Ahmadinejad speech at Columbia University



  • Milo wrote: »
    Darb . . . why is the first thing you noticed about Hiphop's video the fact that a Jewish performer was involved and that the Producer of the show was Jewish, rather than the satirical nature of the video itself?
    There is no way you can say its the first thing I noticed...but it was definitely on my mind since its the topic of this thread.
    Very telling, imo
    Yes you are calling me prejudice. You are trying to suggest I'm anti Jew....but I just like objective truth. I don't think SNL is so objective. Neither are the media items we choose to represent our thinking patterns.

    Like the Iranian president says, I'm not against Jewish people, I just think there should be more objective study done on the holocaust. That doesn't make me prejudiced or racist.
  • darbday wrote: »
    You are a doctor and you are playing the copy cat game.

    I believe I have pointed out a very obvious simple and specific irony. You, are playing the copycat game.

    Yeah. You got me. Good job.
  • Yeah. You got me. Good job.
    It was really really really ironic that you posted that video.
  • Darb,

    In my opinion (and that's all it is so take it for what it's worth) based on everything you have said in the past threads you come across as very prejudice, and you are the worse kind because you don't even see that you are.

    This is something that is very close to my heart and mind. I married a woman who is of a minority. My children share partially in her minority. I've seen how people like you treat her, and I fear for how people like you will treat my children.
  • crazykoby wrote: »

    In my opinion (and that's all it is so take it for what it's worth) based on everything you have said in the past threads you come across as very prejudice, and you are the worse kind because you don't even see that you are.
    Koby I'm not capable of what you are accusing me of.
    This is something that is very close to my heart and mind. I married a woman who is of a minority.
    Ok now we know you are an expert.
    My children share partially in her minority.
    Double expert
    I've seen how people like you treat her, and I fear for how people like you will treat my children.
    You have heard nothing from me to make you think I would treat your children poorly because they are a minority. And you have given no quotes. You better make sure I am this person you describe because its on you when you find out I am not this person and you've been viciously pointing your finger at me.

    Edit: just to be clear Koby, when I see someone being racist I get confused...I don't understand how they don't see that we are all from the same origin. I don't believe race makes any difference. I am not what you say I am.
  • darbday wrote: »
    I'm not sure if I fully understand you here, you are saying that you can't start from a premise the holocaust didn't happen....you have to start from the accepted fact that it did?

    or its a different starting point we are talking about? I don't really know the groups Ahmadenijad would be referring to.

    You do understand that Millions of people were killed right? Do you understand how unbelieveably hurtful it would be for survivors who lived through the Holocaust to have someone born after the event announce a study into weather their reality even occurred?* Do you understand how stupid this is? The truth of Millions of people being killed isn't something that lends itself to hypothesis. You don't play devil's advocate with horrors of this magnitude. "let's assume the Holocaust never happened and start from that possibility".

    *this is rhetorical....as you wouldn't even post if you did understand.
  • darbday wrote: »
    Koby I'm not capable of what you are accusing me of.

    Ok now we know you are an expert.
    Double expert

    You have heard nothing from me to make you think I would treat your children poorly because they are a minority. And you have given no quotes. You better make sure I am this person you describe because its on you when you find out I am not this person and you've been viciously pointing your finger at me.

    Edit: just to be clear Koby, when I see someone being racist I get confused...I don't understand how they don't see that we are all from the same origin. I don't believe race makes any difference. I am not what you say I am.


    Like I said my opinion and only my opinion. Good thing about opinions is I don't need to be a expert to have one.

    I don't need to quote you, it's already in the threads. I'm not the first one pointing this out.

    Like I said Darb the worse kind. You are what you are while living in a world of denial. At least with the guy wearing the white robe and hoody my wife and children can see him coming
  • 800OVER wrote: »
    You do understand that Millions of people were killed right? Do you understand how unbelieveably hurtful it would be for survivors who lived through the Holocaust to have someone born after the event announce a study into weather their reality even occurred?* Do you understand how stupid this is? The truth of Millions of people being killed isn't something that lends itself to hypothesis. You don't play devil's advocate with horrors of this magnitude. "let's assume the Holocaust never happened and start from that possibility".

    *this is rhetorical....as you wouldn't even post if you did understand.
    we aren't quite at this part yet, but I understand your view....and I accept it...as long as your not calling me rasict because I'm not and I think its terrible to call someone that especially if unwarranted.

    As for your paragraph, 2 things.

    First we are trying to under the rest of the world's point of view, the people on the other side of the coin. Are they really lunatics or are they human and have valid points too?

    Are we always just and sane, or do we have crazy unfair traditions too?

    2nd if I'm right then you are conditioned to become emotional every time someone brings up the holocaust. I know all my peers do. They go nuts, everyone I know does. But none of them actual know what happened. None of them know what Israel is, or Iran. None of them know the factors leading up to both world wars.

    Obviously many people are more educated than that...but I can tell you for sure everyone has an emotional based opinion on the holocaust. And emotion and logical don't go hand in hand (watch the passion of the Christ)

    Notice HipHop snap posts a satire of my video, doesn't even stop to realize it was written and produced by Jewish comedians.

