Limiting "Hobbes" damage



  • darbday wrote: »
    i actually didn't feel stupid..and i think its about as funny as running someone out a high school class and laughing at their expense when their a group...because its safe....

    i never understood it

    there were about fourteen people (just a guess) who stopped by to kick a person while they are down...and they are all cowards....because thats the definition it think....

    funny thing is...half of you are too pussy to post hand histories for the same reason.....

    the other half type insults...because that way better players won't be able to analyze your play and tell you that your wrong...

    I don't know ...i guess this isn't a poker forum? Just a group of people who gave it the wrong name.....

    Dude, the high horse you're on is a donkey.

    Guy didn't snap because he was berated for his opinion on how to play suited gappers in position close to the bubble. It was a goddam coffee thread in OT.
  • Dude, the high horse you're on is a donkey.

    Guy didn't snap because he was berated for his opinion on how to play suited gappers in position close to the bubble. It was a goddam coffee thread in OT.
    really? i was under the impression the poster was disgusted with the forum in general....from their experience since they started here....

    that the cup thread was the straw on the camels back....

    back i don't need to explain that ...

    you already knew it...didn't you? but why are you pretending you didn't?
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    I find this forum to be helpful in many ways, including poker.
    i would like to see if your graph supports this claim...
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Oh, and the Knicks rule all.

    Good Gawd, I hope you are donating your brain to science when you die. There have got to be some seriously misaligned synapses in there for you to believe that quote. How many pile-drivers have you taken, anyway?
  • darbday wrote: »
    that the cup thread was the straw on the camels back....

    Who the hell drinks coffee with a straw?
  • darbday wrote: »
    really? i was under the impression the poster was disgusted with the forum in general....from their experience since they started here....

    that the cup thread was the straw on the camels back....

    back i don't need to explain that ...

    you already knew it...didn't you? but why are you pretending you didn't?

    He had 90? posts in 13? months...I hadn't heard of him prior to the coffee thread. I looked up his threads the other night and he had started maybe 7-8 which were mostly looking for poker game threads if I recall correctly. Also, the 2 threads he did start wrt actual poker hands/broll management were answered legitimately.

    I'm pretty sure the nicer and more politically correct way to respond to him would be to ask if he was on the rag?
  • darbday wrote: »
    really? i was under the impression the poster was disgusted with the forum in general....from their experience since they started here....

    that the cup thread was the straw on the camels back....

    back i don't need to explain that ...

    you already knew it...didn't you? but why are you pretending you didn't?

    And again, I have no idea what you're talking about. Not just figuratively this time but literally too. Either I have to start smoking, or you have to find an app that translates highspeak.

    I stay out of strategy here for the most part since you and your drama-bomb affair with Mark. I consider myself barely a social player so I find most of your attempts at 7th level thinking to be inane at best. If piggyboy had issues in strat I'm sorry for being ignorant of it but it doesn't change the fact his hissy fit was here in OT.

    As for you claiming to know what I know, f u, and have a nice day.
  • And again, I have no idea what you're talking about. Not just figuratively this time but literally too.

    I stay out of strategy here for the most part since you and your drama-bomb affair with Mark. I consider myself barely a social player so I find most of your attempts at 7th level thinking to be inane at best. If piggyboy had issues in strat I'm sorry for being ignorant of it but it doesn't change the fact his hissy fit was here in OT.

    As for you claiming to know what I know, f u, and have a nice day.

    Dude, are you on the rag?
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    Dude, are you on the rag?

    Jeezus we're going to lose another one . . . :-[
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    Dude, are you on the rag?

    I just demo'd one of those new XXL Timmies.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    He had 90? posts in 13? months...I hadn't heard of him prior to the coffee thread. I looked up his threads the other night and he had started maybe 7-8 which were mostly looking for poker game threads if I recall correctly. Also, the 2 threads he did start wrt actual poker hands/broll management were answered legitimately.
    i think what you are trying to say here is someone who claims this site is full of negative comments, is intimidating for many to post on, and isn't welcoming to new out of line and loony

    in before someone says: where are all the people who agree with you darb

    Because I think they left before they started, some shortly after, some where prob not going to contribute much.....sadly many were probably world class pros

    but i came to this site to get better...many here didn't....and I don't own the site and didn't start it so I can't be the one to decide that it should foster learning
  • I stay out of strategy here for the most part since you and your drama-bomb affair with Mark.
    That sux. When people don't feel like contributing it affects my game. And I came here to learn from players of all motivations. So aren't you one of the people who feels intimidated to post then?

    As for the drama, Mark was filling the home game chat with berating comments towards me, the entire game, and more and more every time we played. One of the reason I brought it to light was all of the other people who would be turned away by seeing this (coupled with seeing posts on the same subject).
    I'm sorry for being ignorant of it but it doesn't change the fact his hissy fit was here in OT.

