OMG I Made Another Final Table!



  • compuease wrote: »
    congrats... you were that close to busto...? wow, there's no hope for me...

    Ive never had money on stars (at least never more than a couple hundo). All of it on Tilt.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Ive never had money on stars (at least never more than a couple hundo). All of it on Tilt.

    Just jestin ya... lol... Actually I don't play Stars MTT's much now as the huge fields bring just too much variance... I like Cake actually...
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    very nice, is there any site you can't win on?
  • compuease wrote: »
    very nice, is there any site you can't win on?
    SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SICK. You're a sick puppy wetts.. lol
  • congrats on all the scores guys!! Keep em coming!
  • sitting 1/4

    meh...3rd for 500
  • 8/9 in the Stars $40k
    5/5 (oh no not 5th again)
    3/4 (past that barrier!)
  • Spade One Time!
  • bloczek so bad. I dont know how people do it.

  • Should I have shoved (or bet) that turn?

    PokerStars Game #47627642685: Tournament #324010441, $100+$9 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXI (3500/7000) - 2010/08/02 18:43:00 ET
    Table '324010441 45' 9-max Seat #4 is the button
    Seat 2: Pokerccini (408672 in chips)
    Seat 3: actyper (209766 in chips)
    Seat 4: TwinMSU (486510 in chips)
    Seat 6: decamps (319572 in chips)
    Seat 9: bloczek60 (360480 in chips)
    Pokerccini: posts the ante 700
    actyper: posts the ante 700
    TwinMSU: posts the ante 700
    decamps: posts the ante 700
    bloczek60: posts the ante 700
    decamps: posts small blind 3500
    bloczek60: posts big blind 7000
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to actyper [7c Ac]
    Pokerccini: folds
    actyper: raises 9650 to 16650
    TwinMSU: folds
    decamps: folds
    bloczek60: calls 9650
    *** FLOP *** [7h 6c Tc]
    bloczek60: checks
    actyper: bets 21230
    bloczek60: calls 21230
    *** TURN *** [7h 6c Tc] [4s]
    bloczek60: checks
  • I shove turn but that clown calls anyway.
  • I realized my mistake after that hand, wondering why I pussed out and opted for the free card.
  • Back in it!

    PokerStars Game #47630118038: Tournament #324010441, $100+$9 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXV (8000/16000) - 2010/08/02 19:44:31 ET
    Table '324010441 45' 9-max Seat #2 is the button
    Seat 2: Pokerccini (517268 in chips)
    Seat 3: actyper (263150 in chips)
    Seat 4: TwinMSU (1004582 in chips)
    Pokerccini: posts the ante 1600
    actyper: posts the ante 1600
    TwinMSU: posts the ante 1600
    actyper: posts small blind 8000
    TwinMSU: posts big blind 16000
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Pokerccini: folds
    actyper: raises 245550 to 261550 and is all-in
    TwinMSU: calls 245550
    *** FLOP *** [Ts Jc Ah]
    *** TURN *** [Ts Jc Ah] [As]
    *** RIVER *** [Ts Jc Ah As]
    *** SHOW DOWN ***
    actyper: shows [2d Ad] (a full house, Aces full of Tens)
    TwinMSU: shows [Ks 5c] (two pair, Aces and Tens)
    actyper collected 527900 from pot
    *** SUMMARY ***
    Total pot 527900 | Rake 0
    Board [Ts Jc Ah As Td]
    Seat 2: Pokerccini (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 3: actyper (small blind) showed [2d Ad] and won (527900) with a full house, Aces full of Tens
    Seat 4: TwinMSU (big blind) showed [Ks 5c] and lost with two pair, Aces and Tens

    HU FTW!