    Also you should watch the video, because its your intro into hearing both sides of the story.
  • crazykoby wrote: »

    Like I said my opinion and only my opinion. Good thing about options is I don't need to be a expert to have one.

    I don't need to quote you, it's already in the threads. I'm not the first one pointing this out.

    Like I said Darb the worse kind. You are what you are while living in a world of denial. At least with the guy wearing the white robe and hoody my wife and children can see him coming
    You are misunderstanding me, I'm not suggesting I'm not very racist. I'm suggesting I'm not racist whatsoever, to the core of me, don't possess the capability of it.

    I do not believe in race.

    Edit: and I've literally spent my life stick up for others, not just a certain race or type of minority. I teach martial arts, tolerance for all, and I am the guy who literally stands up gets between the bullying and says 'buddy, pick on me'

    You have me pegged wrong, and thats gonna be hard for you to accept.

  • "We are discussing the validity of the holocaust "

    You're serious? What part of the Holocaust is up for a validity discussion?

    And it's the Holocaust" please capitalize it, it's a proper noun.

    Ex: "Holocaust denier" is someone who denies the death of millions of Jews at the hands of the Nazis. It is also used to describe people who minimize or distort the facts of the Holocaust.
  • darbday wrote: »

    I do not believe in race.

    You don't understand the meaning of the word believe. Here I'll show you: You don't believe in spelling. That's not correct is it? You do believe it exists....you just don't let it bog you down.....I think that's what you're going for here.
  • 800OVER wrote: »
    "We are discussing the validity of the holocaust "

    You're serious? What part of the Holocaust is up for a validity discussion?
    Well I guess you would have to discuss its entirety?
    And it's the Holocaust" please capitalize it, it's a proper noun.
    Ex: "Holocaust denier" is someone who denies the death of millions of Jews at the hands of the Nazis. It is also used to describe people who minimize or distort the facts of the Holocaust.
    Ya this won't be the definition in every country in the world thats my point.
  • 800OVER wrote: »
    You don't understand the meaning of the word believe. Here I'll show you: You don't believe in spelling. That's not correct is it? You do believe it exists....you just don't let it bog you down.....I think that's what you're going for here.
    I don't not believe it means you are above or below another person, I see darker skin tones and different features but they don't mean anything.

    I have no idea what you are why you are trying to imply things, I'm not racist...its clear.
  • darbday wrote: »
    we aren't quite at this part yet, but I understand your view....and I accept it...as long as your not calling me rasict because I'm not and I think its terrible to call someone that especially if unwarranted.

    As for your paragraph, 2 things.

    First we are trying to under the rest of the world's point of view, the people on the other side of the coin. Are they really lunatics or are they human and have valid points too?

    Are we always just and sane, or do we have crazy unfair traditions too?

    2nd if I'm right then you are conditioned to become emotional every time someone brings up the holocaust. I know all my peers do. They go nuts, everyone I know does. But none of them actual know what happened. None of them know what Israel is, or Iran. None of them know the factors leading up to both world wars.

    Obviously many people are more educated than that...but I can tell you for sure everyone has an emotional based opinion on the holocaust. And emotion and logical don't go hand in hand (watch the passion of the Christ)

    Notice HipHop snap posts a satire of my video, doesn't even stop to realize it was written and produced by Jewish comedians.

    Also you should watch the video, because its your intro into hearing both sides of the story.

    Say it happened.
    Type the words.
    The Holocausts isn't a "crazy unfair tradition".
    Millions of innocent Jews were killed by the Nazis in one of the most evil events in the history of the world (along with many others).
  • 800OVER wrote: »
    Say it happened.
    Type the words.
    The Holocausts isn't a "crazy unfair tradition".
    Millions of innocent Jews were killed by the Nazis in one of the most evil events in the history of the world (along with many others).
    Yes like the genocide of the native indians, that we don't learn about in school, and is still going on today.

    Only nobody disputes this.
  • darbday wrote: »
    Well I guess you would have to discuss its entirety?


    Ya this won't be the definition in every country in the world thats my point.

    Again you don't understand the word. An event in history doesn't have "VALIDITY". IT occurred.

    You don't understand capitalization? You capitalize Christ easily enough. Holocaust not holocaust.

    In what country is the definition of a Holocaust denier different?
  • darbday wrote: »

    Only nobody disputes this.

    DO you?
  • Trollers gonna troll...
  • 800OVER wrote: »
    Again you don't understand the word. An event in history doesn't have "VALIDITY". IT occurred.
    This is why we covered some events in the other thread that were hidden through history, lost civilizations found because their history was purposefully buried. History has already lied to us, we know that, its common knowledge. We've found civilization that other civilizations tried to bury through wiping historical records, destroying their churches, killing their kings, capture their wives and children and enslaving them.

