2011 Election Thread.



  • Just finished writing a letter to the editor for our local paper. Disgusting to see all the election signs popping up today like dandelions. All of them in illegal locations, and all of them from the Liberal and, to a lesser extent, the Conservative candidate. Hope the City has their by-law people working overtime, because they will make a fortune today.
  • moose wrote: »

    Mostly I vacillitate being just skipping your posts and going for the ignore button but you nailed it right here.

    Love you too, moose.
  • Milo wrote: »

    As for defunding Planned Parenthood, why not? I think they, like MADD, are no longer the organization they started out to be. I am quite certain that previous governments either cut, or refused to fund, certain groups that might have had a "conservative" outlook, so why the outrage? That is simply politics in this day and age.

    You're entitled to your misguided and misinformed opinion. With the knowledge of your political leanings and the fact that you do not possess a vagina there is no real surprise. It's funny though that you defend their defunding of necessary public health services a la the americans right after proclaiming Canadian Conservatives as not being built that way.
  • All I said about the issue was that I believe that Planned Parenthood is not the organization it used to be. I said nothing either way about whether I support funding it. And you are being asinine to suggest that my genitalia should determne the validity of my opinion on this. As for Planned Parenthood being a "necessary" health service, who decides? How come I have to pay for my PSA tests? Isn't that a necessary health service for those of us with testicles? No comments please, from those of you with vaginas . . . grow up, Mole.
  • Milo wrote: »
    All I said about the issue was that I believe that Planned Parenthood is not the organization it used to be. I said nothing either way about whether I support funding it. And you are being asinine to suggest that my genitalia should determne the validity of my opinion on this. As for Planned Parenthood being a "necessary" health service, who decides? How come I have to pay for my PSA tests? Isn't that a necessary health service for those of us with testicles? No comments please, from those of you with vaginas . . . grow up, Mole.

    So which is it? Do you support the funding of PP or not? Defunding a Not for profit like Planned parenthood is direct defunding of the most vulnerable in our population. Or do you think that single woman should pay a larger share of the their healthcare?
  • Milo wrote: »
    All I said about the issue was that I believe that Planned Parenthood is not the organization it used to be. I said nothing either way about whether I support funding it. And you are being asinine to suggest that my genitalia should determne the validity of my opinion on this. As for Planned Parenthood being a "necessary" health service, who decides? How come I have to pay for my PSA tests? Isn't that a necessary health service for those of us with testicles? No comments please, from those of you with vaginas . . . grow up, Mole.

    You said "why not?" In regards to defunding planned parenthood because they're not the organization they used to be. Well that seals it, argument won. Add some interesting tidbits about the organizational changes or maybe for a nice change of pace maybe some FACTS to back up a reason to defund. Like 90 percent of their work is abortions.....just ask John Kyl.

    Your lack of lady parts isn't the determining factor in the validity of your opinion it's just a common theme among the most vocal opponents......can you seriously disagree with that??
  • I have no problem with a portion my tax dollars going to the Canadian Federation for Sexual Health (Planned Parenthood). Neither would I lose much sleep over them being defunded. Charities of all stripes lose and gain funding all the time. There are funding issues that are unfair that affect men, too. Like having to pay for your PSA test. I run a particularly higher risk, due to a medical condition, but someone in government decided that men have to pay for the test, while all manner of breast cancer testing gets covered. Fair? Nope, but that's politics.
  • Milo wrote: »
    I have no problem with a portion my tax dollars going to the Canadian Federation for Sexual Health (Planned Parenthood). Neither would I lose much sleep over them being defunded. Charities of all stripes lose and gain funding all the time. There are funding issues that are unfair that affect men, too. Like having to pay for your PSA test. I run a particularly higher risk, due to a medical condition, but someone in government decided that men have to pay for the test, while all manner of breast cancer testing gets covered. Fair? Nope, but that's politics.

    Again you missed it. PSA doesn't primarily affect low income men. PP helps primarily low income women. Keep in mind there is nothing to replace PP. It's not like if Mcdonalds closed that Burger king can just take over the fast food overflow....PP is the provider that exists. And you begrudge free breast cancer screening? Mysogonist much?
  • Your lack of lady parts isn't the determining factor in the validity of your opinion it's just a common theme among the most vocal opponents......can you seriously disagree with that??
    Pretty sure there are plenty of anti-abortion women that feel the same way, but I will stipulate.

    I am uncomfortable with what the organization has become, in the same way that I disagree with MADD these days, but that is okay. I will never need to avail myself of their services, and if those who do are comfortable with the group's philosphy, that is good enough for me.
  • 800OVER wrote: »
    Again you missed it. PSA doesn't primarily affect low income men. PP helps primarily low income women. Keep in mind there is nothing to replace PP. It's not like if Mcdonalds closed that Burger king can just take over the fast food overflow....PP is the provider that exists. And you begrudge free breast cancer screening? Mysogonist much?

    You missed my point. I do not begrudge free breast cancer screening, I just wish that PSA's were covered too. And if you do not think that having to pay for a PSA doesn't effect low income men, you're dreaming.
    As for PP being the only choice, you mean that CARAL cannot refer women to the nearest clinic?

    Here's an idea, and it is in keeping with my Libertarian leanings. Should it ever come about that PP does lose it's funding, why not ask it's supporters to pony up. That is what other NPGs do in similar situations.

