team competion/How to beat the Bomb Squad



  • Not necessarily...I take part in OPT games....what can I say I get around lol. Don't worry jah we can do a friendly wager at a thurs night club game...this looks like a great chance to showcase some good ontario region poker.
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    I'll bet 1K on OPT as well against Jah.

    Sorry, only going to blow $100 on this ego fest. Only need one hoodie.

    Not that I can't afford it.
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    If you have played any OPT event you are an OPT member.

    To be a bombsquad member, you have to purchase or be given a Hoodie.

    So there is no ringers at all. Blackmagicz has played in many OPT Events

    At least that is my criteria on who can play on Team OPT.

    It is not like I am contacting SirWatts and Timex.

    All we want is a fun fair game and jah all you want to do is grab your attention and try to ruin something that will be fun.
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    At least that is my criteria on who can play on Team OPT.

    It is not like I am contacting SirWatts and Timex.

    All we want is a fun fair game and jah all you want to do is grab your attention and try to ruin something that will be fun.

    Have they played an OPT event?
  • If you guys want to bump it to 1k...

    Would you be willing to do it at playground?
  • We should get Jah to be the official cpf trip reporter for this event!
  • Have they played an OPT event?

    No they haven't. If I was contacting them, that would mean I am bringing in ringers.
  • Well like you said you only need to play 1 event to be a member... So i was just curious...
  • Well like you said you only need to play 1 event to be a member... So i was just curious...

    Honestly if they had played I wouldn't be contacted them. That wouldnt be fair at all.

    What about those guys you mentioned as your ringers? Are you planning on having them play?
  • Its Jeff's Team... I can not go asking friends of mine and people i play with on a regualr basis to come just for giggles... I know that they are interested in putting a team from torotno into the Cup.... SO maybe you will have to wait till then to see them...But in the mean time iam very interested so see both lineups...I know players on both sides and i think that if both bring the best they should make for a great match
  • I know players on both sides and i think that if both bring the best they should make for a great match


    All bullshit aside, this is starting to sound like a REAL event. You guys should set this up very soon and post the plan so the others can all agree. Not going to be easy to get everyone available at the same time, and the more notice the better, especially for the team captains.

    Steve, got your email. Honoured to have been asked, despite my OPT lack of run good. In pending more details.
  • The bomb squad does not need to bring in ringers, we have many strong players within our group and we will have no problem competing with the opt. lets get this going and settled on the felt already!
  • Maybe we are on to something here...most active threads Canadians have had going in a long while. Please add pissing matchs to examples of stimulating discusions.


    This is shaping up nice, sure it will be some great poker with everyone emotionally invested and going for bragging rights.
  • Pretty sure A10 and myself have agreed that we will try and get this set up for end of July or August.

    The WSOP will be done and A10's Victory poker competition will hopefully be done as he said that should be happening in May
  • Ok so after talking with Jeff, we also have a few stipulations....

    As this thread continues it will grow and maybe even become an event...With all that aside...We need a mutual meeting ground. THE MATCH WILL NOT BE PLAYED IN A BASEMENT or HOUSE...we were talking about live results and such so this should be played at a live venue...Closest that we could organize something like this is PLAYGROUND.... $1000+150 is what i am suggesting. It can be played over 2 days.... we can set up our own tables and have dealers at our dispense....This way Fans and the Public eye can have a plain view sight of what is going on…
    I am not knocking anybody’s home game as I run one as well, on any given day many of us that are reading this thread have won a home game and taken down massive pots playing in a basement with buddies….But were talking PROVEN results and recognized finishes…So why not take it to the next level rather than making another home game….after talking to a few of the members of the squad if the wager is more than $200, they would like it to happen at a Casino or Card room…

  • My 2 cents. Having to travel and pay for accommodations to a club that Jeff knows the management at on a business level doesn't sound nuetral, hell it might even get him a kickback.

    OLG has 3 casinos much closer. Call anyone of them up and tell them you have x amount of players and most likely they would be happy to accomodate you.
  • This is suppose to be a fun game for basically bragging rights. taking it to the $1k level is making it way to serious.

    It makes no sense at all to travel to montreal for this. This just shows that A10 wants to make this all about publicity, instead of a good fun game for bragging rights.

    There are tons of underground clubs in the toronto area, and even that place in Richmond Hill that pokerjah mentioned would probably be happy to host us.
  • Ok so after talking with Jeff, we also have a few stipulations....

    As this thread continues it will grow and maybe even become an event...With all that aside...We need a mutual meeting ground. THE MATCH WILL NOT BE PLAYED IN A BASEMENT or HOUSE...we were talking about live results and such so this should be played at a live venue...Closest that we could organize something like this is PLAYGROUND.... $1000+150 is what i am suggesting. It can be played over 2 days.... we can set up our own tables and have dealers at our dispense....This way Fans and the Public eye can have a plain view sight of what is going on…
    I am not knocking anybody’s home game as I run one as well, on any given day many of us that are reading this thread have won a home game and taken down massive pots playing in a basement with buddies….But were talking PROVEN results and recognized finishes…So why not take it to the next level rather than making another home game….after talking to a few of the members of the squad if the wager is more than $200, they would like it to happen at a Casino or Card room…


    Give me a break. This is not some live results oriented event. This is a bragging rights match between two groups. Find a legion hall rent it for a day, round up the required poker supplies. easy game!
  • Ok so after talking with Jeff, we also have a few stipulations....

