The Rapture is this Saturday?!



  • I took a nap . . . did I miss it? Everything looks the same, but I want to be sure . . .
  • Dam now I gotta explain all those "escort" charges on my cc to the wife. Guess it's the end of my world. :D
  • Damn, I didn't bother doing any of my chores today because I figured it wouldn't matter... now I've got a real busy Sunday...
  • Although I do notice that the family radio website is down... significant?
  • compuease wrote: »
    Although I do notice that the family radio website is down... significant?

    only for those needing their daily dose of quackery from a guy who has made millions off of their gullibility. Forget poker, need to start me a good old time religion. going to have dash board bobble heads of our saviour Buddy Christ,

  • I don't care if it rains or breezes.... long as I got, my plastic Jesus sitting..
    On the dashboard of my car! Comes in colours pink and pleasant,
    Glows in the dark 'cause it's iridescent, take it from me...
    When you travel far!

    Get youself a sweet madonna dressed in rhinestones, sitting on..
    A pedestal, of Ava - lonely shells...

    Also, it is not arguing irrationally if you do not believe in religion. In fact, it is more given to logical and realistic thinking.

  • I disagree that not believing in a religion is a result from thinking logically and realistic. To think that all of this could of started from literally nothing is kind of mind blowing and crazy. In my opinion it is way more likely that someone started all of this(earth, universe, etc) then it just coming to be from what was once darkness.
  • I disagree that not believing in a religion is a result from thinking logically and realistic. To think that all of this could of started from literally nothing is kind of mind blowing and crazy. In my opinion it is way more likely that someone started all of this(earth, universe, etc) then it just coming to be from what was once darkness.

    Sure. This last part is a valid point. where did this all start and why? I can't tell you that. but neither can any preacher/rabbi/imam

    one thing I am certain of, all of us and this universe were not created by the entities described in the bible/koran/talmud. Each of these books is a total paradox. they speak of a perfect creator. they then describe actions of this creator that point to an entity with massive character flaws who is definitely not perfect. Then there is the fact all of the 'stories'/myths what have you were taken in stages from the ancient greeks/egyptians/Mesopotamians.

    you have to have 'faith' in religion to suspend the logic inherent in each of us to spot the BS in the various scriptures. Believe if you wish but don't expect to win any sort of argument about whether or not you are right (and I'm speaking generically here, not going after you directly BTP) as you must suspend logic and reality to defend religion. Without stepping back to faith under even the most challenging circumstances there is not support for religion.

    It's May 22, and I'm going to get out of this thread now and try to learn about a certain card game in other sections of this forum.

    parting shot though - , something must have come from nothing. if our world was created by an entity, who/what created that entity, then who what created that entity.....on and on ad naseum. Something must have come from an unexplained nothing......

  • SuitedPair wrote: »
    It's May 22, and I'm going to get out of this thread now and try to learn about a certain card game in other sections of this forum.

    Go Fish!! :D
  • False Prophet Banked $80 Million on Doomsday Scam
    ... his followers were so blinded by [Harold] Camping's message that they gave everything they had to the man.
    One teenager admitted that his parents stopped saving for his college education. Some of his followers even budgeted their money so they'd be left penniless today.
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Go Fish!! :D

    Yeah, until I learn more that is about my speed. :)

    but at least I didn't give my bankroll errrr budgeted loss money,,, to that douchebag. nice find Blondefish
  • After re-reading this thread it begs a response from someone with a degree (more than one) in theology. For those intrested check back tomorrow.
  • After re-reading this thread it begs a response from someone with a degree (more than one) in theology. For those intrested check back tomorrow.

    Thanks for the warning.

    [ ] Will check back.
    [X] Will live my life without feeling the need to save others
  • Thanks for the warning.

    [ ] Will check back.
    [X] Will live my life without feeling the need to save others

    Forunately I don't have the desire to save others, not my job. Just going to give the readers who have bashed this thread and educated opinion. I have no problem with those who choose to ignore the truth and end up in hell and I won't lose a second sleep over it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Forunately I don't have the desire to save others, not my job. Just going to give the readers who have bashed this thread and educated opinion. I have no problem with those who choose to ignore the truth and end up in hell and I won't lose a second sleep over it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Actually Brent, there are quite a few educated people on here... Just because someone has a theology degree does not give him or her any more right to tell others what they should believe than someone with a BSC degree telling others they should believe in an evolutionary process. The point is, everyone has to make up their own mind and some of us, myself included, believe that we as humans don't as yet know where we came from.. At this point they're all theories (ie fairy tales). We can argue and discuss all we want but there is no solid proof of our origins to this point.
  • Hi botmac and suitedpair!:)

    ya that's all I got for here.
  • compuease wrote: »
    Actually Brent, there are quite a few educated people on here... Just because someone has a theology degree does not give him or her any more right to tell others what they should believe than someone with a BSC degree telling others they should believe in an evolutionary process. The point is, everyone has to make up their own mind and some of us, myself included, believe that we as humans don't as yet know where we came from.. At this point they're all theories (ie fairy tales). We can argue and discuss all we want but there is no solid proof of our origins to this point.

    no point to discuss this any further, it is one thing to have adiscussion of ideas, it is another thing to put down the ideas just because ...

    my thoughts on the subject in no way affect the lives on the people who read this forum, it amazes me the language that is used to put down someone who differs in thought.

