Compuease's "buy a piece of a moderator at the Venetian" thread..

OK, I am planning on playing the Thursday 12 noon Venetian (2 day event I think), $150. buyin, 30 min blinds, 7500 chips and, if I get 40% or more backing, the Sat 12 noon (2 day event) 40 min blinds, 12000 chips.

Both are at 1 - 1 ratio

So for the Thursday $150. its $1.50 per %, I'll play this even if I don't sell any.

For the Saturday $340. it's $3.40 per %, I'll only play this if I sell at least 40%. as it's a big time commitment (and I would have to miss the Excal Sat donkament :) )

Please post what % you would like, and in which tournament. Payment can be
on most any site as I have played on most of them. Suggest Stars, Tilt, Cake, UB, Party or Bodog.. or Moneybookers, or cash, or IOU (if I know you, lol)

I will also be twittering results here:

ComplexEH - 4% of the Thursday $150. Paid.

Wes - 10% of entire tournament schedule, likely to be $700-$1K. IOU

AJ - 5% of entire tournament schedule, likely to be $700-$1K. IOU

GTA - 15% of entire tournament schedule, likely to be $700-$1K. IOU

800OVER - 10% of Venetian $340. on Sat.. $34.00, IOU

Reibs - 2% of Saturdays $340. Paid $6.80 on Stars

Milo - 2% of Saturdays $340. $6.80 Paid

Wolfhound - 2% of Saturdays $340. $6.80 Paid

ComplexEH - 2% of the Saturdays $340. $6.80, Paid on Stars

Darbay - 2% of Saturdays $340. $6.80 Paid

Link to google docs for spreadsheet returns (only for full tournament schedule backers)


  • Any idea about a rough player pool size or payout structure in these?

    I will consider taking a percentage w/out markup as (no offense) I don't feel that a mark-up is warranted unless you have some larger wins that I don't know about.

    I would also encourage other forum members to take some of your action as I would assume that solid/tight play could get you far with these structures and the typical Vegas player pool at these stakes.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    Any idea about a rough player pool size or payout structure in these?

    I will consider taking a percentage w/out markup as (no offense) I don't feel that a mark-up is warranted unless you have some larger wins that I don't know about.

    I would also encourage other forum members to take some of your action as I would assume that solid/tight play could get you far with these structures and the typical Vegas player pool at these stakes.

    Well the player size is roughly 120-150 for the weekdays and I believe 200+ for the weekends. Payout is top 10% as are most...
    Not bargaining on the % as I know my capabilities (no offense taken). I'm sure quite a few on here would vouch for me (epecially those who have played with me).. I'm no rookie at this.. lol.. and you are right solid/ selectively aggressive play will get you far in virtually any Vegas tournament, think I've probably played 50-60 or more by now..
  • Will take 20% of each w/out markup...let me know.

    Edit -- I assume I would receive winnings w/out any tax witholdings.
  • Just so you know I think the rest of us plan to be at Binions Sat for the $5k guaranteed tourney. Not as good at the Venetian Sat $340 but not as much monies either.
  • I will take 3% in the $150 tourney as I don't have much of a bankroll online since I rarely play lol

    compuease on stars??

    EDIT: Sent the $5 to compuease(Milton) on stars...figured that was you...Hope you win me some money, increase the online bankroll a bit! :P
  • CompleXEH wrote: »
    compuease on stars??

    EDIT: Sent the $5 to compuease(Milton) on stars...figured that was you...Hope you win me some money, increase the online bankroll a bit! :P
    Got it, don't worry, it's in the bag. :)
  • OK at my wifes suggestion, she says since I haven't "proved" myself yet,(Hmmmf) I have changed the ratio to buy a % of me to 1-1, ie whatever % you buy of each tournament is the % of any winnings you get, after any potential withholding, which should only be if I win over $5K.
    I have modified this in the OP, so CompleXEH, I owe you a refund of $.50 since you sent me $5. for 3%.. In fact cuz you were the only one so far to show confidence in me at the 1.1 ratio I am offering you to own 4% of me instead of 3 if you wave the $.50 refund. That's effectively a 1 -.84 ratio... lol.. What a deal.
    Anyone else is at 1-1.

    GTA, please confirm if you still want 20% of both tournaments at 1-1. The Thursday one is a go no matter what, Saturdays depends on getting 40% sold, if not I'll be playing the Binions Sat $5K guar with the rest.
  • I'm buying some of you, I just need to know how much from the boss.

    We'll discuss it on the ride to Detroit!
  • I'll take 5% in any/every tournament you play there Jeff - just let me know how much you owe me when you get back

    Edit: If it's the Excal. one, I take 10%
  • westside8 wrote: »
    I'll take 5% in any/every tournament you play there Jeff - just let me know how much you owe me when you get back

    Edit: If it's the Excal. one, I take 10%

    lol, now that's a vote of confidence! Appreciate it Wes, does that Binions tourney we chopped a couple of years ago with each other have any influence? :)

    I'm probably playing around $700-1000 in tournament entries so is that ok? The only way I will get more than that is if I am winning early and then we would be freerolling anyways...

    Anyone who want % of all tournaments (no cash) I play I will accept that as well. No payment in advance as long as I know you personally. I also promise to fully document all tournaments, buyins, results, etc that I play. I will also update regularily via twitter and occasionally here.
  • 5% IOU please.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    5% IOU please.