    As this thread continues it will grow and maybe even become an event...With all that aside...We need a mutual meeting ground. THE MATCH WILL NOT BE PLAYED IN A BASEMENT or HOUSE...we were talking about live results and such so this should be played at a live venue...Closest that we could organize something like this is PLAYGROUND.... $1000+150 is what i am suggesting. It can be played over 2 days.... we can set up our own tables and have dealers at our dispense....This way Fans and the Public eye can have a plain view sight of what is going on…
    I am not knocking anybody’s home game as I run one as well, on any given day many of us that are reading this thread have won a home game and taken down massive pots playing in a basement with buddies….But were talking PROVEN results and recognized finishes…So why not take it to the next level rather than making another home game….after talking to a few of the members of the squad if the wager is more than $200, they would like it to happen at a Casino or Card room…


    Your new to the forum, 1k they can handle but 15% rake is a whole nother thread....
  • Also keep in mind having a 1k event or 1.00 event isn't a fair representation of skill, its a representation of wealth. For this to be succeessful there has to be multiple events over a 2 or 3 day time frame to allow teams to accumulate points and make it worth it to all competing,spectating, and reporting.

    From an underground club prospective it may be hard to get a club to support this as they try to stay quiet for a reason but I know of a couple of really nice places in the GTA that would be ideal for this, will they host? That's a different story.

    I also don't understand why its important to have an official venue to begin with. With the amount of poker minds developing this event I am pretty sure the integrity of the event will be at the highest level no matter where it is held. A home set up may allow for more events and flexibility. Worse case you can hire dealers and bring in chip sets and "official" tables even though every home game has had official equipment.
  • Can I suggest, Aug. 10th GBH $300 freeze out. You have to play against other players as well but why not as it only further proves your ability as a poker player.

    Great Blue Heron Charity Casino - Poker Tournaments

    Also the rest of us can join in the fun :)
  • i actually have to admit that i like PokerJah suggestion of VIP. I have never played there, but i have heard good things about the club. A nice nuetral place, able to provide all required equipment, dealers etc. Also able to act as a TD.

    cdncardrunner - not really sure where you are coming up with the figure of $1000 per player. A10 already said in his own forum that he wanted to play for $200 per player. If we go with 10 players per team then that makes the buyin per team $2000, or a $4000 prize pool with both team entries. that is more then a sufficient prize pool to win bragging rights. tell A10 that this is not intended to be a soapbox for him to pimp himself on, tell him to stop trying to figure out the angle to maximise his potential exposer and just play some cards. OPT was challenged, OPT has accepted the challenge, now lets play some cards!!

    going back to my original quetion.. What would be the best format to play this in? Let's hear all sugestions so that we can finalize the details.
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    At least that is my criteria on who can play on Team OPT.

    It is not like I am contacting SirWatts and Timex.

    All we want is a fun fair game and jah all you want to do is grab your attention and try to ruin something that will be fun.
    jontm wrote: »
    My 2 cents. Having to travel and pay for accommodations to a club that Jeff knows the management at on a business level doesn't sound nuetral, hell it might even get him a kickback.

    OLG has 3 casinos much closer. Call anyone of them up and tell them you have x amount of players and most likely they would be happy to accomodate you.

    you may be right...I hope so
  • 6 max heats (round robin turbo style points for team finish and bonus points for player finishes)
    Deepstack event (iron man style no breaks)
    Team single table event (5 on 5...then have the ability to swap players in)
    Heads up
    Doubles poker
  • Just a thought, but couldn't this all be done at the Royal Cup with OPT having a team as well as BS having a team? The integrity is there, as is the structure. Side bets if they want to up the ante...
  • DennisG wrote: »
    Just a thought, but couldn't this all be done at the Royal Cup with OPT having a team as well as BS having a team? The integrity is there, as is the structure. Side bets if they want to up the ante...

    OPT does not put a team into the RC, most of us play for ChingHill
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    This is suppose to be a fun game for basically bragging rights. taking it to the $1k level is making it way to serious.

    It makes no sense at all to travel to montreal for this. This just shows that A10 wants to make this all about publicity, instead of a good fun game for bragging rights.

    There are tons of underground clubs in the toronto area, and even that place in Richmond Hill that pokerjah mentioned would probably be happy to host us.

    Your right about the 1k.... i dont think A10 wants to get more publicity out of this match...
    and you maybe right about the underground idea...
  • 6 max heats (round robin turbo style points for team finish and bonus points for player finishes)
    Deepstack event (iron man style no breaks)
    Team single table event (5 on 5...then have the ability to swap players in)
    Heads up
    Doubles poker

    I like and could probably be pulled off in one really long day.
  • crazykoby wrote: »
    Give me a break. This is not some live results oriented event. This is a bragging rights match between two groups. Find a legion hall rent it for a day, round up the required poker supplies. easy game!

    Which came about, becasue you guys think he needed to have better results in live tournaments....

    You did not mention anything about basment results....I am sure you guys are in the saem $$$$ area with ITM or MW in home games....

    So why not make it a live event?
  • jontm wrote: »
    Your new to the forum, 1k they can handle but 15% rake is a whole nother thread....

    Very Ture...
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