The Rapture is this Saturday?!



  • compuease wrote: »
    I KNOW that wasn't your intention and by and large it is an entertaining thread however there are always some, on both sides, who want to make their beliefs the only belief. No need to state which ppl I'm thinking of here but you get the idea. No one ever wins political or religious debates...
    Me, I can argue either way but won't... I'm not going to lock it as we should be mature enough to get through this without getting too personal shouldn't we?
    Please believe me when I say I am not taking sides in the evolutionary vs creationary debate as I can see both sides. Both have good points. What I don't understand is either side taking a strong position. I'm much more of the belief that there is so much we don't know and hopefully we will find out. However I do not believe it will be in any of our lifetimes.


    politics and religion, nothing can divide another wise tight community more.

    Have a laugh in this thread though, it was all in good fun.
  • I have to disagree, Jon. It's just that no one here is serious enough about their argument to completely eradicate the other side from the face of the earth. If nothing else, history is shown that this is the only way to "win" a religious or political argument.

    Comp, be worried, my daughter likes Gaga, and she has a 14 yr. olds attitude about it.
  • ^^^ Shit disturber imo....
  • I have no problem with those who choose to ignore the truth and end up in hell and I won't lose a second sleep over it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    How very "Christian" of you. One more exclamation mark and you would have had me converted me.

    Look, I was brought up in a Christian home, my wife and kids attend church weekly and do it without coming home and preaching to me. The reason it works is that I try to live my life by taking the positive parts of Christianity like "love thy neighbor" and "do unto others", Islam's "Salaam Alaykum" or anything else I agree with from the Hindu, Buddhist or any other religion. I was taught by my parents that the Bible is kind of a guide to live your life by but is not a "rule book" and that taking it completely literally is not only a bit crazy but can be dangerous.

    The bolded word above from Brent is the main issue I have with religion. If someone is going to tell me that there is ONE TRUE FAITH I am going to call BS. You can be convinced that your religion is the only one, and I would still never feel the need to tell you that I would be fine with you spending eternity in Hell if you're wrong.......and I hold the exact same regard for those people that preach a lack of any faith.

    As far as evolutionism/creationism every one is entitled to their opinion. I don't care what anyone believes really, but I am personally much more open to the findings of science that have been conducting their research for hundreds of years and continue with great advancement to this day, as opposed to a book passed down for centuries without ever having first hand knowledge of Jesus's true intentions. I figure if Jesus had emoticons there would be more than a few ;)'s, :-\'s and :)'s in the Bible.
  • Crap, I HATE agreeing with the HABS fan. Though, I am pleased he did not proclaim them as the one true faith.
  • Ian Craib's theory of Fragmentation might be of assistance here. It's application pertains more to social theory and choices thereof, however I think it could be modified somewhat.

    Not going through the whole thing, but here's a linky poo.

    Modern social theory: from Parsons ... - Google Books

    I'm not just a pretty painter/half assed poker player.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Crap, I HATE agreeing with the HABS fan. Though, I am pleased he did not proclaim them as the one true faith.

    I didn't proclaim it but they are. God, Allah, Buddha all came to me in a dream wearing habs jerseys.
  • That's it, I am declaring a fatwah on the Mole . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    That's it, I am declaring a fatwah on the Mole . . .

    u calling the Mole fat? Are you just going to sit there and take that Mole?
  • Looks like we can keep this going till Oct. :D

    He got his Judgement Days mixed up.
    Camping, who made a special appearance before the press at the Oakland headquarters of the media empire Monday evening, apologized for not having the dates "worked out as accurately as I could have." Through chatting with a friend over what he acknowledged was a very difficult weekend, the light dawned on him that instead of the biblical Rapture in which the faithful would be swept up to the heavens, May 21 had instead been a "spiritual" Judgment Day, which places the entire world under Christ's judgment, he said.
  • How is this wackjob not in jail yet?
  • philliivey wrote: »
    How is this wackjob not in jail yet?

    Because of the 1st Amendment.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Because of the 1st Amendment.