    And yes we constantly study events in history to judge their accuracy, why not the Holocaust.
    You don't understand capitalization? You capitalize Christ easily enough. Holocaust not holocaust.
    I don't think I have to worry about what words you want me to put a capital on. christ, hows that? christ is a spelling error holocaust is not, so i leave it. i don't believe in proper punctuation anyways we know that.
    In what country is the definition of a Holocaust denier different?
    Well thats why I think you should watch the video. Its every country on the other side of the war I would guess?
  • 800OVER wrote: »
    DO you?
    I already stated I think there needs to be independent and objective research done.
  • compuease wrote: »
    Trollers gonna troll...
    Ya but its weird cause on the other hand I participate frequently in the strat thread and I'm not actually a troll at all.

    How about grown men name calling because they don't like someone's opinion?
  • I don't know what school you went to, but I sure as hell remember being taught about aboriginal peoples being slaughtered to the point that entire bands (I think that's the right word, someone please correct me if I'm wrong) were wiped off the face of the Earth. There was no denying of it. However, the part I learned in school was "many people died." The rest of the information, I GOT FROM MY PARENTS WHEN I ASKED THEM QUESTIONS.
  • The worse kind!!
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    I don't know what school you went to, but I sure as hell remember being taught about aboriginal peoples being slaughtered to the point that entire bands (I think that's the right word, someone please correct me if I'm wrong) were wiped off the face of the Earth. There was no denying of it. However, the part I learned in school was "many people died." The rest of the information, I GOT FROM MY PARENTS WHEN I ASKED THEM QUESTIONS.
    Your parents learned under the same education system you did
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    The worse kind!!
    No the worse kind would be someone who calls people prejudice that are defenders and not prejudice. That would be terrible.

    Its not racist to suggest the holocaust needs inquiry, but I understand you've been conditioned to tune out and call it that.

    "Your a rasict, I'm not listening"
  • darbday wrote: »
    Ya but its weird cause on the other hand I participate frequently in the strat thread and I'm not actually a troll there at all.
    FYP, and agreed.
    darbday wrote: »
    How about grown men name calling because they don't like someone's opinion?
    Guilty conscience? What makes you think I meant you are the troll?
  • darbday wrote: »
    Your parents learned under the same education system you did

    Darb, you've said this several times now. It doesn't make it more true when you repeat it. My parents are independant thinkers. They learned many things from school, but they learned more from their parents and from, GASP, going out and finding things out for themselves.

    If you're going to make baseless statements that are only backed up by your own thoughts on the education system, rather than actual facts (i.e. you somehow had a bunch of cameras hooked up a la The Truman Show and watched my entire life as it unfolded), do it to someone else. Me, I'm just gonna call you on your bullshit.
  • People people. Quit feeding Darb's narcissism and stop responding. You'll notice that he was getting antsy after his first post in this thread when he didn't get a bunch of shocked responses to this clearly inflammatory clip so he posted again openly asking for people to post.
    The man (boy? not meant as an insult, I don't actually know him) clearly thrives on conspiracy theories and idiotic concepts simply because it puts his views at odds with most level headed people. This gives him a chance to "educate" regardless of the topic. Someone that loves the sound of his own voice will not stop before you. You will notice a recurring theme in his posts:
    -Darb is always right, even when he only has admittedly marginal experience studying a particular issue or point
    -Darb has different definitions for words. This allows him to avoid being wrong in his mind
    -Darb is privy to insight and knowledge that most of the people in the world do not have
    -He will never EVER concede even the most marginal of errors he has made because he has yet to make one in any discussion on here yet.
    -He demands evidence or credantials before he will give us credit for our contributions. Even then he dismisses it all out of hand.
    I mean, I could go on an on and on but I'm not Darb so I'll cut it off there.
    The best solution is to let him make his non poker posts and not get fished in by his cries for attention. Who knows, if we stop feeding the troll he might just stop trolling?
    my 2 cents
  • darbday wrote: »
    This is why we covered some events in the other thread that were hidden through history, lost civilizations found because their history was purposefully buried. History has already lied to us, we know that, its common knowledge. We've found civilization that other civilizations tried to bury through wiping historical records, destroying their churches, killing their kings, capture their wives and children and enslaving them.

    And yes we constantly study events in history to judge their accuracy, why not the Holocaust.

    I don't think I have to worry about what words you want me to put a capital on. christ, hows that? christ is a spelling error holocaust is not, so i leave it. i don't believe in proper punctuation anyways we know that.

    Well thats why I think you should watch the video. Its every country on the other side of the war I would guess?

    Actually we don't study events to judge their accuracy at all.....ever. We can study records to see if they are accurate. See the difference? I don't study your birthday party to see if it is accurate....do you not see how that makes no sense? I could try and find out if peoples recollection of your birthday was accurate. But I'd have to come up with some kind of test that has validity. See the difference?

    But again no answers.....you're trying very hard not to answer anything. You're doing well. In fact as well as heir Presidente did in the video you posted. You still haven't told us whether or not the Holocaust happened. When you write the first paragraph....you imply that you have questions about the truth of the Holocaust. But if you don't, just say so. Don't you see how someone who doesn't know you and how much you love Jews (but you don't because you don't see race) would think that you could be minimizing the Holocaust?
  • darbday wrote: »
    I already stated I think there needs to be independent and objective research done.

    You are a Holocaust denier. But that's just my definition.
This discussion has been closed.