This is why I rarely watch NHL anymore



  • costanza wrote: »
    I was going to leave this thread alone but I cant.
    Bullshit . . . you're a troll. You LIVE for his kind of thread, and the nonsense you puke all over it feeds your ego.
    To even state that fighting needs to be out of the game is hog wash.
    No, it is a reasoned opinion, one you have not yet countered similarly.
    Fighting in hockey plays a major role. It protects great players (all players actually) from cheap shots, it sends messages and adds toughness.
    No, it doesn't . . . and that is easily proven by looking at the injury stats.
    Fight's dont "just" happen, there is always a reason, weather it be someone simply snowing the goalie, protecting a player after being hit from behind or a team mate being victim of a cheap shot.
    how does starting a fight AFTER a player has been hit from behind protect that player? this is the kind of BS I was referring to earlier.
    fighting also occur's between 2 "tough guy's" . You dont see goal scorer's and supersars fight all that often, and if they do its to spark their team after they have been playing bad or they are frustrated. IT IS PART OF THE GAME.
    Again, that is an opinion. One you have not backed up with any new or relevant discussion beyond, "it's always been like that."
    I played competitive , high caliber junior all the way growing up (I played junior since I was 15) and fighting is not only part of the game, but it is necessary.
    You have mentioned this before, but have never provided any substantive proof when called on it. So this comment means nothing . . .
    If you have never played a competitive game in your life, or are only a casual fan, your opinion really means nothing tbh.

    your last point is just as ridiculous as the rest of your post.
    costanza wrote: »
    there is lots of fights in the playoff's LMAO

    keep on keepin on...

    Really?!? In the last regular season there 0.56 fights per game, or just over 1 every 2 matches. In the playoffs that dropped to 0.21 per game, or roughly 1 every 5 matches. That is roughly a 60% drop off between the regular season and the playoffs. If fighting is oh so important, then why, in the most important games of the entire season, does the fighting drop off so drastically? Stop watching your Don Cherry tapes and actually think about it rationally.
  • taking fighting out of the game would lose fans for sure. what costanza means by it protects players, more means that people know they can't just go around delivering massive hits from behind on a teams star player and not expect to pay for it.
    Also you can't compare sports like nba, nfl, and nhl. They are all very different. Fouling a player hard as they go up for a layup in basketball is considered a smart play....make them earn it at the line. Its no disrespect to the player and thats why there aren't fights. Hitting a teams captain hard from behind is disrespect, and a teammate should stick up for there teammates when something like this happens.
    Its a canadian game, its not for the weak, if your not tough enough don't play :D
  • *sigh

    You guys do realize that in all sports when a-holes step over the imaginary douche line that fights do happen. But in other sports they are dealt with the way adults should deal with other fighting adults. Stop it immediately, send the players to the showers for the night and depending on the severity give them a few games to think about what they did and subsequently take a lot of money out of their paychecks.

    And the problem with the NHL is that imaginary douche line now is crossed with clean open ice hits, yo mama's and face washes and set up by asswipe coaches (see anything by Tortorella) who love waving their goons around the ice like the penis they wish they had. It's beyond childish and when the guys sent out there to do it start suffering debilitating and life threatening consequences because of it, it becomes a legal question of liability and the NHL borders on stupidity for letting it continue.

  • compuease wrote: »
    imo, I think we need some input from guys who have actually played the game at a high level... Wonder where we can find some? >:D

    I know that you are hinting at me comp.

    What would u like to know? I already voiced my opinion.

    I played junior in wellesley, cambridge, elmira, fergus, walkerton and Erin.
  • Does anyone know why fighting first became accepted and expected in hockey? Why did it become a penalty and not a get the fuck out and don't ever come back concept? Seriously, we may be able to figure out the answer to fighting's importance in hockey if we can find the beginning of it.

    As for the whole fighting stops cheap shots, that's a crock of shit. You want to stop cheap shot? Start teaching. Show players, from the very beginning, that these things are unacceptable. Unfortunately, just like in the real world, you have to get everyone on board with this concept for it to fix the issue. Thankfully, also like in the real world, the more you create this way, the more the pendulum swings to the side of sanity and away from the side of brutality.
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Does anyone know why fighting first became accepted and expected in hockey? Why did it become a penalty and not a get the fuck out and don't ever come back concept? Seriously, we may be able to figure out the answer to fighting's importance in hockey if we can find the beginning of it.