    Anyway, just another couple hours until we find out which direction we are heading . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    but someone in government decided that men have to pay for the test, while all manner of breast cancer testing gets covered. Fair? Nope, but that's politics.

    Yes and the Harper Government (as he likes to call it) has decided that the pittance they fund PP with should be stopped because of the social issues they have with a small portion of their service. That is my main issue which you said doesn't exist in Canada.

    All the while big oil continues with it's huge tax breaks. Disgusting.
  • Last time I checked, Harper has said social issues are not on the agenda if he gets a Majority, so you are basing your rant on a speech given by a wing-nut back-bencher. Can I thus assume that QuAIA will set the agenda for NDP foreign policy in the Middle East?

    As for Big Oil, lets stick to one derailment at a time, shall we?
  • My reasons for voting Conservative in this election are simple. It is not so much a vote for, as it is a vote against. That is the sad reality of this election. It has been an unwanted, unecessary campaign, that will not advance a particular agenda one iota. The only good that may come is if the NDP can decimate the Bloc in Quebec. If they do, they may actually cause a political renaissance in this country.
  • Milo wrote: »
    My reasons for voting Conservative in this election are simple. It is not so much a vote for, as it is a vote against.

    That is just stupid. A vote for is a vote for. Period. Whatever helps you sleep tonight. I didn't even vote NDP but I hope for a orange crush just so you can start home shopping elsewhere.
  • Semantics . . . lol

    No way the NDP gets into power. It would offend the sensibilities of too many Liberals. Leading this country is their divine right, but you already knew that.

    Just in case, what are house prices like in your neck of the woods, I like these discussions . . .

    As for how I will sleep tonight, I will be right beside my wife like always. If she doesn't snore, I will sleep just fine . . . until the cats wake me up in the morning.
  • The Liberals haven't done anything in recent history to earn the right to govern and I know it as well as anyone with the pain of the realization that a once great world leading party is now directionless.

    However I've seen enough of the Reform/Alliance to know that if Layton is the only alternative I'm all for the Liberals acting as the step stool.
  • Good luck with that . . . and God help us all if you are right, because this country will start circling the bowl economically in very short order.
  • <- Is enjoying the demise of Iggy :D
    and the obliteration of the BQ
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    <- Is enjoying the demise of Iggy :D
    and the obliteration of the BQ

    Crazy, crazy results thus far.

    Iggy and Duceppe are both losing their ridings!
  • Dryden on the way out, as well as Martha Hall Findlay. Chris Alexander just took Ajax-Pickering. He is the former Ambassador to Afghanistan. If these results hold, I might have to send Happy Jack a Christmas card. If Ruby hits the skids my night will be complete.

    Na-na-nah-nah, na-na-nah-nah, hey hey-ey . . . GOOD BYE.
  • I'm calling a PC majority... I have spoken...
  • compuease wrote: »
    I'm calling a PC majority... I have spoken...

    Thanks Dad! Now shouldn't you be in bed?!

    Jack Layton as Leader of the Opposition. Never thought I would see the day.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Thanks Dad! Now shouldn't you be in bed?!

    Jack Layton as Leader of the Opposition. Never thought I would see the day.

    I'm going, I'm going... And you are sure right on Jack.... Iggy just destroyed the Lib's... However they will be back... Trudeau perhaps? Or perhaps too soon.
  • compuease wrote: »
    Iggy just destroyed the Lib's...

    Stephane Dion had the Stroke, Iggy just pulled the plug.
  • On a whim I checked on Stephane Dion and Justin Tredeau. Both are leading the respective ridings.
  • compuease wrote: »
    I'm calling a PC majority... I have spoken...
    Nice call comp.
    I think some people should maybe start listening instead of trying to make people look like arseholes.

    Hate to say I told you so BUT........................

    Let me start here.
    My congrads to Jack Layton. Jack ran a great campaign. He was willing to work with the Conservatives and try to avoid sending us to the polls. I think he will do a great job as the opposition leader.

    Michael Ignatieff. Worse than Stephane Dion. 31 seats by the looks of things.
    Only plan was to take down the Government along with the Bloc and look what happened.
    You both pissed Canadians off enough and look where you are now. :)

    Here it comes.....
  • Well, it's a little bit more than the 1-5 seats I was prediciting, but I'll take it. And Jack did run a good campaign, for which he has been richly rewarded. It is going to be a very interesting four years, with some clearly defined battlegrounds.

    I go now to sleep the sleep of the content . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    If Ruby hits the skids my night will be complete.

    You got your wish..
  • Milo wrote: »
    Last time I checked, Harper has said social issues are not on the agenda if he gets a Majority, so you are basing your rant on a speech given by a wing-nut back-bencher. Can I thus assume that QuAIA will set the agenda for NDP foreign policy in the Middle East?

    As for Big Oil, lets stick to one derailment at a time, shall we?

    So I guess you haven't been following this government at all then. You can't think of a group that lost funding due to the leanings of the government? You can't think of a Cabinet minister who added a "not" to funding agreements and then denied it? I guess you haven't paid attention.

    And the funding of PP by its supporters comes down to how much money you have. If you're a big oil company you'll "support" the group that supports you. Unfortunately the poor of this country don't have the millions to buy the support in parliament. This is the most disgusting part of the Harper promise to cut off public funding of parties.
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