2011 Election Thread.



  • Milo wrote: »
    As for your last comments, there are myriad examples of previous governments out right lying to the electorate (I will kill the GST, or how about Trudeau on wage and price controls). Concentration of power in the PMO is not a Conservative idea. Enough people in this country support the message Harper and his party are putting out there. Deal with it.

    I completely agree here with Milo.
    Dalton McGuinty is the latest example of a politician who has lied right to our faces. It happens at every level of Government.

    This is why Dalton and his thugs will be out on their cans by November.

    I can go back 2o+ yrs at least. Brian Mulroney had the KAHONAS and told us he was going to shove it right up our asses. GST - NAFTA, Tax hikes both personal and corporate and he still got elected with a majority. Good paying factory jobs pretty much left over night.
    I saw 4 American companies and about 3500 Jobs leave within months.

    I know for a fact as I was one of the those 3500.

    Just a side note here. The provincial Liberals are just like the Feds. Same type of politics.
    McGuinty- Smart meters and deregulation of HYDRO. People are now paying 2 to 300% for their power.
    That overpriced tunnel built in Niagara. This tunnel cost way more than it was supposed to.I can't remember the figures off hand. This tunnel will BENEFIT 160000 HOMES. In and around Niagara but ALL OF ONTARIO will pay for it.
    Last year he brought in the HST adding another 3-6% to your power, Heat and Fuel.
    Ontarians are fed up with him. They did not like IGGY. This carried over into the Fed election. Cons took a lot of the Lib seats.
    I would expect a massive majority for the Conservatives in the Ontario election in November.
  • When people get off the freebie band wagon they will realize that taxing corporations is a cost of doing business for that business. It is passed on to the consummer. The boys with the money are like the kid that ownes the baseball and bat. If he don't like the game he will take his bat and go elsewhere and you can play with your sticks and stones.
  • Absolutely!! So the government subsidizes the cost of fuel for everyone....including those that are doing their part to get off the tit of the oil companies. Instead of letting the price of gas level out to actual cost basis which would drive much more conservation, and exploration and development of alternatives we just wish to make life easier for everyone by giving them the money. Brilliant. We'll never feel the pain of that decision. :facepalm:
  • screenman wrote: »
    When people get off the freebie band wagon they will realize that taxing corporations is a cost of doing business for that business. It is passed on to the consummer. The boys with the money are like the kid that ownes the baseball and bat. If he don't like the game he will take his bat and go elsewhere and you can play with your sticks and stones.

    Corporate tax rates are currently at historically incredibly low levels...when taxes are low do corporations spend more money on infrastructure and hire more people? Nope evidence is that they simply pay the higherups more and keep more. ANYONE think the gas companies will leave the country if the taxes are higher? As for other companies.....the higher the price of gas the more likely they are to STAY in the country as moving to another country increase the cost of transport. There's a point at which gas prices will cause companies to bring their businesses back to NA. although this is a whole new thread.
  • screenman wrote: »
    When people get off the freebie band wagon they will realize that taxing corporations is a cost of doing business for that business. It is passed on to the consummer. The boys with the money are like the kid that ownes the baseball and bat. If he don't like the game he will take his bat and go elsewhere and you can play with your sticks and stones.

    fair enough, just remember that there are plenty of kids that have bats. If one of them wants to hit you over the head with his bat, you play with another kids bat, you don't ask how many times he'll hit you.
  • moose wrote: »
    I want to hear more about the hot NDP chick who went to Vegas instead of campaigning and still won.


    Ooh, previous career - assistant bar manager.

    Here ya go, Moose:

  • re: corporate tax rates

    Canada at 16.5% has some of the lowest corporate tax rates in the world. Some examples of other country's rates are Australia 30%, China 25%, Germany 29%, France 33%, Japan 40% (wow), Mexico 28%, Netherlands 25%, Norway 28%, UK 28%, US 35%.

    Funny I don't see corporations leaving en masse any of those countries and flocking to, say, Montenegro 9% or Ireland 12.5%.

    Point is, corporate tax rates are not the only criteria for whether or not a company comes or goes.

    Why not call it what it is? Lowering our already low corporate tax amounts to a gift from the Conservative Party to the corporations that fund them, nothing less.
  • kwsteve wrote: »
    re: corporate tax rates

    Canada at 16.5% has some of the lowest corporate tax rates in the world. Some examples of other country's rates are Australia 30%, China 25%, Germany 29%, France 33%, Japan 40% (wow), Mexico 28%, Netherlands 25%, Norway 28%, UK 28%, US 35%.

    Funny I don't see corporations leaving en masse any of those countries and flocking to, say, Montenegro 9% or Ireland 12.5%.

    Point is, corporate tax rates are not the only criteria for whether or not a company comes or goes.

    Why not call it what it is? Lowering our already low corporate tax amounts to a gift from the Conservative Party to the corporations that fund them, nothing less.