    As for the whole fighting stops cheap shots, that's a crock of shit. You want to stop cheap shot? Start teaching. Show players, from the very beginning, that these things are unacceptable. Unfortunately, just like in the real world, you have to get everyone on board with this concept for it to fix the issue. Thankfully, also like in the real world, the more you create this way, the more the pendulum swings to the side of sanity and away from the side of brutality.

    The game as a whole has gotten alot cleaner and less crazy as compared to the 70's, 80's and even the 90's.

    Bench brawls, even fights with the crowd were common.

    the game is so much faster now and more clean than it was, to take away the fighting will leave great players at a huge risk to injuries, because people will have no one to answer to.

    Also, fighting isnt allowed in minor league hockey, suspensions are handed out, so it IS taught from the beginning

    only at junior is it "legal" (5 min fighting major) but it's gotten way more strict (no instigating, no taking the buckets off pre, tie downs, etc)

    Professional hockey is a sport for MEN. I'm all for leaving fighting out of minor hockey and what not, but I stand firm on fighting having a major role in today's game and is a necessity.
  • costanza wrote: »

    I played junior in wellesley, cambridge, elmira, fergus, walkerton and Erin.

    Not good enough to hold down a steady gig eh? ;)

    When did you play for the Applejacks?
  • Not good enough to hold down a steady gig eh? ;)

    When did you play for the Applejacks?

    when I was 15.. back in 2002 iirc

    and yeah I was traded alot lol, broke my leg one year, collar bone, and seperated shoulder that will pop out for the rest of my life, so I bounced around from D B and C
  • costanza wrote: »

    and yeah I was traded alot lol, broke my leg one year, collar bone, and seperated shoulder that will pop out for the rest of my life, so I bounced around from D B and C

    Wait wat? How could that happen with the fighting stopping all those dirty hits from happening to the stars??
  • Wait wat? How could that happen with the fighting stopping all those dirty hits from happening to the stars??

    hahahah I never said I was a star, Ive just played competitively. My injuries were mostly from open ice hits and losing an edge on a dump and chase

    tbh, alot of the hockey is/was garbage, but fighting was standard.. no one ever got hurt, it was just part of the game.

    alot of tilts happened mostly during home and away's, alot of bad blood develops between back to back games, it only takes one play to get ppl frisky to dance

    Junior hockey is alot different from the NHL, but even so, the NHL has a place for fighting. It's tactical and relevant. period.

    I will admit among all of this, and I think someone stated this earlier about Torts, him and them starting a bunch of 4th line goons on the opening face off is just ... I don't even have words for it.

    Garunteed, the home coach (Torterella) saw the starting line up when he filled out the card, and was like wtffffffff
  • costanza wrote: »
    The game as a whole has gotten alot cleaner and less crazy as compared to the 70's, 80's and even the 90's.

    True, as far as fighting goes. Stick work was worse for awhile there but appears to be calming down as well. Doesn't have a lick to do with fighting to keep people in check.

    Bench brawls, even fights with the crowd were common.

    the game is so much faster now and more clean than it was, to take away the fighting will leave great players at a huge risk to injuries, because people will have no one to answer to.

    Bullshit and you know it. You're simply arguing to argue. Show me one stat that proves this.

    Also, fighting isnt allowed in minor league hockey, suspensions are handed out, so it IS taught from the beginning

    Also bullshit. I refereed for 8+ years. Fighting is the same in minor as it is in junior and NHL. Only time kids get suspensions is if they're repeat offenders.

    only at junior is it "legal" (5 min fighting major) but it's gotten way more strict (no instigating, no taking the buckets off pre, tie downs, etc)

    Rules that the NHL put through to the Junior ranks to try and see how they worked which, when they did, were put in place in the NHL. Now the CHL is banning fighting altogether. When it works, and it will, and they show that there will not be an alarming amount of increase in cheap shots, the NHL will be more inclined to pick it up. I don't blame them for not banning fighting outright yet. For all their flaws, Bettman and co. don't do anything without research.

    Professional hockey is a sport for MEN. I'm all for leaving fighting out of minor hockey and what not, but I stand firm on fighting having a major role in today's game and is a necessity.

    Agreed. It's a sport for men. Grown men. Adult men. Since when does orchastrating a fight make you a man?

    See bolded.
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    See bolded.

    Ok valid points Cerb.

