Ryder Cup - Milton / Oakville



  • Good session last night, our supposed Stud players did well at Omaha, and the Omaha players excelled at Stud, Go figure?
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  • Practice this week? What's good for everyone?
    I'm Ok, Tues, Wed. or Thur.
    If other than that let me know ahead and I'll see if I can re-schedule anything
  • only wednesdays are bad for me, any other time is good
  • Sorry, guys. I'm not going to have much free time this week.

    I have been playing PLO SnG's on Stars for practice, though. Let me know if I should switch that to Stud...
  • This thread is freaking hilarious! I had no idea there was a Ryder Cup of poker being put together, I guess I need to visit the board more than a few times a month...

    Just wanted to say - being an Oakville native - give 'em hell.

    I'd try and put together a team myself but my degenerate friends are totally untrustworthy, and in all seriousness, I would rather not even be on the same team as them...

    Is it too late to try and get in on this if I can round up my own crew???
  • Last I heard, there was 1 opening. You would be a welcome addition. Send a PM to compuease.
  • Thanks man. I am pretty sure I met you at Devin's last year when Scharf was in town.

    I am still trying to see about getting my own squad together, I put in a few calls and am waiting to see if its too late to form a team.

    If not, i've already been offered a seat on the Airport Club team, but I may have a friend or two who also wants to play. It would be cool if we could all get into this.

    I'll definitely be in touch over the next few days and let you know what I found out.

    BTW - Do you know what the date of the event is?


  • Ding! Yes, I remember you. GG!

    There's a general thread about this. The date is Feb 18.

    I doubt you can get your own team in. They are set but maybe one will drop out? I don't know.
  • Go Team Go
    Just back from Jamaica, hope you all missed me!!!!
    Just wanted to Say

  • Good Practice session last night at the Post Office (thanks Al)
    All I can Say is O-MAW-Goodness

    Sorry you couldn't make it Phil

    Hopefully the Kingston/Milton Suburb ruling will be finalized today!!!

    Glad Ken has moved to Milton, flying him in from Omaha was getting expensive!

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  • Now if we can only get that Kerry guy from Stud..... We'll pick up so many points from Stud and Omaha we won't even need to play the rest. Anyone remember where Stud is anyhow? just want to gage how expensive those flights are going to be.
  • Not too far, Stud is a suburb of Milton

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  • Be there!
  • In the event that any of the Milton Rocks cannot make it in on the 18th, I am willing to be contacted by the 17th as the emergency replacement of last resort. :D Otherwise, I'll play in the bar freerolls as usual on Saturday.
  • OK, we'll keep it in mind... Thanks........
  • Good session last night again, Thanks To the Post Office Bar for the space and table
    Larry - what can i say @#$%&*%$%$# there I feel better
    Phil - Good read ! !@#$%%$#@! there I feel better

    Diets do NOT make you short with people @#$%&%#$$#


    MILTON SLIM (not yet)


  • Practice, Thursday at 7:30 same place, for those that can make it....... Jeff...
  • Wow, no team posts...........

    I thought at minimum would we get a little bragging.

    Anyways, congratulations to all. At least we know now that we can come back in the summer and take it down.

    What can I say but great job Greg
    Nice come back Jeff
    Bob gets to stay on the 7 card stud team
    Ken great solid play all day
    Larry, it was awesome watching your heads up win
    and the Dave's..............................

    milton does rock and now I can wear my brand spankin' new shirt with pride
  • Practice Thursday as usual?????

    I obviously needed it!

    Milton Slim (not yet)

    Do you think it is the lack of beer and food that is effecting my play?
    Naw, just alot of good players that read me like a book, Just wait until those prescription shades come in

    Lotsa fun, lets do it again!!!
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