OMG I Made Another Final Table!



  • Too late for a sweat but binked the FTP 216 turbo for 18k this eve :)
  • Vekked wrote: »
    Too late for a sweat but binked the FTP 216 turbo for 18k this eve :)

    dude ....go on a vacation!?

    i gotta start using binked.
  • howd ya get so gooood vekked?
  • FTP $10+r PLO...6.5K

    shortstacking......sitting 8/9

    oops, 8th for 260'ish
  • ft 9.90 turbo stars

    man gotta leave for work in 2 minutes.

    7 left...called boss, really needs me on time tonight
    6 go go

    its only a problem if your not making money right?....

    5 left

    aa< 55 5th $756
  • nice score darbday!
  • FTP 50r turbo, 7/7 right now, gonna be a quick one, gogogo!

    Edit: Doubled then busted shorty for 1/6
  • 2nd for 6k, lost a flip then AK < QTs last hand :(
  • Bodog $750. Guar. FT, sitting 8/9 with 20K, blinds 1250/2500. 222 started...

    finished 6th, allin with 44, called by A,9 with slightly larger stack.... he goes runner runner 9's on turn and river... :(
  • 7/9 Bodog $6k. meh 4th.
  • today is online poker day, let's do this ^^' basically havn't played all week. Also, final tabled the 1r on betsson for 240 dollars
  • Richard~ wrote: »
    today is online poker day, let's do this ^^' basically havn't played all week. Also, final tabled the 1r on betsson for 240 dollars

    no im totally down, rolled for a big one i think, and any smaller ones for sure. gotta go to sleep soon though be back in a few hours....i wanna do a last longer on a 11 dollar mtt or something low?


    and ft of 180 man 4 dollar. 8 left, weak i know but ill take it after losing twice to runner runner straight draws in earlier tourneys

    down to six,

    and then there was four...

    third for 85 bones....
  • ft 180 man. does this count?






    shipped.....bazingo 216 bux...weired hu play ever he musta been staring at a chart folding till he got a shove hand because the first 20 i raise every one he folded. and from there he played back like once every 15 hands. i pretty much bet every street and every 98% of them
  • darbday wrote: »
    ft 180 man. does this count?






    shipped.....bazingo 216 bux...weired hu play ever he musta been staring at a chart folding till he got a shove hand because the first 20 i raise every one he folded. and from there he played back like once every 15 hands. i pretty much bet every street and every 98% of them

    congrats =)

    Final table of the stars 5k gt 5r PLO8, I like this tournament

    Edit: Out in 8th for 170, got sucked out on for a big pot too =/
  • well i read the earlier rules and $4 180 man mtts are legit so heres darb 2/8


    aa<kk out in 5th....

    why can't the good hand just win....
  • darbday wrote: »
    well i read the earlier rules and $4 180 man mtts are legit so heres darb 2/8


    aa<kk out in 5th....

    why can't the good hand just win....

    Least you made it. gratz
    My KK ran into QQ with 30 left on FTP.
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Least you made it.
    My KK ran into QQ with 30 left on FTP.

    boo that
  • 1st in $12 turbo 180 man on stars for $ these 180s
  • $33 Stars. Coming in 3/9.
  • wetts your still in that $8.80r on stars? im still in under schabert
  • schabs wrote: »
    wetts your still in that $8.80r on stars? im still in under schabert

    Awesome. glgl.
  • out in 99th....AK < AJ AIPF for $69
  • schabs wrote: »
    out in 99th....AK < AJ AIPF for $69

    Busto too. Had a good day tho.

    PokerStars Game #48660099986: Tournament #327010323, $8.00+$0.80 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XIX (2500/5000) - 2010/08/25 15:20:56 ET
    Table '327010323 136' 9-max Seat #1 is the button
    Seat 1: Tha_Saint7 (110906 in chips)
    Seat 2: Wetts1012 (100584 in chips)
    Seat 3: BigEzeN (296398 in chips)
    Seat 4: MaxMaster69 (129997 in chips)
    Seat 5: hitmy1outer (148796 in chips)
    Seat 6: 9261GR (366084 in chips)
    Seat 8: jallu435 (130366 in chips)
    Seat 9: kyomi (366740 in chips)
    Tha_Saint7: posts the ante 500
    Wetts1012: posts the ante 500
    BigEzeN: posts the ante 500
    MaxMaster69: posts the ante 500
    hitmy1outer: posts the ante 500
    9261GR: posts the ante 500
    jallu435: posts the ante 500
    kyomi: posts the ante 500
    Wetts1012: posts small blind 2500
    BigEzeN: posts big blind 5000
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to Wetts1012 [6s 6c]
    MaxMaster69: folds
    hitmy1outer: raises 7222 to 12222
    9261GR: calls 12222
    jallu435: folds
    kyomi: calls 12222
    Tha_Saint7: folds
    Wetts1012: calls 9722
    BigEzeN: calls 7222
    *** FLOP *** [7s 6h Ks]
    Wetts1012: checks
    BigEzeN: checks
    hitmy1outer: checks
    9261GR: checks
    kyomi: bets 50000
    Wetts1012: raises 37862 to 87862 and is all-in
    BigEzeN: folds
    hitmy1outer: folds
    9261GR: folds
    kyomi: calls 37862
    *** TURN *** [7s 6h Ks] [Jc]
    *** RIVER *** [7s 6h Ks Jc] [8s]
    *** SHOW DOWN ***
    Wetts1012: shows [6s 6c] (three of a kind, Sixes)
    kyomi: shows [9s 4s] (a flush, King high)
    kyomi collected 240834 from pot
    Wetts1012 finished the tournament in 57th place and received $78.89.
    *** SUMMARY ***
    Total pot 240834 | Rake 0
    Board [7s 6h Ks Jc 8s]
    Seat 1: Tha_Saint7 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 2: Wetts1012 (small blind) showed [6s 6c] and lost with three of a kind, Sixes
    Seat 3: BigEzeN (big blind) folded on the Flop
    Seat 4: MaxMaster69 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 5: hitmy1outer folded on the Flop
    Seat 6: 9261GR folded on the Flop
    Seat 8: jallu435 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 9: kyomi showed [9s 4s] and won (240834) with a flush, King high
  • final table on stars, 109 2r 1a, 3/9
    shipped it for 6750 :D
  • final table on stars, 109 2r 1a, 3/9

    Nice catch on the river with those ducks :)

    Even better suckout with that 99>JJ aipf :D

    I believe that deserves a HOLY RUNGOOD BATMAN!
  • Cerberus wrote: »
    Nice catch on the river with those ducks :)

    Even better suckout with that 99>JJ aipf :D

    I believe that deserves a HOLY RUNGOOD BATMAN!

    Lol I ran like god in the final 5 lol.
    the 99 was sick, the 22 hand i got there real cheap lol
    but i was blessed :D
  • Outright won a 15 dollar 1,5k GT PLO8 6 max tourney on stars for a little over 500 dollars =)
  • Richard~ wrote: »
    Outright won a 15 dollar 1,5k GT PLO8 6 max tourney on stars for a little over 500 dollars =)

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