What do you do between sessions?



  • If you've seen the movie "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas", you'll know that this is all headed in that direction...
  • AK - yep Harlequin.
  • I run my own business selling promotional items to businesses and such. It involves some consulting. I also write. Shopping around a new book...:).

  • I work at Fallsview Casino watching all of you play poker when not doing your other things.! Insider information is available for a small fee.
  • Another casino employee here in NW Ontario.
    Specifically Dual rate supervisor in table games.
    Poker is fun to deal and you learn a lot if you are observant.

  • compuease wrote:
    Have my own business, selling and supporting PC systems and networks for the home and small business.... Actually retired from IBM 3 years ago....  but should have done this full time a few years earlier..  Much more satisfying....

    Not to mention less stressful, tell the truth, you co-ordinate the every move of a large faction of crazy's in Milton


    MILTON SLIM (not yet)

    Paid Advertisement
  • Allergy to Soap ended my career as a "Lifeguard in a Car Wash"

    I am a Customs Broker ! There I said it. Admission is the first step to recovery

    Milton Slim (not yet)
  • Beside being a stay at home mom of 5 and the MANY jobs that intails, I also am a Creative Memories Consultant (I help people create family albums). I also help in my twin daughter's gr1/2 class and my sons gr 3/4 class once a week and currently I am teaching my son in jk to read. I also play volleyball once a week and have recently gotten into photography...  I have taken photo's of friends and their families and have photographed a wedding with my second wedding coming in June.

    Since one of us has to stay home with the children I play alot online and getting much better... now if only i can say that about my live game :)

    I really look forward to out monthly "cookcrew" tourney's  :)
  • wow..this is a great thread!
    Lots of diversity among poker players....
    i wish i could say i was something cool like..stock broker..or...parachute commando or...uhh..i dunno..some high power finance thingy..i leave that to my girlfriend.(finance..not commando..although i'm pretty sure she would be more willing than i am to jump out of a plane)
    I on the other hand, work at a place called Kidslink. I am a child and youth worker...so my main job is to help 42 kids during their school day.
    This is good because it allows me to leave my evenings and weekends free for poker.
    This is bad because poker is expensive and i wouldn't yet call my self a "winning" player
    maybe a "break even" player.
  • Does anyone else find it interesting that so many poker players make their careers in "people industries".

    I think so far the Chilld and Youth Workers are leading the pack. We should form our own league.

  • Damn, all you people are like "I own my own business", or, "I do it for the kids".

    I work in a factory. I make hoses. If I am lucky I might be able to get into my dad's union though. Then I'll be a plumber (not the butt-crack kind!). I figure that'll be good, the trades are a good thing to get into. He build hospitals and factories (right now he'll be in Brampton at the new hospital for 3 years). So it'll be really good if I can get into that.

    All I can think about is that commercial with the cars that had the jobs on the licence plates and the welder had a BMW Z3. Anyhow, wish me luck with that, because if i don't get in there I am going to have to start driving a truck (long haul) to be able to keep up with the bills. I would miss my family an awful lot if I had to do that though. The only perk I can see is that my routes might take me through conneticuit or Atlanic City. I just want to say, "I'm sorry, John, I don't remember" to Johnny Chan once.
  • I am totally fascinated.

    I seem to be one of the few on this forum who works in the industry. I am the affiliate director for a casino group and I get more casino and poker (and bingo and sportsbook) information than I can handle. It's a fascinating job and from the inside, I can say that you ain't seen nothing yet (from the technology, promotional, and merger sides).

    I am glad to know that many of you are not such degenerates away from the table.

  • Damn, all you people are like "I own my own business", or, "I do it for the kids".

    I work in a factory. I make hoses. If I am lucky I might be able to get into my dad's union though. Then I'll be a plumber (not the butt-crack kind!). I figure that'll be good, the trades are a good thing to get into. He build hospitals and factories (right now he'll be in Brampton at the new hospital for 3 years). So it'll be really good if I can get into that.

    Hey Rich,

    As my father said, its not what you do, its how you do it.  My family pumped and still pumps gas for a living, not the most glamorous thing in the world, but, I dare say we were then  and still are the best at it.  In the end, that's what matters most.

    If its hoses, make a good fking hose.

  • Damn, all you people are like "I own my own business", or, "I do it for the kids".
    All I can think about is that commercial with the cars that had the jobs on the licence plates and the welder had a BMW Z3. Anyhow, wish me luck with that

    Good luck.

    Then you'll be glad to know that there are more plumbers in Ontario making over 250k that there are lawyers..

