Compuease's "buy a piece of a moderator at the Venetian" thread..



  • compuease wrote: »
    I am not trying to fold into the money.

    that would be my only request
  • compuease wrote: »
    Well V tomorrow then open for Sun and Monday however will be doing more just not sure if it will be V, Caesars or perhaps Wynn..

    Sorry to have caught on to this late Jeff. If you play a tourney Monday (or any other) and you have any space for me, I am in for up to $50. Just let me know and I can ship the dough via Stars if that works for you.

  • Well just busted 11th from the 9am Caesars... 29 players, $70. Pushed 8BB with AJ on button, called by A,10 with 10BB. Door card a 10, ughhhh...
    Why do I run so bad... lol, think maybe I'm being punished for busting that guys JJ yesterday with Q,4.... Come on poker gods, isn't my time up?
  • One more, last night in a cash game at Bally's, doesn't affect you guys but sure does me..... I have K6 in BB (150 behind), 5-6 limpers to me, flop KK4, I check, far end bets 15, 1 caller and me.. Pot now about $55. Turn 6, bingo. I check, knowing one of them must have the other K or maybe pocket 4's. I'm already salivating... You know where is going don't you?
    Original better bets $50. other guy folds. I deliberate, if he has a K or pocket 6's he's not going anywhere. I push for like $85. more. He thinks and calls. Flips K,10, nice! River 10... God this can be such a cruel game..
  • esool wrote: »
    Sorry to have caught on to this late Jeff. If you play a tourney Monday (or any other) and you have any space for me, I am in for up to $50. Just let me know and I can ship the dough via Stars if that works for you.

    Sorry Bill, not sure if I'm in the right frame of mind at the moment to take on any more action... :) And I already have 30% of all tournament action sold anyways... Just really wish I could have done it at the V yesterday... That was my big chance to represent well...
  • compuease wrote: »
    Just really wish I could have done it at the V yesterday... That was my big chance to represent well...
    u always represent well.
  • Considering playing 1 more decent sized tournament. Tonights 7pm at Caesars, 30 min blinds, 10K chips. Pretty wild over there today with the sports book right outside the poker room. There is also a 2 pm, $225. buyin on Sundays. So I figure with a lot of the football games ending by 7 here (10EST) as well as the bustouts from the 2pm tournament it may have a fair bit of soft money available. Perhaps I may have a nap this aft and see how I feel then. That would also take me close to my 1K max that I quoted you guys.
  • Never did play the Ceasars 7pm last night, just played cash, and lost.... :(
    Likely playing the Caesars 7pm $160., tourney tonight as my last one in Vegas. Need to finish with a bang. 10K chips, 30 min blinds.
  • Well played well again and busted with no result. Frustrated to say the least.

    Just pasting my tweets below as I can't find the energy to write a long story about it... Short story, I get it in good and crash out again..

    Likely playing the Caesars 7pm $160., tourney as my last one in Vegas. Need to finish with a bang. 10K chips, 30 min blinds.

    1st break, 38 players, 33 left

    Just doubled up to 17K, set of 4's vs set of 3's.. Sick.. Even sicker 2 hands later set of Q's vs set of 9's, allin on flop, 9 on river.

    Just about on 2nd break, I'm at 17K a bit above avg, 27 left.

    Chipped up a bit to 23K, 21 left, blinds at 600/1200.

    Damn, busted at 8/1600 level in 14th. Played 8,9 hearts OTB. 5500 in the pot, I have 28K left. Flop is 10,7,3 two diamonds. Checked to me, I bet 5K, 1 caller. Turn is offsuit 6. He checks, I push, he thinks and calls off 90% of his stack with J,10 diamonds.
    Of course, diamond on the river... :(:(
  • compuease wrote: »
    Flips K,10, nice! River 10... God this can be such a cruel game..

    Good Lord man, how could you let that pot get away from you? :p
    Seriously though, that was just gross. You sure you weren't playing on Full Tilt River?
  • Ok, just updated the google spreadsheet with final numbers. Sorry it was not successful guys... Thank you all for your show of support. That meant a lot to me. I will contact you individually via pm to close this out. I will not be asking for backers in future unless I can show more profitable endeavors... So close, yet sooooo far... sigh..
  • compuease wrote: »
    I will not be asking for backers in future unless I can show more profitable endeavors... So close, yet sooooo far... sigh..

    meh, if it was guarenteed money, you wouldn't (or shouldn't) sell any

    just run better IMO
  • I would do it again! :)
  • CompleXEH wrote: »
    I would do it again! :)

  • Though I didn't get in on the action I still enjoyed the drama. It's like buying a Lottery ticket just to get the buck’s worth of fantasizing. The one thing that would make it more interesting is to have a railer giving updates on a regular basis. Somewhat like our own news reporter.
    You gave us entertainment Jeff.
  • screenman wrote: »
    Though I didn't get in on the action I still enjoyed the drama. It's like buying a Lottery ticket just to get the buck’s worth of fantasizing. The one thing that would make it more interesting is to have a railer giving updates on a regular basis. Somewhat like our own news reporter.
    You gave us entertainment Jeff.
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