    I have spent over 20 years studing this very issue, one might think it would be intersting to read.

    no loss, it is over. it has been an intresting ride, but time to move on

  • no point to discuss this any further, it is one thing to have adiscussion of ideas, it is another thing to put down the ideas just because ...

    my thoughts on the subject in no way affect the lives on the people who read this forum, it amazes me the language that is used to put down someone who differs in thought.

    I have spent over 20 years studing this very issue, one might think it would be intersting to read.

    no loss, it is over. it has been an intresting ride, but time to move on

    So you have closed your mind to an open discussion then?
  • People who preach opening your mind to religion and it's ideals yet are completely unwilling to believe there are other valid points and arguments are doomed to be stuck in a paradox of their own lunacy and hypocrasy.

  • Occam's razor

    What is more realistic / logical? An all knowing all seeing being who has serious personality and behavioral issues creating the universe with magic mojo, or the vast randomness of physics / science and law or large numbers taking hold?

    I really need to write a book called "here is why you're stupid: and how to correct y'self"

  • Not saying its coming or its not whatever, if it actually gets here were all "toast!" not going to live my life any differently honestly enjoy what you have...the end of the world, having a massive heart attack when your alone, is there really a difference outsid the pain??

    All kidding aside IMHO we need to actually get off the earth!, where to go? up/out somewhere but here, if the earths going to die, should we really be on it??
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    I really need to write a book called "here is why you're stupid: and how to correct y'self"


    Now who's being closed minded? I hope the above comment is not directed at anyone in particular... About that I'm serious..
  • My intention was never to create drama within our community. It was to have a laugh about an obviously false prediction about The End of the World and the media circus around it.

    Jeff, please lock this thread.
  • compuease wrote: »
    Now who's being closed minded? I hope the above comment is not directed at anyone in particular... About that I'm serious..

    Nope nobody in particular...

    Spend enough time with me, and I'll mention it too. I'm on a crusade against stupidity wherever I find it!

    Wherever Jersey Shore is idolized, I'll be there

    Wherever Britney / Katy / Gaga are considered artists, I'll be there

    Whenever people are steadfast in their opinion even in the face of stunning amounts of evidence to the contrary, I'll be there

    Wal-mart clientele, well, you get the idea.

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Nope nobody in particular...

    Spend enough time with me, and I'll mention it too. I'm on a crusade against stupidity wherever I find it!

    Wherever Jersey Shore is idolized, I'll be there

    Wherever Britney / Katy / Gaga are considered artists, I'll be there

    Whenever people are steadfast in their opinion even in the face of stunning amounts of evidence to the contrary, I'll be there

    Wal-mart clientele, well, you get the idea.


  • +1 on the stupidity

    I think were a bit relaxed on it, least Im not bent out of shape in anyway, but then long as your not trying to impose your beliefs on others, believe whatever it is you want really. Just dont make me believe it then theres issue!
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    My intention was never to create drama within our community. It was to have a laugh about an obviously false prediction about The End of the World and the media circus around it.

    Jeff, please lock this thread.

    I KNOW that wasn't your intention and by and large it is an entertaining thread however there are always some, on both sides, who want to make their beliefs the only belief. No need to state which ppl I'm thinking of here but you get the idea. No one ever wins political or religious debates...
    Me, I can argue either way but won't... I'm not going to lock it as we should be mature enough to get through this without getting too personal shouldn't we?
    Please believe me when I say I am not taking sides in the evolutionary vs creationary debate as I can see both sides. Both have good points. What I don't understand is either side taking a strong position. I'm much more of the belief that there is so much we don't know and hopefully we will find out. However I do not believe it will be in any of our lifetimes.
  • Hey, like her or hate her, Gaga is an artist. You may not like her art, but you have to acknowledge it just the same . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    Hey, like her or hate her, Gaga is an artist. You may not like her art, but you have to acknowledge it just the same . . .

    I can not agree, pure garbage imo... Anywho thinks it is art is an imbecile.. ;)
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