Is there still a team that needs players???

I would like to play if there is still a spot open. I live in K-W, but I lived in Cambridge until I was 14 and half of my time is still spent there (with my family). Post if there is any open spots.

:as :ah


  • Zithal and I were talking about maybe starting a team.

    Athough, that was a few weeks ago now, so I'm not sure.

  • Im still looking for a team..

  • Hobbes (Ron)
  • I am willing to play... If you all need someone...
  • :s: :d: :c: :h:

    If any team needs a player let me know - I played last year for the wildcard team.
  • Looks like we might have the beginnings of a team forming here...
  • Starting to look that way....Team Nomad anyone????

  • Hobbes wrote:
    Starting to look that way....Team Nomad anyone????


    How about The Battered Bastards of Bristol Steet?
  • Well everyone who is not on a team lets make a team... Since it looks like it will be another misfit team ... sounds good to me .. anyone else ???
  • I nominate Rob as team captin ... *wink*
  • I nominate Rob as team captin ... *wink*

    I'll second that.

    Rob Captain of the Misfits.... :D

  • Ok. Here's the current list.

    1) Zithal
    2) 2Bullets
    3) Hobbes
    4) JohnnyH
    5) folded
    6) AcidJoesHoe
    7) KRT
    8) ?????

  • Ok Does this mean we have a team ??? and If so cool ...
  • Since we are all looking...I'd say YES.

    Still need 1 more though.
  • Have you guys tried Mario. I know he had some interest in the past.
  • He has a wedding to attend.

    I think it's his brother...

  • Hobbes wrote:
    He has a wedding to attend.

    I think it's his brother...


    Ron is correct. Malt's brother is getting hitched on Sept 16.
  • :as :ad :ac :ah

    I'm in for Sept 16 - game on?
  • I never check this section, just saw this.
    Craving the old K-W poker.

    Will fly back for this if you guys need a player. As long as it is a one day, weekend event or three or four day event.
    Please PM or email me if you need me, I never check this section ever.
  • Ok
    guys ... If this is gonna be a team ... We need info... and who is are leader???? (Zithal)??? Lets get workin on this...Should be fun and interesting..
  • I strongly suggest that someone just step up as leader... otherwise you will not get a team committed by Sept 16th. See Team Waterloo/Waterbridge etc threads from Royal Cup I. Best of luck... but your efforts are futile, the ROCKS are taking down Royal Cup II :)

  • g2 wrote:
    I strongly suggest that someone just step up as leader... otherwise you will not get a team committed by Sept 16th.  See Team Waterloo/Waterbridge etc threads from Royal Cup I.  Best of luck... but your efforts are futile, the ROCKS are taking down Royal Cup II :)

    Well said, well said........
  • I'm home on the 9th for sure now, til the if you need/want a team lets do this.
  • Sounds like we've got a team!
  • Sounds good to me.

  • Ok
    guys ... If this is gonna be a team ... We need info... and who is are leader???? (Zithal)???  Lets get workin on this...Should be fun and interesting..

    I nominate Zithal for leader....All hale the mighty Zithal... :D

  • I second that this time all hale the might Zithal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I play 7 card stud ... I can do omaha but.... Naww let the men do the harder stuff lol ....

    Let me know guys ....
  • Is this team official now?
    And by that I mean, should I take Jeremy and Rob off the list of alternates for the Waterloo team? ;)
  • It looks like we have 8 players.


    Now we need to know who the captain is? Rob are you going to be able to do this? If not, does anyone else have interest? We will also keep a list for alternates just in case something comes up. Let's get this ball rolling so that we don't go in as the "Procrastinators", and have some time to prepare.

    :as :ah
  • I am in .... Does anyone know if this haddon kid is really showing up... ???????? I have my doubts... So we should really look for one more person to be sure...
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