Thread locking...



  • Free speech is all fine and good until it begins to infringe on the ability of other people to live their lives without harrasment, abuse and just general horribleness. At that point, your right to free speech is < my right to not have to listen to racist, sexist, slanderous statements.

    Now, none of that has happened in this thread, and the sexist ones usually just get brushed off because it's the interwebs, but the point is still true. Once it infringes on the rights of other people, freedom of speech is gone.
  • Get back in to see how this thread has grown..... Read it all, and my head HURTS!.... Carry on though, quite interesting all the opinions...

    If it gets too painful around here I can always just resign...

    but not before I permaban the bunch of ya.. :)
  • Resign? Then WTF would you do? Admit it, you NEED this gig . .
  • FWIW, AFAIK, the only time threads have been locked is when things have gotten personal/malicious. Don't believe threads have ever been locked simply due to debate and controversial topics.

    Obv. I am known to be wrong...
  • darbday wrote: »
    thats advocating cyber bullying and yes we are adults but we influence children

    if i understand what you are saying here then my response is the pp thread was closed becuase it had legs, even though the original person had left

    and about the steve thing yes, you enjoy conflict

    Advocating one thing does not mean you're advocating something else. I'm for speaking your mind, and not limiting what people can say (some would call it free speech). This does not mean I'm for cyber bullying. Someone mentioned earlier your analogy of straight ppl voting on gay marriage as a good example. If I'm for gay marriage, some of the more right wing nutcases could say I support NAMBLA.

    The piggiepie thread had moved onto discussion regarding movie sequels - almost a stream of consciousness progression - thought you'd enjoy that kind of conversation.

    What's the steve thing? I guess you could say I prefer conflict over not voicing your opinion - sure.

  • darbday wrote: »
    lets apply a child posting a threatening status on their facebook to that, or a berating status. It doesn't actively seek out the victim....but it needs to stop


    Quick - go to facebook right now. What pops up? Is there options for who's newsfeeds you will currently view, or does it immediately show anyone on your lists? Further, when they refer to cyber bullying, the bulk of it is significantly different than what I think your mindframe has developed.

    Further, nobody on this site should be a child - poker is an adult game, for adult players in B&M's and online. I'm not foolish enough to say kids don't play it - hell, I've been stacked by many a <15y.o. - but we're adults. We don't always act like it sure, but still.

  • westside8 wrote: »
    FWIW, <acronym title="As far as I know">AFAIK</acronym>, the only time threads have been locked is when things have gotten personal/malicious. Don't believe threads have ever been locked simply due to debate and controversial topics.

    Obv. I am known to be wrong...

    To use the goodbye / piggie pie thread - the last roughly twenty posts included:

    One Anchorman picture
    Numerous discussion on the sequels to movies no longer being inferior
    Milo being wrong about Empire Strikes back not being the best of the Star Wars movies
    Posts pointing out that Piggiepie has in fact returned a couple times since his departure
    Several posts defending piggiepie and pointing out the potential negative outcome of the thread.

    So now, if this thread had lost any relevance, it's saying that the person arguing for why sassing PP is a bad idea wasn't making any worthwhile comments (and also, THE SEQUEL CHAT MAN!).

    If this thread is to have been locked because it has gotten personal or malicious, it should probably be deleted - but this was something that many already identified as not being okay, and crossing a line.

  • Go back to playing poker and stop worrying about the moderation of this site! who cares???

    its why we are here!
  • costanza wrote: »
    Go back to playing poker and stop worrying about the moderation of this site! who cares???

    its why we are here!

    Actually, that's not quite right (the last bit there...)

    All I've said is that I don't like that threads get locked, and I think it's wrong.

    I never said I was going to leave this site, and that's because I have much love for this site, and the people that frequent it. Most of these guys that have played with me know me quite well, and I'd say most of them even like having me around despite my shenanigans.

    The long-timers here have been to each others houses, shared birthdays (except JohnnieH - fuck that guy :P), gone out socially, travelled together, formed relationships or helped one another through broken ones.

    If everyone here just wanted poker chat, the only relevant part of the forum would be home games, and strategy would all go to 2+2. This site is a community, and when you're here a little longer, you'll get that. It's both the best and worst thing about this site because we are all such great friends, and it's also intimidating for the newbies.

    But, I will always say what's on my mind if I think something's not right.

  • hey Costanza, glad you posted, reminded me that this thread is exactly like Seinfeld - 130 posts of nothing.
  • moose wrote: »
    hey Costanza, glad you posted, reminded me that this thread is exactly like Seinfeld - 130 posts of nothing.

    **edited, I thought you were refering to me, not the thread :D
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    I'm for speaking your mind, and not limiting what people can say (some would call it free speech). This does not mean I'm for cyber bullying.

    EDIT: i was going to comment on this, but no reason to beat a dead horse any more.
  • moose wrote: »
    hey Costanza, glad you posted, reminded me that this thread is exactly like Seinfeld - 130 posts of nothing.

    This thread would be a great idea for a tv show.

    Do you have any salsa?
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    (except JohnnieH - fuck that guy :P)

    I feel bullied.

    Please lock this thread.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    I feel bullied.

    Please lock this thread.


  • DrTyore wrote: »


    Seriously stop bullying me!

    Dad! Make him stop!
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Seriously stop bullying me!

    Dad! Make him stop!

    No way, I don't think Mark would do that....
    DrTyore wrote: »


    Oh wow, ok yep that's him.
  • No way, I don't think Mark would do that....

    Oh wow, ok yep that's him.



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