2010 Winter Olympics



  • Shoulda put Luongo in, which I said before the game started! Oh well :)
  • COC (fitting) concedes owning the podium via a press conference.

    Did they really think this was realistic?

    Anyway, "expected" medallists not finishing and no surprise medallists makes this a huge fail.
  • LOL womenz hockey. That was the first and probably only period of this nonsense I will ever watch.

    How is this even allowed. The disparity in this sport is awful. These are the semifinals ffs.

    I remember in atom when we used to high five eachother for making our slapshots do a raisey. I didnt see any of the Finland team shots leave the ice, and most of them bounced before they got there.

    The only saving grace is their goalie who appears to be competent.
  • Brag: Watched Canada win the ice dancing event
    Beat: I enjoyed it
  • actyper wrote: »
    Brag: Watched Canada win the ice dancing event
    Beat: I enjoyed it

    Yep, I think that was the first time I've watched that too! Will admit I thought it was great too. This from likely the only Kingstonian born who actually can't stand up on skates to save my life.

    GF just found out that one of her good friends from Vancouver who does arial performance art was one of the snowboarders in the opening ceremonies who dropped down from above on a wire! Very cool!
  • I watched too, and thought it was exceptional!

    I will be watching our figure skater tonight too, Joannie Rochette (likely spelled wrong). I am sure she is in a complete daze since finding out her mom died. I hope she has the skate of her life, for herself and her mom.
  • Sharantyr wrote: »
    I watched too, and thought it was exceptional!

    I will be watching our figure skater tonight too, Joannie Rochette (likely spelled wrong). I am sure she is in a complete daze since finding out her mom died. I hope she has the skate of her life, for herself and her mom.

    I am prepared to give up Men's hockey Gold for Ms. Rochette to win one for her Mom. I could barely make it through the eulogy I gave my Mom. I cannot imagine trying to do what she is doing, on that stage. Probably a pipedream, but still . . . one time, Lord . . . ONE TIME.
  • Milo wrote: »
    I am prepared to give up Men's hockey Gold for Ms. Rochette to win one for her Mom. I could barely make it through the eulogy I gave my Mom. I cannot imagine trying to do what she is doing, on that stage. Probably a pipedream, but still . . . one time, Lord . . . ONE TIME.

    Not a pipe dream. Look at the stats for elite athletes who compete after losing a parent. Remember Brett Favre on the MNF three days after losing his dad? I believe it was 5 TD's and 400+ yards. Same for when Matt Cassell lost his dad the year Brady was injured. A lot of these athletes, especially ones like figure skaters, feel so much appreciation for what their parents were willing to sacrifice so they could make it to the top. It'll push her. And like the slogan says, Believe.
  • Also forgetting Jordan's famous nba final. +1 Milo, theres not one person more who I hope wins Olympic gold than Joannie
  • I hope Canada wins the Hockey game.
  • Boy is this a beating!! Gotta love it. Not even half done and we're killing those commies! Yes, I know they havne't been commies in decades, but it just sounds right.
  • Team Canada Olympic "Things to do" list: 24 February, 2010:

    a) Destroy Russian hockey team. Check
    b) Gold Medal in Women's Bobsleigh. Check
    c) Just for shiggles, throw in the Silver. Check

    Well done all . . .
  • Sick finish in women's bobsleigh. I think after the 1st run Canada 2 was in 5th and passed one team every race after that. Of course Canada 1 crushed the opposition by .85 sec in a sport which is usually decided by hundreths of a second.
  • moose wrote: »
    Sick finish in women's bobsleigh. I think after the 1st run Canada 2 was in 5th and passed one team every race after that. Of course Canada 1 crushed the opposition by .85 sec in a sport which is usually decided by hundreths of a second.

    Man that was very very fun to watch in the bar. The game had just finished and the Bob' came on just as the Germans crashed. Then the Canadian 1/2 owned it. just incredible to watch with a crowd.
  • Sweden 3 Slovakia 4 Final.

    Slovakia vs Canada on Friday!
  • Everybody underestimating Slovakia wow.
  • Someone please explain to me why Kevin Martin, who can throw takeouts better than most of the curling world combined, just drew for 1 instead of a fairly easy (for him) double to score 2?
  • Screw that, explain how Sweden scored only ONE in the second end . . . I missed it . . . dinner . . . and just looked back in to see Canada up 4-1 in the 6th.