    PokerStars Game #47630513281: Tournament #324010441, $100+$9 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXVI (10000/20000) - 2010/08/02 19:54:48 ET
    Table '324010441 45' 9-max Seat #2 is the button
    Seat 2: Pokerccini (540821 in chips)
    Seat 3: actyper (849640 in chips)
    Seat 4: TwinMSU (394539 in chips)
    Pokerccini: posts the ante 2000
    actyper: posts the ante 2000
    TwinMSU: posts the ante 2000
    actyper: posts small blind 10000
    TwinMSU: posts big blind 20000
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Pokerccini: folds
    actyper: raises 26987 to 46987
    TwinMSU: raises 345552 to 392539 and is all-in
    actyper: calls 345552
    TwinMSU said, "gg"
    *** FLOP *** [5s 2d 4s]
    TwinMSU said, "yea"
    *** TURN *** [5s 2d 4s] [8c]
    *** RIVER *** [5s 2d 4s 8c] [7s]
    *** SHOW DOWN ***
    actyper: shows [Ad 6c] (a straight, Four to Eight)
    TwinMSU: shows [Kc Qh] (high card King)
    actyper collected 791078 from pot
    TwinMSU finished the tournament in 3rd place and received $6069.00.
    actyper said, "gg"
    *** SUMMARY ***
    Total pot 791078 | Rake 0
    Board [5s 2d 4s 8c 7s]
    Seat 2: Pokerccini (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 3: actyper (small blind) showed [Ad 6c] and won (791078) with a straight, Four to Eight
    Seat 4: TwinMSU (big blind) showed [Kc Qh] and lost with high card King
  • Chop for 10K and 1$ imo.

    Seriously tho: Dont take less than 10500.

    F this guy with even chop. Dont do it.
  • Do you have a calculator? What should I chop for?
  • ICM at the time was $10400 for you.
  • you sicko!:)

    Pleased to have some of your luck shipped to me.;)
  • fml

    PokerStars Game #47632180406: Tournament #324010441, $100+$9 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXVIII (15000/30000) - 2010/08/02 20:39:17 ET
    Table '324010441 45' 9-max Seat #3 is the button
    Seat 2: Pokerccini (671675 in chips)
    Seat 3: actyper (1113325 in chips)
    Pokerccini: posts the ante 3000
    actyper: posts the ante 3000
    actyper: posts small blind 15000
    Pokerccini: posts big blind 30000
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to actyper [Qs Ac]
    actyper: raises 30000 to 60000
    Pokerccini: raises 608675 to 668675 and is all-in
    actyper: calls 608675
    *** FLOP *** [Kc 4c 6h]
    *** TURN *** [Kc 4c 6h] [2h]
    *** RIVER *** [Kc 4c 6h 2h] [Jc]
    *** SHOW DOWN ***
    Pokerccini: shows [Qc 9c] (a flush, King high)
    actyper: shows [Qs Ac] (high card Ace)
    Pokerccini collected 1343350 from pot
    *** SUMMARY ***
    Total pot 1343350 | Rake 0
    Board [Kc 4c 6h 2h Jc]
    Seat 2: Pokerccini (big blind) showed [Qc 9c] and won (1343350) with a flush, King high
    Seat 3: actyper (button) (small blind) showed [Qs Ac] and lost with high card Ace
  • OMG. bounce back

    Nice. AA > A4

    A6 > AJ and AC takes the 3:1
  • Shipped it for $11,245
  • AC ships. FML.

    Well played sir.

    PM which majors ur going in.
  • Awesome. Well played
  • Nice job guys. You make me sick lol.
  • I'm doing that final table thing as well. 5 dollar rebuy on betsson with 1000 runners. Sitting 3/10 with an average stack

    meh, out 7th for 368
  • on avg how many mtts are you playing per day richard?
  • jdAA88 wrote: »
    on avg how many mtts are you playing per day richard?

    Average 10 maybe on the days a play a bunch. I'm usually playing 2,3 and sometimes 4 tables at once so I'm not exactly a high volume player in that sense
  • Stars $27 9K, sitting 5/8.
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