Bristol St. presents -- "Jour de Poker 4" Sat. July 29th - 2pm (Waterloo)



  • Giddy up, $40 is good with me.
  • $40 sounds good...
  • 40 is easier
  • 40s goood count hollywoods in thanks
  • hey Rob,

    can you add 3 people to that list?
    "Slug" Jamal
    "Billy" Jon
    "Sinister" Genghis

  • I got a day pass - count me in!
  • 40.00 is fine with jeremy and i
  • Hi i have never played at one of these games but would like to. where is this game located anyway? i think it's in the west end but not sure excatly. if their is room please sign me up james D. i have played at west side games before.
  • Hi i have never played at one of these games but would like to. where is this game located anyway? i think it's in the west end but not sure excatly. if their is room please sign me up james D. i have played at west side games before.

    Waterloo, ON
  • ok waterloo is a nice long drive from oshawa. sign me up please
  • thanks for hosting a Saturday tournament! I will be there and $40 works for me.

  • Count me in!

    Might have one more to add as well, I'll let ya know,

    Geoff H
  • Take Aimee off the list Rob, she's working until 2. I'm not sure if it's worth it to blind her in for the first 2 hours or so.
  • AcidJoe wrote:
    Take Aimee off the list Rob, she's working until 2. I'm not sure if it's worth it to blind her in for the first 2 hours or so.

    It's a close call here. I still need to work out the blinds (based mostly on turn-out.. I'll get it finished this week), but if I did a fairly standard schedule, (20 min levels, the first two hours are 25/25, 25/50, 50/100, 75/150, 100/200, break)

    If we played one rotation per level, a stack would lose 800 chips. Assuming 1.5 rotations per level, then she'd be down about 1,200 chips and would start at the 100/200 (25) level. By no means short-stacked, but the blinds raise faster after that so you lose some of the fun playing the smaller levels.

    I'll take her off the list for now, but if you change your mind, let me know!
  • Zithal wrote:
    Here's a little love for the out of towners!
    The Bristol Street Nightclub and Casino presents...
        :s: :h: JOUR de POKER 4  :d: :c:
       No-Limit Texas Hold'em Tournament
       Saturday, July 29th - 2:00pm
       (doors open at 1:30pm)
       $40 Buy-in Freeze-out - 56 Players max!!
    1:30pm - Doors open
    2:00pm - SHUFFLE UP AND DEAL
    5-6pmish - 1 hour break for dinner
    ??:?? - The game ends!

       $$$ Pay-out $$$
    tbd - based on entries
    will post closer to the event
    Each player will receive 10,000 chips for their $30 buyin.

    Is the buy in $40 or $30? You have both of these listed as the buy in!

    :as :ah
  • Pretty sure it's $40.
  • It $40. I'll correct the OP
  • whats the address of the place??
  • Address sent.

    In addition, the blinds schedule has now been posted on the first page. I'm estimating a 10 hour tournament (2pm to ~midnight) including breaks (dinner and other)

    If you're coming, please feel free to bring BBQ-ables as the grill will be available. BOYB or snacks or anything else that will get you through the day. If it looks to be warm, please dress comfortably!
  • I have to do a midnight shift on Friday Rob. If I'm not there right at the start please blind me in. I am coming. I should have enough time to wake up at noon and get there but just in case.
  • Is there air conditioning? hehe

    can you pm me the address as well?

  • NoVeLTeK wrote:
    Is there air conditioning? hehe

    Nope. Just pray for a seat close to a fan!!
  • Address sent and sadly, no AC.

    That being said, the current forcast calls for 29C and rain. To mitigate the heat, I'm only putting two tables (max 16 people) in the basement with the other tables spread elsewhere. It doesn't look like we're going to top 32 players, so I'm guessing 4 tables max.
  • so if i birng some hot dogs or somthing i can just throw them on the grill or is tehre going to be a persoin cooking on the grill?
  • hello! can you please add me and my sister to the game. Qtjen and AJstud. thanks!
  • 4 questions....
    1. Where's Brent....
    2. Where's Cam.....
    3. Where's Carmaker....
    4. Where the F is Tyson....

    Its a day of poker boys....sign up and get over to Rob's.

    P.S. and honorary, 5th question- Where's Pinhead. Sad that you'll drive in for the lazy man Olympics.....I thought you'd relish the opportunity to say "hey, isn't that Mark standing on a chair...."
  • Wolff, I really wish I could have been there for this, but I already had this weekend booked about 3 months ago.
    Had a great time at both Jour de Poker 2 and 3, so it would have been nice to make the trip for this one too
  • Zithal, I was looking forward to this, but unfortunately, I won't be going to Waterloo on Saturday. :'( I'll be playing in the Pokerbowl and a WPT houseleague.
  • I've made a couple additions and a subtraction and, as of right now, we're currently sitting at 32 players. Plenty of room left if you've got friends that would like to come.

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