Road Hockey Anyone???

Anyone interested in getting together to play road hockey, perhaps Saturdays or Sundays in the near future? We'd need to know what day/time works for the majority and we'd need a central location. I know the rink Beanie mentioned, I used to play ball hockey there, it is nice but it is also out of the way and what would we do if someone was already on it? I do live near two side by side schools with ample space in the parking lot in the Alpine/Country Hills area?


  • For myself I currently play Sundays from 1:00-2:00, this will be over in a few weeks (Wolff, when is our last ice time) so I would be able to continue that time slot for road hockey and perhaps until the end of ice hockey play afterwards, say 3:00-5:00? I live right across from Alpine Public School which has a perfect area for road hockey and if taken there is another School right beside it as well?
  • Saturdays will be difficult to commit to due to various family activities, and Sunday morning is church. Sunday afternoon (2pm at the earliest) is best for me, so Eric's 3-5 suggestion sounds perfect.
  • I'm up for playing some ball hockey too, but I can't really commit to a specific time each weekend
    Sunday afternoon are generally best, but I have another group of friends that play Sun 2-4
    so that might get in the way (they're pretty lazy though so it hasn't happened over the past few weeks)
  • I voted for Sat morns, but I'm good for whenever.

    Just give me a few days notice to find my equipment!!

  • I'm in of course!

    For a regular on-going thing, Sunday late mornings or afternoons would be best for me.

    But for any one game here or there, I could most likely make any part of the weekend.

    Make sure you own a cup, Wolff can REALLY fire that friggin' tennis ball...I think I still have a bruise from winter 2004.

  • Cool, looking like Sunday afternoons may work...a bit more interest and we'll set something firm up!!!
  • Is this in Toronto? (please say yes)
  • cristi wrote:
    Is this in Toronto? (please say yes)

    Sorry, this is in Kitchener.

    Big E, I'll play for however many weeks left that I'll be up here until I am back in TO, and when I'm here for the weekend, anytime is good if I can get a lift ( can openers!)
  • Put me down as intrested, but don't know what day is good because I believe Mark is starting up flag football again soon.
  • ItsaMe wrote:
    Put me down as intrested, but don't know what day is good because I believe Mark is starting up flag football again soon.

    Can't we do both?
  • Sunday afternoon after 2:00 pm

    Prophet 22
  • HELL YA!!! We can do both I just don't know what time or day Mark is planing football.(Mark hint hint)
  • My back is pooched right now, I hope to be good to go in a week or two. I'm hoping to shoot for Sunday Feb 26th at 2:30 pm at Alpine School in Kitchener...does this work for everyone? Then when our winter Sunday ice hockey is over maybe we can move it up to 2:00 pm?
  • I am in - anyone interested in strapping on the blades to make it a faster game????
  • Big E wrote:
    My back is pooched right now, I hope to be good to go in a week or two. I'm hoping to shoot for Sunday Feb 26th at 2:30 pm at Alpine School in Kitchener...does this work for everyone? Then when our winter Sunday ice hockey is over maybe we can move it up to 2:00 pm?

    I'm in for this one! Hope to see a bunch of ya there.

    Hope your back gets better E. "It's thpinal" right?
  • I'm in. Sunday afternoon is nap time for the wife and the youngers, so I'll be bringing the 2 older boys as spectators (so we'll have somebody to do the faceoffs and chase stray balls :) ).
  • Ok, I'll shoot it around a bit....let me know when we're getting started...

  • I can't wait!! I haven't played hockey since high school!!

    I can bring a boat load of tennis balls, as long as you don't mind the smell of dog slobber!!

  • Johnnie, do you think I can get a ride off you on Sunday?
  • westside8 wrote:
    Johnnie, do you think I can get a ride off you on Sunday?

    It's next Sunday, but sure.
  • You know what I mean! :D
  • Okay Feb 26th 2:30 pm we start swinging sticks!

    Is Alpine Central for everyone? Does anyone need directions? Does anyone have a better location?
  • IF there is room Adam (my room mate) and I are both interested.
  • Anyone have a longer right handed stick available? I think the one I have been using since grade 5 might be just A BIT too short
  • BigE - do you have nets? Is there anything else we need (Johnnie's got balls :) )?
  • Yeah, I'm in as well. I like defense so my smoke breaks down collapse a lung. :D and Sundays are a good day.
  • Let's get a list of equipment?

    I have one net, we need one more and I think we all have balls? I have a spare left and right stick. I need for sures for this Sunday...and perhaps an extra 2 nets, I might bring my kids along to play on the other side of the school? I don't think we want too many guys, maybe 4-5 a side but I guess if we have more it would allow for spares for the smokers? Don't laugh at my pads, yes I have road hockey goalie pads and no you will not score on me! Lemme know if you're in for far I have:


    If I've missed someone please let me know...look to get started by 2:30-3:00 this Sunday at Alpine School (It's near the Montana's on Ottawa and Strassburg, if you turn on Strassburg (turn away from the Zehr's plaze) you'll take your first left (Kingswood) then your first right and the school will be down on the left.
  • I'll donate a pair of pads. I won't be out...but, you guys can use them if you are short.
  • Eric
    Budget time, How much do you think I should put aside for a good pair of Platinums or golds for this game?
    Do you think Wolfhound can't make it because there isn't a power source for his computer built into the net? LOL

    Milton Slim (not yet)
  • Hell.. if there's room I'll come play also...

    Is there room? Huh huh is there?

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