My girl wants to do me with a strap on



  • 800OVER wrote: »
    Puns are for fags.

    Sorry should read...

    Buns are for fags.

    Sorry about that.
  • This thread is gayer then fag poop.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »

    Not without a trip report :D
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Not without a trip report :D

    And pics or it didn't happen!
  • dammit...why can't I pull the trigger...this is the perfect time to slap down some live donkey porn.

    I'm going soft.
  • If the girl is a real hotty and she's into kinky stuff like that, then no you are not gay. Whatever it takes my friend.
    However, If the girl is not such a hotty, then it sounds kind of gay to me.
  • That statement is completely illogical, and shows prejudice...

    You'll fit in well.

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    That statement is completely illogical, and shows prejudice...

    You'll fit in well.


    LMAO!! Thank you Sir!
    I am starting to really like you Canadians.
    You all seem like very easy going folks. Cool deal. :)
  • That's only because you're from Texas

    And we don't want to be shot

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    And we don't want to be shot
    that statement shows prejudice and is completely illogical

    stop it
  • good call reviving this thread...I think we should sticky it to the top of OT
  • pkrfce9 wrote: »
    that statement shows prejudice and is completely illogical

    stop it

    You caught that one eh? See! I fit in


  • DrTyore wrote: »
    That's only because you're from Texas

    And we don't want to be shot


    That's actually not too far from the truth, We have a little something called the 'Castle Law' here in Texas.
    It's great for homeowners like myself, not so great for burglars and home invasion robbers.
  • InsaneGuy wrote: »
    Ummmm.... like the topic says. She wants to do me with a strap on and being the freewheeling dude that I am, I am open to the idea provided that the strap on is no where near as large as I am. Does this make me gay? Anyways, I've never done anything like this before although there was this one time when I was in the cub scouts at a sleepover and....anyways...


    Ewwwwww. Gross!
  • Aaaaahhh Patty. I had such high hopes. Why so repressed?
  • This crosses lines of "freewheeling"
  • Bumping another awesome thread.

    I miss the OP :D
  • Obv HOF material.

    Where have all the good ones gone?

  • Well. I wasn't going to touch this one . LMAO. Never saw it till today.
  • For some reason, this came up as the top search when I typed in "CPT Cruise" and then again when I typed in "CPT Caribbean Cruise".

    Fun stuff.
  • Been a while since we've heard from him. ;)
  • Safeword people, safeword
  • JOE . . . obv.
  • You just summed up your life. WP NH GG
  • Milo wrote: »
    You just summed up your life. WP NH GG

    Stop riding everyones coat tails, come up with your own content for once in your life :-\
  • You're right. New content is always good. With that in mind . . .

    welp, im back!
  • milo wrote: »
    you're right. New content is always good. With that in mind . . .

    welp, im back!

    stop fucking cross posting on sites its against rules
  • What cross posting? I posted the link in one thread in one part of the Forum. I even warned you to knock off the BS for the day. But, like always, you refuse to accept that your actions have consequences.
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