideas conditioned partial ones....and totalistic unconditioned ones.

    Correct I only consider unconditioned ideas.

    You however won't accept the idea that this concept exists. You are accusing me of what you are doing.

    You want me to accept conditioned ideas and I cannot.

    Maybe they were good, but something we can say for sure: you were taught to think they were. You have no way of of evaluating such a thing without using the stuff they taught you in the first place. Hard to understand I know.

    Ok, let's try this again. You state that you are only able to accept unconditioned ideas. What makes you the expert on unconditioned ideas? How can you state, unequivically, that your ideas are the unconditioned ones and mine are the conditioned ones? Do you not see the paradox of your whole thought process?
  • This was a more reasonable paragraph from you I think...
    Cerberus wrote: »
    Ok, let's try this again. You state that you are only able to accept unconditioned ideas. What makes you the expert on unconditioned ideas?
    I am not the 'expert' if anyone is...its Jiddhu Krishnamurti. This is why he was sought after by people such as quantum physicists. Which was relativity new at the time (relatively pun ha).
    Cerberus wrote: »
    How can you state, unequivically, that your ideas are the unconditioned ones and mine are the conditioned ones?
    Later we will suggest that there are no unconditioned ideas, but you are conditioned to believe that is not true.
    Cerberus wrote: »
    Do you not see the paradox of your whole thought process?
    Yes I see it. Now you understand what Jiddhu taught, and we can solve the paradox, but not in this thread.....you have no issue with me..we can now have a discussion.

    I'm going to explain to you how I believe we can be free of our conditioning, just like Bruce lee taught, that Jiddhu taught, that it was the basis of 'religion' before the big whole in our history, shortly before the Jews were slaves under the Egyptians (so the Jewish bible story goes).

    I know you somewhat understand the view im suggesting because you understand the paradox. But we aren't there yet, not in this thread.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Larry Flynt should offer a mirrion dollars for gay pix of Ahmadenijad . . . you KNOW they're out there.

    Not to really try and troll here, but... on a relation to whatever darbday said to get a ban, is this just as, less than, or worse.. because I have to admit I found it pretty bad.

    Also, darbday is winning this thread simply by its continuation - you all know that right? It's like arguing with a zealot, you won't win.

  • Winning?

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Not to really try and troll here, but... on a relation to whatever darbday said to get a ban, is this just as, less than, or worse.. because I have to admit I found it pretty bad.
    This is what I seriously said:

    I said Jews run the world, they run an illegal state of Israel, the US military is their puppet. They own the us media and entertainment section, and their government. And they run the world banks.

    I think thats it....then I got called a racist, and warned by comp, when I asked for clarification I was already banned.

    I wasn't even referring to their race, I don't care about race. But I do take issues with Judaism. But really its all religions right?

    And tbh, I don't really think its as simple as 'The Jews' run the world, but I got banned before I could clear that up.

    The truth is the world is run by ignorance something every single one of us is responsible for....not just THEM.

    Also, darbday is winning this thread simply by its continuation - you all know that right? It's like arguing with a zealot, you won't win.

    Thx for the extra points too! Don't worry we're almost onto the next thread then we can start the wrap up!!!
  • kwsteve wrote: »

  • here's a story about solving problems your own way:

    Once upon a time 3 proffesionals in their field was traveling cross country to speak at this big event. Night falls and they pull over and check into this cheap motel along the road after which all 3 immidiatly fall asleep.

    As chance would have it, in the middle of the night, a garbage bin catches fire. Luckily the chemist happens to be up to pee at that time and rushes in. He says to himself "hmm, I could do one of three things here, I can take away the fuel, I can take away the heat or I can limit the supply of oxygen to the fire", he then procceeds to toss a pan full of water at the fire, all is well and he goes back to sleep

    Unfortunately tho, a spark remained and sure enough, 2 hours later the bin was burning again. The philosopher wakes up and takes on the challenge. "hmm, are we sure this is really fire? sure it looks like fire, smells like fire and feels like fire but how can one really be sure it's fire. What conditions does the phenomena have to satisfy to be truly counted as "fire"..."

    Meanwhile, the engineer wakes up, grunts something, picks up the flaming bin, tosses it out the window, closes the window and goes back to sleep
  • Richard~ wrote: »
    here's a story about solving problems your own way:

    Once upon a time 3 proffesionals in their field was traveling cross country to speak at this big event. Night falls and they pull over and check into this cheap motel along the road after which all 3 immidiatly fall asleep.

    As chance would have it, in the middle of the night, a garbage bin catches fire. Luckily the chemist happens to be up to pee at that time and rushes in. He says to himself "hmm, I could do one of three things here, I can take away the fuel, I can take away the heat or I can limit the supply of oxygen to the fire", he then procceeds to toss a pan full of water at the fire, all is well and he goes back to sleep

    Unfortunately tho, a spark remained and sure enough, 2 hours later the bin was burning again. The philosopher wakes up and takes on the challenge. "hmm, are we sure this is really fire? sure it looks like fire, smells like fire and feels like fire but how can one really be sure it's fire. What conditions does the phenomena have to satisfy to be truly counted as "fire"..."

    Meanwhile, the engineer wakes up, grunts something, picks up the flaming bin, tosses it out the window, closes the window and goes back to sleep
    Wait a mintue....which one are you suggesting is me?^-^:p:D

    Anyways yes this is the same as the debate on martial arts style. And there is the observation that each a philosopher, an engineer, and a chemist will hear this story differently and pull slightly different conclusions away from it based on their own conditioning.
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