Cook Crew "Mini" Event, Feb. 10 @ 7:30pm, Kitchener



  • Thanks
    Lots of fun as always
    Rock On Greg!!!

    Milton Slim (not Yet)

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  • Just a liitle correction, not that it matters.

    Before the final table, the baorddidn't miss everyone. I had QK, Tim had 86, and Anthony had AJ.

    Flop came down J 6 Q, giving us all a little hope, which was quickly crushed when Jeremy (bless his soul) turned another Jack.

    That'll teach me to drink Jolt Cola.

    Thanks again Trevor, you run a tight ship.
  • Before the final table, the baorddidn't miss everyone. I had QK, Tim had 86, and Anthony had AJ.

    Flop came down J 6 Q, giving us all a little hope, which was quickly crushed when Jeremy (bless his soul) turned another Jack.
    My bad - thanks for the correction Rich - my hand memory sucks :(
  • Thanks Trevor for hosting another great event. It was a great night of suck outs (Jeremy, you know what I'm talking about :-) and great poker.

    On my drive home I was thinking about the event and I realized that not once during the night did I change my seating position, maybe that was a bit of foreshadowing that I was going to be at the final table!

    On the topic of suck outs:
    One hand at my table Jeremy went all in with AJ against KK. This of course did not look good, until the cards were dealt that is. What does he get? A, A, J on the flop, ouch. To add insult to injury the turn yielded nothing but the river, another Ace! I feel a bit responsible for this as I was dealing :-) My apologies to the sucoutee!

    One quick correction:
    The hand I had for the three way all in was pocket K's. Though I don't think I mind you making me look a little loose, maybe I can use that table image to my advantage!

    Oh, BTW, congrats Jeremy, at least twice you managed to dodge my slow played nuts. Well done, so, what's my tell? :-)

    I look forward to seeing everyone at the next event!
    -- SkittleKing (Anthony)
  • It was a great night of suck outs (Jeremy, you know what I'm talking about :-) and great poker.

    On the topic of suck outs:
    One hand at my table Jeremy went all in with AJ against KK. This of course did not look good, until the cards were dealt that is. What does he get? A, A, J on the flop, ouch. To add insult to injury the turn yielded nothing but the river, another Ace! I feel a bit responsible for this as I was dealing :-) My apologies to the sucoutee!

    One quick correction:
    The hand I had for the three way all in was pocket K's. Though I don't think I mind you making me look a little loose, maybe I can use that table image to my advantage!

    -- SkittleKing (Anthony)

    I was the suckoutee, not just that time but twice when Jeremy was all in with AJ against my QQ. He only hit the A that time. And then I couldn't suck out with my A against your KK on that three (four?) way all in. I think I may have been able to give ya a run if one of those two hands had gone the other way. Congrats, you played well from the time I joined that table.
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