OMG I Made Another Final Table!



  • 2/8 Stars 100r. 88.5k ftw.
  • Too embarassed to post below that, but 7/9 in the bodog $100k
  • actyper wrote: »
    Too embarassed to post below that, but 7/9 in the bodog $100k

    oooooooh, playing with the bots hey!;)
  • actyper wrote: »
    Too embarassed to post below that, but 7/9 in the bodog $100k

    Didnt you final table this last week?
  • Vekked wrote: »
    2/8 Stars 100r. 88.5k ftw.

    wow, u can pass along the run good... i didnt see the finish, just missed it.
  • reibs wrote: »
    wow, u can pass along the run good... i didnt see the finish, just missed it.

    I don't think you want it :S 4th for 36k tho, can't complain!

    PokerStars Game #47901822359: Tournament #324010507, $100+$9 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXX (25000/50000) - 2010/08/08 22:25:11 ET
    Table '324010507 101' 9-max Seat #4 is the button
    Seat 4: JohnnyBax (2897468 in chips)
    Seat 6: slimshaggy (2062377 in chips)
    Seat 8: zXJaEXz (1264073 in chips)
    Seat 9: Vekked (1588082 in chips)
    JohnnyBax: posts the ante 5000
    slimshaggy: posts the ante 5000
    zXJaEXz: posts the ante 5000
    Vekked: posts the ante 5000
    slimshaggy: posts small blind 25000
    zXJaEXz: posts big blind 50000
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to Vekked [Kc Tc]
    Vekked: raises 52125 to 102125
    JohnnyBax: folds
    slimshaggy: raises 155252 to 257377
    zXJaEXz: folds
    Vekked: calls 155252
    *** FLOP *** [7s 7c Ac]
    slimshaggy: bets 300000
    Vekked: calls 300000
    *** TURN *** [7s 7c Ac] [8c]
    slimshaggy: bets 1500000 and is all-in
    Vekked: calls 1025705 and is all-in
    Uncalled bet (474295) returned to slimshaggy
    *** RIVER *** [7s 7c Ac 8c] [Ah]
    *** SHOW DOWN ***
    slimshaggy: shows [Ks As] (a full house, Aces full of Sevens)
    Vekked: shows [Kc Tc] (a flush, Ace high)
    slimshaggy collected 3236164 from pot
    Vekked finished the tournament in 4th place and received $36375.00.
    JohnnyBax said, "gg"
    *** SUMMARY ***
    Total pot 3236164 | Rake 0
    Board [7s 7c Ac 8c Ah]
    Seat 4: JohnnyBax (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 6: slimshaggy (small blind) showed [Ks As] and won (3236164) with a full house, Aces full of Sevens
    Seat 8: zXJaEXz (big blind) folded before Flop
    Seat 9: Vekked showed [Kc Tc] and lost with a flush, Ace high
  • meh, still epic weekend V.... very nice!!
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Didnt you final table this last week?

    Yeah came in 3rd. Need to improve :)

    7/7 now
  • sick bustout hand, sick weekend vek
  • worse. 4th for $7100. Ran TT into JJ
  • Yo thx, nice score yourself actyper! This is the bodog major you FTed twice?
  • yup the $100k
  • you guys are all sickos, wow congrats!
  • actyper wrote: »
    sick, nice score. What are the odds she was ghosting there?


    Gratz Vekked & least some of us made money this weekend
  • solid finish vekked, well done, tough beat.
  • I am telling you guys we can be a force in the poker world, just think actyper ivey, or vekked ivey, betrthanphil ivey would just sound wrong, how about betr ivey!:wink2::wink2:
  • 4/9 in the UB $20k. Not really final table since its 6max, close enough to post.