    As for you claiming to know what I know, f u, and have a nice day.
    Im just saying youre obv smart enough to realize that the OP wasn't enjoying them self here, and comfortable and feeling welcome and a part of a forum and then all of a sudden for absolutely no conceivable reason just blew up and left because of a coffee size don't believe that do you

    but ya f me ...i do accept that..i deserve it...but im not new so i think thats ok
  • I just demo'd one of those new XXL Timmies.

    XXL? How many ounces?
  • darbday wrote: »
    i think what you are trying to say here is someone who claims this site is full of negative comments, is intimidating for many to post on, and isn't welcoming to new out of line and loony

  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    XXL? How many ounces?

    'Bout tree fiddy.
  • At least try . . .
  • I blame Wetts
  • djgolfcan wrote: »

    NOW, we know where the nickname moose came from.

    More like this

  • darbday wrote: »
    So aren't you one of the people who feels intimidated to post then?

    ar u 4 realz?

    There is no place for intimidation in poker. It's probably the #1 rule that I play by.

    I have made a few threads over time when a spot comes up that I haven't seen before, or when I feel there were serious flaws in a certain hand or if I'm looking for any other ideas on specific spots.

    I am going to be about the last person who is going to ask about any online this point in my life I don't even consider it real poker.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    I blame Wetts

    I blame aliens..
  • Gotta admit this thread took on a life of it's own, way more air time than I expected... lol... and yes, it was started in jest. I can't believe that 3 or 4 thought it was serious.. And yes this is OT, so generally most anything goes..

    I looked throught piggypies posts, responses and that sort of stuff and really can't find any reason for a hissy fit... Good god man, you gotta have a little thicker skin on an Internet forum...
    GTA's just being GTA... a but Hobbes, well..........

    and darb if somebody was ragging on you mercilessly in a strat thread and you complained I might (and I say might) take action.. but it would depend..:)

    and piggy's just lucky Kristy isn't around...>:D
  • Also ...i busted 6th at this final table....and was slightly tilted

    Poker Stars, $2.28 + $0.22 NL Hold'em Tournament, 800/1,600 Blinds, 150 Ante, 9 Players

    SB: 2,048
    BB: 40,675
    UTG: 13,106
    UTG+1: 13,038
    UTG+2: 13,505
    MP1: 33,628
    MP2: 40,666
    CO: 12,620
    JodaB. (BTN): 100,714

    i don't really have a problem with anyone, just want people to know that they can feel comfortable posting
  • compuease wrote: »
    GTA's just being GTA... a but Hobbes is Winning!!!

  • darbday wrote: »
    i don't really have a problem with anyone, just want people to know that they can feel comfortable posting

    What the hell are you doing playing like that darb? That's just idiotic, is this the 1st time you have played poker? And what the hell is going on with that occupy movement or whatever it was anyways?


    was going to leave out the smiley but wasn't sure how old darb is...
  • compuease wrote: »
    How do we keep Hobbes (and the like) from chasing away valuable new contributors to the forum? Discuss...
    Since you got me on a good day, this is forum Phil and not real life Phil for the record speaking, maybe do your job on here.
    crazykoby wrote: »
    I find this all very upsetting, I'm still confused about how many oz are in a XL coffee

    hahaha thank you sir for that.
    compuease wrote: »
    Gotta admit this thread took on a life of it's own, way more air time than I expected... lol... and yes, it was started in jest. I can't believe that 3 or 4 thought it was serious.. And yes this is OT, so generally most anything goes..

    Like 400 views just today I think, ya it's doing good.
    I looked throught piggypies posts, responses and that sort of stuff and really can't find any reason for a hissy fit... Good god man, you gotta have a little thicker skin on an Internet forum...
    GTA's just being GTA... a but Hobbes, well..........

    and darb if somebody was ragging on you mercilessly in a strat thread and you complained I might (and I say might) take action.. but it would depend..:)

    O really, no you would not.:bs:;)

    and piggy's just lucky Kristy isn't around...>:D

    I was thinking this myself today, gawd I wish Kristy was here.:)
  • philliivey wrote: »
    Since you got me on a good day, this is forum Phil and not real life Phil for the record speaking, maybe do your job on here.
    And just what is my job on here? Still waiting for a job description.... and a paycheck.. :(
  • Crap! Piggys gone? I got one of my 4 "likes" from her......or is it him? Wtf was up with that name anyway?! Thought it was a chick......
  • At least we all got to vent about our collective disdain for Hobbes.

    I know that I now feel better.

    Comp, can we use this as I Hobbes containment thread so that our dislike for him doesn't clutter all the useful threads on the site?
  • Ok, I declare that all future Hobbes "dislikes" must be posted here... In fact maybe in Hobbes honour our illustrious overlord Scoops will "invent" the dislike button to balance off the likes. Would bring balance to the pokerforum universe.
  • Can we sticky it, so it's easy to find? :D
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