

  • 1 for 1 biatches. Ship the doughnut.
  • I will boldly predict my second consecutive 0'fer season of rim-rolling . . .
  • am I the only one that thinks 'rim-rolling' sounds indecent?
  • This thread should be moved to the BBV forum.
  • Got my first cup today and lost. BOOOOOO!!!
  • 0/1...well on my way to a 0/1# start again.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    am I the only one that thinks 'rim-rolling' sounds indecent?

    Indecent? You know how much that costs?

  • Sadly, a lot less than it used to . . .
    In my day, rim-rolling was an art to be appreciated. Now, with all the accessories and "aids" available, well, anybody can do it. Oh well, another skill gone by the wayside due to "progress". Bah . . .
  • pics or it didn't happen
  • Have you not seen those little plastic goo-gahs to assist with rim-rolling? There was even a couple on CBC's The Dragon's Den trying to get $$$ to market their particular version.
    Today's youth are so suspicious. Fie on your "pics". Some things between adults should be kept private, you know . . .
  • I guess thats bag IN, rather than steeped . . .
  • Everyone's a winner!

    Turn in your loser's at Country Style for free med.
  • Got my first one today and I won a chance to play again!
  • 0/1 <---- second one in progress now... Will update with second by second detail of my quest for the CAR....

    EDIT: Much like my sex life I couldn't wait and pounded it back as quickly as I could...

    and much like my sex life a very disappointing finish... 0/2...

    Newer EDIT: 0/4... I'll probably end up 1/20 or 2/50 that seems to be about how well I do every year.

    Newer Newer Edit: 0/8...
  • 0/2 so far.
  • This is like the only time I ever get stuff from horton's. addicted to this shit since I was 8 or whenever it started. 0/3 OBV
  • 0/1 rigged!!!
  • 0/1

    I should've stretched..or used performance enhancing drugs.
  • Same old same old.....0/3.
  • 0 / 3 (Big fuckin surprise) ...... but I have a good feeling on this mornings cup

  • I REFUSE to play...
  • 1/1 coffee!
  • Obv 0/3. And no country style nearby so cup -> garbage.
  • 2/3 two coffees!!

  • OMG won a coffee! Wooooohooooo

  • 0/3 now, jokerhortons:)
  • You coffee snobs!! You have already lost paying that much for a shitty cup of coffee!!

    Get up 5 minutes earlier, grind some good beans, press a fresh cup..wait 2 minutes..enjoy.

    Or stop at the gas station, mix a bit of hot chocolate, vanilla crappachino, and some dark roast and be on your way....for less than that Timmys crap.
  • 1coffee way ahead, was having one anyways. And most days I am given the OK by the Tim Horton's to gladly PLAY AGAIN!

    what more could you ask for

    made a post to lose that non posting message and feel so much better

    Milton Slim
  • You coffee snobs!! You have already lost paying that much for a shitty cup of coffee!!

    Get up 5 minutes earlier, grind some good beans, press a fresh cup..wait 2 minutes..enjoy.

    Or stop at the gas station, mix a bit of hot chocolate, vanilla crappachino, and some dark roast and be on your way....for less than that Timmys crap.

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