Bristol St. presents -- "Jour de Poker 4" Sat. July 29th - 2pm (Waterloo)



  • Eddy11 wrote:
    so if i birng some hot dogs or somthing i can just throw them on the grill or is tehre going to be a persoin cooking on the grill?
    Hey Eddy, is that person you're going to be cooking on the grill by any chance named Cole?
  • Hi can you please pm the directions to me. i do not know the area at all
  • Hey Rob....

    Could u add Kevin S to the list please

    Thank U

  • Hey all!

    In just over 24 hours, Jour de Poker 4 will begin! As you've been aware, this week has had nothing but 28-29C weather with the forcast calling for a high of 30 tomorrow.

    It will be unpleasant, so PLEASE dress appropriately. Consider bringing snacks that'll help you keep cool. I've got a large freezer in the garage so bring ice cream bars if you'd like.

    If anyone has a portable or window AC unit that they'd like to loan for the day, please PM and we'll arrange to start cooling off the basement. I went pricing out units last night, but the ones they had left were over my budget. (I am planning on picking one up at least for the next summer season.) To keep things cool, there will be a number of fans running and one table will be in the garage.

    We're currently sitting at 33 players and, although I'm sure we'll get some drop outs before tomorrow, that's puts me at a chair or two short. If you have one or more that you could bring for the day, please PM and I'll let you know if I've got someone or if I need you to help out. (BTW... if we happen to end up at between 33-36 players, I'm going to start with 9 handed tables, instead of adding an extra one.

    Don't forget your drinks and BBQ-ables, and we'll see you tomorrow for a fun (and HOT) day of poker!!
  • Whats the prizes for placing ?

    Looking forward to the tourny!
  • Hey Rob,

    Speaking of drop-outs, can you take Jamal off the list? he won't be able to make it.


  • liquidfire wrote:
    Whats the prizes for placing ?

    Looking forward to the tourny!

    Thanks for reminding me about that. With ~32 players in, I'll go with the standard 45/25/15/10/5 breakdown for 5 positions paid.
  • alright,
    exam prep is looking pretty good, I'm in for tomorrow.


  • Excellent!

    Also.. a small change to the schedule. To encourage people to get up and circulate air, I'll be adding a few more 5 minute breaks to the schedule (likely once per hour where there's not already a break scheduled)
  • So because of the heat, this event is clothing optional...right? :D
  • So because of the heat, this event is clothing optional...right? :D

    I believe ALL events at Bristol Street are clothing optional! :D
  • Hey Rob,

    I'm going to have someone replace Jamal.

    Can you add "Rookie" Richard to the list please?

    See you tomorrow!

  • Hi please remove me from the game as i am sick as hell. Was really hoping to come learn from you guys, hopefully next time.
    James D
  • can someone send me the address? cheers

  • Please add me to the list. If you could PM me the address too please.

  • heereeeeeeeeeee wwwweeeeeeee goooooooooooooo wooooooooow
  • I got rivered...Caroline got called into work today so I won't be able to make it.

    Rob, please tuck my $ away for a future Bristol event, or you may see me later for a side game or 2.
  • Sorry Rob,

    Can you please take Richard off the list? He won't be able to make it.

  • Ok What no updates as to who is the drunkest yet?????
  • Ok What no updates as to who is the drunkest yet?????

    I busted out in 4th (for $115). Gow finished 5th(for $60). Tom, Eddie and Shopsy are still playing.

    Thanks to Rob for another OUTSTANDING (but hot) day of poker.

    And now, I'm off to shower.

  • great tourny rob n good playin everyone... who ending up winning this?
  • oh btw...Rob would u mind sending me an email of all of the songs that were on that cd?? there awsome! lol
  • Eddy11 wrote:
    great tourny rob n good playin everyone... who ending up winning this?
    "Metro" Tom took it down vs "Shopsy"
  • Congrats, Tom!

    Well done.
  • Thanks Rob for an enjoyable day of poker. Even if Cole did manage to suck out on me when I had him dominated. Congrats to Tom and Shopsy for their respective placings. BTW if you find a golf bag cooler it's mine. It was nice to be able to have a few beers and play a Bristol on such a hot day.
  • Thanks for a great day Rob! Great to finally make it out to one of the Bristol St. games and be back in Waterloo again after all these years (UofW 94).

  • I'll have the results and standings posted by tomorrow. Sorry for the delay!

  • Hey Rob.........

    Thanks for another great Poker Game......DIdnt make it too far, but it was fun :)

  • yea Rob, thanks for another great day of poker! You're what makes staying in waterloo worth it ;)
  • Awsome day of poker!!

    Thanks for hosting the tournament Rob, i'll definately be attending more of these!
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