    ok 6/6 now
  • Booo out in 5th for $1692

    Stage #313124204 Tourney ID 5684322 Holdem Multi Normal Tournament No Limit 4,000 - 2010-08-11 01:59:58 (ET)
    Table: 33 (Real Money) Seat #2 is the dealer
    Seat 1 - EEYORE_ (118,405 in chips)
    Seat 2 - TURK_MALLOY (248,959 in chips)
    Seat 3 - KENNEOIN (327,809 in chips)
    Seat 5 - ACTYPER (116,659 in chips)
    Seat 6 - PLUMBER922 (98,168 in chips)
    EEYORE_ - Ante 400
    TURK_MALLOY - Ante 400
    KENNEOIN - Ante 400
    ACTYPER - Ante 400
    PLUMBER922 - Ante 400
    KENNEOIN - Posts small blind 2,000
    ACTYPER - Posts big blind 4,000
    *** POCKET CARDS ***
    Dealt to ACTYPER [7s 8h]
    PLUMBER922 - Raises 8,000 to 8,000
    EEYORE_ - Calls 8,000
    TURK_MALLOY - Folds
    KENNEOIN - Folds
    ACTYPER - Calls 4,000
    *** FLOP *** [6s 9s Ah]
    ACTYPER - Checks
    PLUMBER922 - Checks
    EEYORE_ - Checks
    *** TURN *** [6s 9s Ah] [10h]
    ACTYPER - Checks
    PLUMBER922 - Bets 12,000
    EEYORE_ - Folds
    ACTYPER - Raises 108,000 to 108,000
    PLUMBER922 - All-In 77,768
    ACTYPER - returned (18,232) : not called
    *** RIVER *** [6s 9s Ah 10h] [3s]
    *** SHOW DOWN ***
    ACTYPER - Shows [7s 8h] (Straight, six to ten)
    PLUMBER922 - Shows [Ks 10s] (Flush, king high)
    PLUMBER922 Collects 207,536 from main pot
    *** SUMMARY ***
    Total Pot(207,536)
    Board [6s 9s Ah 10h 3s]
    Seat 1: EEYORE_ Folded on the TURN
    Seat 2: TURK_MALLOY (dealer) Folded on the POCKET CARDS
    Seat 3: KENNEOIN (small blind) Folded on the POCKET CARDS
    Seat 5: ACTYPER (big blind) HI:lost with Straight, six to ten [7s 8h - B:10h,B:9s,P:8h,P:7s,B:6s]
    Seat 6: PLUMBER922 won Total (207,536) All-In HI:(207,536) with Flush, king high [Ks 10s - P:Ks,P:10s,B:9s,B:6s,B:3s]
  • finished 2nd in the UB $55 10K gtd for $1600, played great except for the very last hand
  • ugly riv AC but nice score
  • u2, beat you by $92. pwned. :)
  • Nice scores guys - its my turn, its my turn!!
  • jdAA88 wrote: »
    finished 2nd in the UB $55 10K gtd for $1600

    jdAA88 wrote: »
    played great except for the very last hand

    lol. Isnt this always the case?
  • actyper wrote: »
    4/9 in the UB $20k. Not really final table since its 6max, close enough to post.

    ok 6/6 now

    Surprised you made the final table after this premature post....that would've auto'd me into 7th g'teed

    Gratz....keep em rolling
  • No idea how but after finaltabling the 22 dollar NLO on stars two nights in a row I made a third attempt at a PLO tournament and final tabled a 3k gt 10r PLO tournament on stars. Sitting so so right now
  • sick accomplishment, 3 sessions in a row with a final table
  • actyper wrote: »
    sick accomplishment, 3 sessions in a row with a final table

    Apparently there is less variance with 4 cards than there is with 2.
  • Out 2nd out of 175. Made a hero bluff on the river that last hand with kings up when the board paired, unfortunately he didn't feel like folding the bottom end of the straight ^^'

    940 dollars is pretty sick though since I don't really know how to play PLO
  • keep it up!
  • Richard~ wrote: »
    Out 2nd out of 175. Made a hero bluff on the river that last hand with kings up when the board paired, unfortunately he didn't feel like folding the bottom end of the straight ^^'

    940 dollars is pretty sick though since I don't really know how to play PLO

    Please stick to holdem, don't need any competition

    nice job though
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