  • I work for the City of Toronto. I supervise a Community Centre and I as well and a Youth Lead. I basically hire Youth Counsellors to run Youth Lounges here in the city, and I also hire for Summer Day camps, if any of you or your kids/brothers/friends are looking for a part time job. :)
    I am also a trained actor, but found poker as soon as I graduated, so i haven't found my way in the business yet.

    How many of us consider ourselves part time poker players?
  • Quiane wrote:

    I on the other hand, work at a place called Kidslink. 

    Cool, I used to work there for over a year. Have some serious history there though, I think a few people that I was close with then are still there. Lyndsay and Colin specifically. Are you at the school or in the residential program?

  • Went to school with AcidJoe. Lost touch and met him again here on the forum when I signed up for one of his tourneys. Crazy!

    Professional engineer and professor in Mechanical Technology at Conestoga College. Also referee basketball in my spare time. In March the Senior HS AAAA Provincial championship is being held in Waterloo and I'll be on the table crew for a few of the games at one of the Universities. Also in March, RIM park is hosting the Provincial Wheelchair basketball championships and the National Wheelchair basketball championships and I will be out on the floor for some of those games. Just came back from the Provincial Winter Paralympic games in Huntsville.

    MM is a RN in Hamilton and as someone else commented, another person in the 'people industry' who puts her people reading skills to good use on the poker table.
  • cristi wrote:
    I work for the City of Toronto. I supervise a Community Centre and I as well and a Youth Lead. I basically hire Youth Counsellors to run Youth Lounges here in the city, and I also hire for Summer Day camps, if any of you or your kids/brothers/friends are looking for a part time job. :)

    What's a Youth Lounge, a job at any place with the word lounge in it intrigues me.

  • To that dude that wanted the special K...... I don't think you got a sick cat..... hehehe

    No but when ddmilcan shows up at the next Tourney looking like Stallone and takes down the Fat Boy challenge, we'll know where he got the horse 'roids from.
  • Funny you should mention that!
    I saw something interesting , yesterday



    MY TOES !!!

    Milton Slim (not Quite Yet)

    Paid Advertisement
  • horse 'roids

    Moose, what do you mean??

    The proper term is "Equine Vitamins"
    But it makes you count your outs with you feet!

    Milton Slim (not yet)

    Paid Advertisement
  • Executive Chef for 14 years.Presently employed in a Downtown Toronto restaurant.
  • Very cool.
  • dinobot wrote:
    cristi wrote:
    I work for the City of Toronto. I supervise a Community Centre and I as well and a Youth Lead. I basically hire Youth Counsellors to run Youth Lounges here in the city, and I also hire for Summer Day camps, if any of you or your kids/brothers/friends are looking for a part time job. :)

    What's a Youth Lounge, a job at any place with the word lounge in it intrigues me.


    It's a place, usually a large room, or a few rooms in a community centre, where the youth can come in and hang out, play cards, watch tv, play pool, homework, whatever they wish (almost)
  • Wow great topic.

    I'm a Custodian at Wilfred Laurier University. I do general cleaning and maintenance on one of the oldest residences on campus, MacDonald House.

    Yes, that means "janitor", but don't pity me. I hang out with 100 19-21 year olds all day, chat about poker, sports, music, guitars, movies, art, politics and generally about life. Most the student are a real pleasure to get to know.

    Then when I get bored, I go do some work!! (Jk....I DO work...really I do!!!!)

    Great to hear how everyone else lives when we're not at the poker table.


  • I work for 3M making tape. Incredibly easy. Thats what dropping out of university gets ya.
  • It's a place, usually a large room, or a few rooms in a community centre, where the youth can come in and hang out, play cards, watch tv, play pool, homework, whatever they wish (almost)

    I'm so down for this it's not even funny.
  • mrfunk wrote:
    I work for 3M making tape. Incredibly easy. Thats what dropping out of university gets ya.
    Hey, I have a friend from high school who does this with 3M in London. I think he actually completed something at Funshawe College. He's lazy though...

    I do computer stuff. Designing and building systems for banks and capital markets.
  • Velvet Alley - which resto do you work in?

    Maybe I can write a piece for F&H about the poker playing chef...
  • Police Dispatcher....and yes...anyone who has been wondering if their home games are going to get busted by the cops...the short answer is no....long answer is basically as long as you're not collecting any kind of rake you're good. So as long as all the money collected at your home game is in some way going back to the people playing it's 100% legal. Trust me...I looked into this...I'm not willing to risk losing my relatively well paying job for a couple of $20 freezout tourneys in buddy's basement.
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