    Isn't that 16.5% only the federal corporate tax rate? I thnk you have to add the provincal to that which varies from 11-16% I believe. That would put us up there with the Europeans... still lower than the US except the US has more generous write offs. However you are right there is much more to to the decision to go or stay than that....
  • On my way to vote.
    Be a good citizen — vote
    HVEEPOKER wrote: »
    I completely agree here with Milo.
    Dalton McGuinty is the latest example of a politician who has lied right to our faces. It happens at every level of Government.

    This is why Dalton and his thugs will be out on their cans by November.
  • HVEEPOKER wrote: »
    I completely agree here with Milo.
    Dalton McGuinty is the latest example of a politician who has lied right to our faces. It happens at every level of Government.

    Oh the irony. :D
  • 1 Like of that post does not suffice. A thousands likes I bestow upon you Hobbes!

    Oh and tonight......GO HUDAK

    although I do mean to hell.
  • I was just thinking, could you still vote if you were stinking drunk? I haven't left just yet.
  • Be a good party . . . follow the rules of the City with regard to election signage. Liber and Conservative candidates in my City both guilty of this sort of 3rd World crap. Same thing happened during the Federal vote, too. Last night before the vote, a flood of campaign signage sprouts up on City property in violation of the By-laws. Sure, the candidates will be fined, but what are the odds those fines get paid?

    Long story short, for the first time since turning 18, I did not even enter a polling station. Disgusted with both of the candidates I would have considered, and quite frankly so fed up with both front running parties, that I just could not be bothered. Thus, I will do my best not to bitch too strongly in either direction regrdless of which lying puss-bag actually gets the big chair.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Be a good party . . . follow the rules of the City with regard to election signage. Liber and Conservative candidates in my City both guilty of this sort of 3rd World crap. Same thing happened during the Federal vote, too. Last night before the vote, a flood of campaign signage sprouts up on City property in violation of the By-laws. Sure, the candidates will be fined, but what are the odds those fines get paid?

    Long story short, for the first time since turning 18, I did not even enter a polling station. Disgusted with both of the candidates I would have considered, and quite frankly so fed up with both front running parties, that I just could not be bothered. Thus, I will do my best not to bitch too strongly in either direction regrdless of which lying puss-bag actually gets the big chair.

    Really? It's signs being left up on election day that gets you riled up? But you can't vote? Wow.
  • I too am disgusted with the parties, so I refused my ballot. It took less time than actually checking off someone's name.
  • My current FB status...

    Mark Breaton
    Election day - Took me 10 minutes. I'm not a fan of these "oh go vote because people died for it" or "If you don't vote you can't complain" approaches, but...

    If you say you don't have the time, this was one of the most accessible elections ever with early voting and alternative methods of casting your ballot

    If you say you don't know enough, you're not 5 anymore, you're lazy and didn't research. There's even a CBC site to help you figure out (vote compass I believe)

    If don't like anyone, go decline your ballot - tells them they're idiots and you want change.

    If you just say you don't want to, at least you're an honest idiot.
  • Mark,

    IMO the government screwed this one up.... who schedules a provincial election on the first day of the NHL season when the Leafs are scheduled to beat the Habs?!
  • I'll give you that Reibs...

    Thankfully I voted before work at 10!

  • Alpha Cerberus' birthday plans > voting in a provincial election that I'm not running in.

  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Alpha Cerberus' birthday plans > voting in a provincial election that I'm not running in.


    She really kept you from voting?
  • Except that, according to what I was told in the Federal election, declined ballots are no longer counted separately from spoiled ones. Otherwise, I would have, as I have done twice before.
  • I'm also losing the urge to vote. As a left leaning voter in a perpetually right wing riding I fail to see the point.
  • Lowest turnout in history from Ontario

    I'm ashamed of my province. This is the first time that voter #'s have dipped below 50%. Congratulations, apathy is now the majority.

  • Can you blame them? I am a political junkie, Mark. But there have been very few people involved in politics that actually inspire the electorate in some way, shape, or form. In my lifetime, there have been two Federal politicians that I would say qualify: Trudeau and Mulroney. Provincially, I would say there has been no one in my lifetime. Tory had potential, from a standpooint of returning political life to what it once was, but he was too nice/naive to ever have a chance of winning. Municipal politics: It's Hazel, and even her star has started to wane . . .

    The problem as I see it is that too many people have begun to look at politics as a career path, rather than a call to public service. Politics is now seen as a "good job" with great benefits and a golden pension plan. Thus, we are no longer getting candidates who want to articulate an idea, but rather people who will tell you what you want to hear to get elected, and then toe the Party line to keep their seat.

    Gone are the days of Trudeau-mania . . . love him or hate him, the man was perhaps the greatest political leader of my lifetime.
  • compuease wrote: »
    She really kept you from voting?

    No but it took me longer to make these than expected and I got a lot more out of making them as far as fullfillment, joy and happiness than voting would have.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Except that, according to what I was told in the Federal election, declined ballots are no longer counted separately from spoiled ones. Otherwise, I would have, as I have done twice before.

    True, there is no provision for this in federal elections, but Ontario does have a provision for it.

    Election Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E.6
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