  • Simple math:

    Kevin Martin = Awesome.

    Swedish Men's Curling Team = Talented

    Awesome > Talented

    Also, seems eerily similar to when GSP fought Matt Hughes the first time (how's that for a cross sport comparison you never thought you'd see?). He was so start struck and in awe of his hero he couldn't fight his fight; he lost. The Swedish skip has said in many interviews about how Martin is his hero and why he started curling. This time, it got to him. If Martin is in the next Olympics and these kids are too, it's going to be a much different story.
  • Kevin martin's been winning championships since before most of the Swedish team was born (avg age 24)
  • 20 mins away from gold in womens hockey!
  • Milo wrote: »
    Screw that, explain how Sweden scored only ONE in the second end . . . I missed it . . . dinner . . . and just looked back in to see Canada up 4-1 in the 6th.


    5th end Sweden was looking good to score two and Swede skip completely blew his last two shots to give up a steal of 2 instead.
  • Sharantyr wrote: »
    20 mins away from gold in womens hockey!

    The women are really showing up for Canada at these games.

    Well done!
  • 2 more medals tonight thanks to the wimmen folk!!!

    A beautiful 2-0 shut out Can vs US for gold!

    And Joannie Rochette just got her bronze!! WOOOOOT

    Too bad about the arials tonight tho.
  • The korean skater was amazing.

    Im impressed with the quality of girls in the figure skating :)
  • Awesome atmosphere at the Canada/Russia game...the crowd was completely behind the team from the get-go and obviously the fast start silenced the Russian contingent there.

    Curling semi-finals was fun, but alot of fans there were all focused on the Canada/Sweden match that they were completely inconsiderate of the other game in play (Switzerland/Norway) and those who want to match it. During the 5th end break, since Canada/Sweden got to that point later than Sui/Nor, many fans were standing/loitering around when play was underway again. It took many attempts to get them to sit down/move away so others can watch the game that is underway. Also according to someone who was at the morning Canadian semi-finals as well as men's semi-finals, the crowd was alot louder at the women's game. Take that FWIW...
  • So . . . Hockey Canada felt the need to apologize for the way our Women's Team celebrated their Gold Medal victory last night. Apparently, it is inappropriate to drink beer and champagne, and smoke cigars after a winning the biggest prize in your sport. Who knew? IOC officials were also upset that the Ladies tried to hijack a Zamboni.

    If it were me, Hockey Canada's response would have ben very brief:

    FUCK YOU . . . they won the Gold . . . Zamboni rides for everyone.

    And a big "up yours" to the reporters who hung around 45 minutes after the medals and photo-ops hoping to find a little dirt. Yellow journalism at it's finest.

  • Milo wrote: »
    So . . . Hockey Canada felt the need to apologize for the way our Women's Team celebrated their Gold Medal victory last night. Apparently, it is inappropriate to drink beer and champagne, and smoke cigars after a winning the biggest prize in your sport. Who knew? IOC officials were also upset that the Ladies tried to hijack a Zamboni.

    If it were me, Hockey Canada's response would have ben very brief:

    FUCK YOU . . . they won the Gold . . . Zamboni rides for everyone.

    And a big "up yours" to the reporters who hung around 45 minutes after the medals and photo-ops hoping to find a little dirt. Yellow journalism at it's finest.


    Hopefully it doesn't go anywhere. Just heard they are 'investigating' the incident. I would guess for "conduct unbecoming an Olympic athlete". I guess the main problem was that they were still in uniform and still on the ice.

    Personally if they'd set up a ramp and tried to jump the Zamboni or do wheelies, I'd be ok with that but the IOC is very sticky about this stuff.
  • Yeah, and the thing they are usually MOST sticky about is $$$ . . . as in, how much of it sticks to their greasy little fingers. Like I'm going to listen to ANYTHING the IOC has to say about "ethics" . . .


    Oh, and Hayley Wickenheiser belongs in the Hockey Hall of Fame, no question.
  • Awesome performance by Joannie and Yunam last night. I still can't figure out how they score figure skating though, that 16yr old looked pretty damn good and probably deserved a higher score to make it closer.
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