    I'm not trying to cause an argument or get under anyone's skin, im just voicing my honest opinion with my beliefs.

    I can definitely see both sides of the story, but call me a traditionalist if you will, im not one for change all that much.

    I love hockey just the way it is and I guess that's what it all boils down to.

    (fwiw I still don't like the red line being taken away)
  • it doesnt stop it from happening, but makes it occur less. Take hitting and fighting out of hockey. They games would be come so easy to predict, the highest talented team would win every year. But thats not the case because of the physical aspect of the game. As a preds fan, playing physical and getting into those "dirty" areas is how we win games, that and having the best goalie in the league doesnt hurt :D. Hockey isnt a sport where the team with the deepest pockets will win every year. Its the team that has the players that will work the hardest and wear the other team down. I cant even believe that on a canadian forum this is a topic.......really? taking hitting and fighting out of hockey? People are getting soft.
  • I don't remember anyone saying take hitting out of hockey. That seems a little too extreme to me. Would people still watch? Yes. Is it necessary? No.
  • NEVER have I said hitting should be out of the game. I would like to see the return to "smart" hitting where you use your physicality to rub a guy out on the boards and take the puck from him. The big open ice hits where guys are looking to blast someone into next week are spectacular but again not really conducive to keeping players on the ice.
  • So, if the argument for fighting is that it keeps the stick work at bay, why not just call the stick work more harshly, too? Fighting is an anachronism . . . much like Don Cherry . . . neither are truly relevant to the game anymore.
  • Milo wrote: »
    So, if the argument for fighting is that it keeps the stick work at bay, why not just call the stick work more harshly, too? .

    I don't know if I can explain this well enough. Sometimes things get missed by the refs: cheap shots, high sticks, slew foot, all kinds of things. That's why there's fighting; it is a form of an enforcement of the rules by the other team when the officials miss things.

    Is throwing at a batter necessary to the game of baseball? When a batter is taking liberties at the plate is it not acknowledged that the pitcher will "knock him down" with some chin music? And if the batter then rushes the mound is it not justifiable, if not strictly allowed by the rules of the game?

    At the most, hockey should probably eject the player from the game immediately, and have someone else serve a 5 min major. No other suspension is necessary.
  • cant take cheap shots out of the game without taking hitting out of the game. If you have played competitive hockey before you would know that sometimes you go in for a clean hit but the guy turns or something at the last minute and it becomes what some believe as a cheap shot.
  • I know i am in the minority but i want the head shot rule gone if the guy has his head down he deserves to get drilled. I am all for the blind side stuff but the nhl has put the onus on the guy throwing the hit instead of the guy getting hit. The guy with the puck or about to get the puck should have to make a decision do i take this pass and get hammered or do i just let it go remember the term "suicide pass" that is gone now. Same goes for the chara hit patches ( i dont call him that and hate the habs but i dont want to look up the spelling of his name) made a choice do i chip the puck in and chase or so i take that small space and try to beat chara on the outside and take a chance of getting smoked. We all know what happened what is chara suppose to do just let him skate by him. I hate the way the nhl is going.

    As for staged fights they can go and can be put up to the discretion of the ref if they feel it is staged game misconduct but I really like spear of the moment fights and I also want the instigator gone.

    ps guys will start putting there head at risk in an act to draw penalties just like they turn there back to draw hitting from behind penalties
  • If the ref decides they made a concious effort to turn, no penalty. Likewise if the player "ducks" and gets one in the head. Look it up. Then come over to the winning team.
  • Milo, isn't this the first time you've been on the winning team without it being due to forfeit?
  • Uh. . . no. Check out the stats for Royal Cup VIII (I think).
  • Came across this on CBC website and thought it was relevant:

    Video - Hockey Night in Canada Radio - Sports -
  • holy the first couple of pages....can't believe the fighting nits itt

    1.) That was a phucking awesome start to a hockey game

    2.) If you didn't like it, change sports or sex, cuz hockey ain't 4 u

    3.) Rinse, repeat
  • Well, after such a well reasoned argument, how can I not? No more hockey for me . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    Well, after such a well reasoned argument, how can I not? No more hockey for me . . .

  • T8urmoney wrote: »
    holy the first couple of pages....can't believe the fighting nits itt

    1.) That was a phucking awesome start to a hockey game

    2.) If you didn't like it, change sports or sex, cuz hockey ain't 4 u

    3.) Rinse, repeat

    exactly how I feel lol
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