    5% of what? One of the op tournies, or the whole tournament schedule, likely $35.- $50. total
  • compuease wrote: »
    5% of what? One of the op tournies, or the whole tournament schedule, likely $35.- $50. total

    All I guess. Just let me know what the final tally will be.
  • I'll take 15-20% of all tourny action played while sober or only slightly inebriated. Let me know what your projected total/projected schedule is and I'll decide on a total. If you end up needing a few extra % to get to the $340 I'll probably throw it in as well -- after-all it's just Wetts' money.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    I'll take 15-20% of all tourny action played while sober or only slightly inebriated. Let me know what your projected total/projected schedule is and I'll decide on a total. If you end up needing a few extra % to get to the $340 I'll probably throw it in as well -- after-all it's just Wetts' money.
    Well that's not difficult for me, lol, I don't drink at all.. I prey on the drinkers.. :)
    What I have told the rest is my max is $1K and I would only go more than that if I get some wins. So 10% would be a max committment of $100. So far I have only sold 10% of the $340. So how about if you take 30% of the $340. ($102.) and 10% of the rest (likely $60-70). Sound reasonable? Of course this is all at 1-1 after any withholdings (>$5K).. Can't see that applying other than if I finish top 3 in the $340. and even then I would likely work a deal as has been done before.
    I would like to have a firmer schedule but a lot will depend on how well rested I stay. I try to only play any serious tournament in rested condition.

    Let me know if this suggestion sounds ok or scale it back in any way you see fit. As I said before I will be twittering totals day by day and updating here as often as I can.
  • Hey Jeff...bump me up to 10% of all/any tourneys you play if it helps you sell more action. Max I can "lose" is $100 anyways and you're a lock for those excalibur tourneys if you play ;)
  • I'll take 15% of everything for now -- what dates are you going anyhow?

    What's your twitter account?

    When is the $340 during your trip?
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    I'll take 15% of everything for now -- what dates are you going anyhow?
    Ok, 15% of all my tourney action, max is likely $1K or $150. for you. If I go over that it's because I'm winning and we're all freerolling anyways. Umm dates.. Like tomorrow morning, returning Tuesday the 21st.
    GTA Poker wrote: »
    What's your twitter account?
    It's in the OP...
    GTA Poker wrote: »
    When is the $340 during your trip?
    This Saturday.. 12 noon Vegas time..
  • Ok, by my calculation I have now sold 30% of my entire tournament action plus 4% of Thursdays $150. Venetian for CompleXEH. Don't want to sell to much more of the entire action but would like to sell another 15-25% of the Saturday Venetian $340. if anyone else is interested.
    Thanks to all of you who have shown confidence... I will perform! Now whether or not the poker gods smile I can't promise... :)
  • compuease wrote: »
    Ok, by my calculation I have now sold 30% of my entire tournament action plus 4% of Thursdays $150. Venetian for CompleXEH. Don't want to sell to much more of the entire action but would like to sell another 15-25% of the Saturday Venetian $340. if anyone else is interested.
    Thanks to all of you who have shown confidence... I will perform! Now whether or not the poker gods smile I can't promise... :)

    I'll take 10% of the venetian tourney. Are you going down at the same time as Moose?
  • 800OVER wrote: »
    I'll take 10% of the venetian tourney. Are you going down at the same time as Moose?
    Yep, flying out of Detroit at 2:40 pm tomorrow. Appreciate it. That's 10% of the Sat, Venetian $340. right? Total commitment $34.
  • Now I have to get a twitter account -- you kids with your technology
  • Yea the 4% is good with me now im trying to decide whether or not to toss some more money on the PS account so I can buy 5% of saturdays game...Hmmmm
  • Comp, if you still have some available, I would take 10% for the $340 one. If its too late, no big deal. Let me know if Im in and I will ship the cookies....
  • Comp, if you are still offering, I will take 5% of the $340.00. If you do not play the $340.00, then make it 10% of the Thursday Venetian ($150.00).

    As with reibs, if I am too late, no worries, but I can ship on Stars whenever you would like to settle up.

    Either way . . . good luck at the tables.
  • I'll take whatever you have left for the Venetian $340......let me know how much.

    I'd like to forward on Party, what's your name their?
  • compuease wrote: »
    Yep, flying out of Detroit at 2:40 pm tomorrow. Appreciate it. That's 10% of the Sat, Venetian $340. right? Total commitment $34.

    Perfect. Do you feel comfortable waiting for the $ till you get back? I don't have any $online right now.
  • Jeff, I will take 10% of what you have left. (full action if avail. up to 1k schedule)...I can send MB anytime.
  • compuease wrote: »
    lol, now that's a vote of confidence! Appreciate it Wes, does that Binions tourney we chopped a couple of years ago with each other have any influence? :)

    I'm probably playing around $700-1000 in tournament entries so is that ok? The only way I will get more than that is if I am winning early and then we would be freerolling anyways...

    Anyone who want % of all tournaments (no cash) I play I will accept that as well. No payment in advance as long as I know you personally. I also promise to fully document all tournaments, buyins, results, etc that I play. I will also update regularily via twitter and occasionally here.

    Jeff, I'll take 5% of you in all your Tournies.
    I can transfer on Stars.

  • i want to put in 10 bux, or is that just lameo?

    if your down im down
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