    I will go to the papers if I have to........................
  • The rapture is upon us!:D

    Stars is down and full tilt went down earlier on the same day, uh oh here we go again......
  • Any one here missing and off to meet Mr Big... didn't think so.
    Besides I have to get rid of that pesky no post post
  • JohnnieH wrote: »

    I'm booked for Buzzzards tournament on Saturday, should I cancel?
  • JohnnieH wrote: »

    It's ok it's just the next time the world is ending. Although scheduling that on a payday is just plain wrong.
  • compuease wrote: »
    I'm booked for Buzzzards tournament on Saturday, should I cancel?

    Sorry Dad, I messed up the post. It's actually tomorrow, not Saturday. So I guess you don't need to go to work at least :)
  • i say believe whatever you want. however, don't shove your views in my face if you don't want a debate.

    personally, i don't believe in god. i can't. i have this mental block that requires me to have evidence for thinking the things i do. i practically question pretty much all of our 'traditions' in the sense that we only continue to do them simply because we used to do them in the past. just boggles my mind. imho, people take a shit ton for granted and never really critically analyze anything.

    and gl tomorrow everyone. sounds like a bad beat waiting to happen.
  • I believe in the shift key. Is capitalization one of the traditions you have already questioned?
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Sorry Dad, I messed up the post. It's actually tomorrow, not Saturday. :)

    woot. Means I won't have to work this weekend. ;)
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    woot. Means I won't have to work this weekend. ;)

    That means you can come to Buzzzards... He won't be getting raptured, just like the rest of us....
  • I believe in the shift key. Is capitalization one of the traditions you have already questioned?

    no. laziness is one of the new methods of survival that i've adopted. our ancestors worked way too hard. the traditional understanding of hard work equaling success is what i question.

    edit: in all seriousness, i question traditions such as marriage since this tradition stemmed from concepts of survival of the species, survival of the fittest, and probably other evolutionary standards which were necessary and prevalent in our history. that is, in order to keep our species alive and thriving we had to pair up in opposite twos and have as many children as possible and have people there to raise said children.

    however, these concepts no longer apply to humans in the same way they did in the past. not only that, but the tradition of marriage has become practically a negative force as one can see in the high divorce rates, depression, murders, suicides, etc. that result in the breakdown of marriages.

    i've always suggested that marriage should be changed to last 5 years only with the option of renewal. if this was the accepted norm then i think we'd have way less violence and depression stemming from 'loved' ones breaking apart, families being destroyed, etc.

    i could go on (and on and on), but i'll stop here (for now maybe). in any case, mexico city is considering taking up my idea in some capacity and it's about time (i've only been saying this for years). see the article here.
  • trigs wrote: »
    no. laziness is one of the new methods of survival that i've adopted. our ancestors worked way too hard. the traditional understanding of hard work equaling success is what i question.

    edit: in all seriousness, i question traditions such as marriage since this tradition stemmed from concepts of survival of the species, survival of the fittest, and probably other evolutionary standards which were necessary and prevalent in our history. that is, in order to keep our species alive and thriving we had to pair up in opposite twos and have as many children as possible and have people there to raise said children.

    however, these concepts no longer apply to humans in the same way they did in the past. not only that, but the tradition of marriage has become practically a negative force as one can see in the high divorce rates, depression, murders, suicides, etc. that result in the breakdown of marriages.

    i've always suggested that marriage should be changed to last 5 years only with the option of renewal. if this was the accepted norm then i think we'd have way less violence and depression stemming from 'loved' ones breaking apart, families being destroyed, etc.

    i could go on (and on and on), but i'll stop here (for now maybe). in any case, mexico city is considering taking up my idea in some capacity and it's about time (i've only been saying this for years). see the article here.

    I didn't realize that these things were exclusive to married people.
  • Thanks Hobbes, nice interlude and this gets rid of that annoying intro about not posting.
  • screenman wrote: »
    Thanks Hobbes, nice interlude and this gets rid of that annoying intro about not posting.

    You are very welcome. :)
  • So has anyone been raptured yet today? I'm still watching the sky...
  • compuease wrote: »
    So has anyone been raptured yet today? I'm still watching the sky...

    You're looking the wrong way. :D
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