Limiting "Hobbes" damage



  • I see you Pinhead and Shar :D
  • I am a fig newton of your imagination!
  • Sharantyr wrote: »
    I am a fig newton of your imagination!

    mmmmmm fig newtons :)
  • lol

    you would go there

    Would you like a xl coffee with your cookies?:D
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    I see you Pinhead and Shar :D

    Don't mind me, just waiting on my super mega XXL Tim's...
  • So, kind of like an airing of grievances about Hobbes kind of thing in this thread then?

    Sounds like a logical plan.
  • Sharantyr wrote: »

    you would go there

    Would you like a xl coffee with your cookies?:D

    How many oz in an XL?
  • So, kind of like an airing of grievances about Hobbes kind of thing in this thread then?

    This ends well.

    The only grievence you have is that I'm a better poker player than you. :D
  • darbday wrote: »
    i would like to see if your graph supports this claim...

    Not everything in life/poker comes in graph form :)

    I have legitimately improved what little game I have from being on this forum. I'm still no world beater... hell, even micro beater, but I'm better than I was without it. Plus, there's some fun people I've met through it too.
    Milo wrote: »
    Good Gawd, I hope you are donating your brain to science when you die. There have got to be some seriously misaligned synapses in there for you to believe that quote. How many pile-drivers have you taken, anyway?

    It's an old Friends quote. Chandler says screw the Knicks, Joey looks like he's going to jump out the window, so Chandler apologizes and when it's not enough he says the Knicks rule all. Sheesh, can't believe I have to explain such obvious, relavent references to you. Ugh.
    kidcolt66 wrote: »
    Crap! Piggys gone? I got one of my 4 "likes" from her......or is it him? Wtf was up with that name anyway?! Thought it was a chick......

    And here's a prime example. People were, from what I could tell, much more sarcastic in Colt's threads than Piggy's, yet Colt didn't Chernobyl the whole thing.
    compuease wrote: »
    Ok, I declare that all future Hobbes "dislikes" must be posted here... In fact maybe in Hobbes honour our illustrious overlord Scoops will "invent" the dislike button to balance off the likes. Would bring balance to the pokerforum universe.

    Do we need two dislike buttons, one for legit dislikes and one for sarcastic ones? I mean, it is a poker forum, so shouldn't we have different levels of thinking?
    So, kind of like an airing of grievances about Hobbes kind of thing in this thread then?

    Sounds like a logical plan.

    When is the feats of strength and I think it should be Mark that takes him on :)
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    The only grievence you have is that I'm a better poker player than you. :D

    I don't grieve that, I accept it. I do appreciate it when you buy a share in my bap games though. Kind of makes me feel better about myself.

    Fuckin' Hobbes. Such a hurtful fuck.
  • IQ test for newbs to ensure they can handle the pressure. oh, wait if that was the rule I'd have to close my account now.....uh, never mind.

    yah, what shar said.

    I think that it is very easy in the cyber world to be a douche. This forum has it's own rules that aren't listed in a thread anywhere so internal flaming pretty much rolls off those in the know. The newbs though can be caustic without knowing or even trying and it's hard not to think they deserve what they get. Hopefully they Wo/Man up. (I've had to do this on some forums where I overstepped my welcome early on)

    Now if the intent is to increase traffic then direct flaming will have to be MODerated. not sure you want to get into that.

    How about a free XXXXL tims mug if you get past 3 months and 300 posts?
  • bump for lolz
  • i didnt really get any lolz itt tho :-\

    all i learned is why moose is called moose :o
  • Where has cerb been?
  • moose wrote: »
    Where has cerb been?

    Busy with life and doing something with Border City Wrestling.
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