Ryder Cup - Milton / Oakville



  • Ali is listed on team Guelph, if that makes your decision easier, former residence
  • Velvet Alley likes Omaha, may I cast a vote.
    Alley oops!! Alley IN!
  • How about we set up a sit and go tourney night up this weekend. Just play PL Omaha and 7 card stud. Everytime 2 players are eliminated they can start a side heads up match. We can accomplish 3 things by doing this,
    1) Narrow down the final players for the team (if nat already done)
    2) figure who will be a stronger player in 7 card stud or PLO
    3) practice games I would figure most of us have less playing time in

    We can keep the buy ins low like $5-$10 and try to get in a few games of each.

    If interested my place is free all weekend. I pretty much live across the street from the post office bar.

    Leave a comment, day time etc. if interested
  • You live at the Bank. Perfect, please bring samples of everything LOL
    Good Idea. PM Jeff (compuease) I'll try to call him. I think we may be going to Niagara tonite
  • Actually I live above Willis SUPREME Discount. Scary. Anyways if not tonight we have all weekend, anytime Saturday or Sunday afternoon
  • Does that mean no samples from the Bank?
    Guess I better win tonite then!
  • Good suggestion Velvet,,, this weekend won't work but how about one evening next week? Perhaps Tuesday?
  • Tuesdays good for me. Anyone else
  • Next Tuesday does not look good for me. Any chance we could do something online? I think some of the groups are even doing play money for practise...

    Anybody have contacts with any of the local quarries? I'm sure one of them would love to sponsor the 'Milton Rocks'!
  • Purchased sample rocks today for everyones approval
  • pkrface9 -
    What is a good time for you?
  • Hell, if we're picking up rocks why don't we turn them into pet rocks and use them to place on top of our cards
  • ddmilcan wrote:
    pkrface9 -
    What is a good time for you?
    For the next week or so, I'm not sure... but don't let that hold you up. Just pick a date the others can make and I hope I'll be able to particpate and get to know the folks I don't already.

    I plan to be at Beanie's on the 14th and West Side on the 28th so I can meet any Rocks then and give my 50 bucks to Compuease when I see him.

    I have the impression that half the team must play the Stud game and the other half the PL Omaha game. Neither one is a particular strength of mine so those on the team that are particularly strong in one or the other should step up and we'll fill in the holes with the rest. Or have I misinterpreted?
  • Yep half Omaha and half Stud.... We will also be at Beanies, at least Larry, Dave and I will be.. Forget the online idea, that would mean we would all have to have id's on the same site.. Let's see if we can come up with something live over the next several days....
  • compuease wrote:
    We will also be at Beanies
    Since you'll all be at my place anyway, you're welcome to "practice" here :) . As tables become available, people are welcome to start side games (although I'm pretty sure the first table will become a cash game). There are also a few here I know won't mind starting up an Omaha SnG if they bust out (Mark/Kyle/Wes, etc.). You guys can all work it out next Saturday with everyone as people bust out.
  • Thanks for the offer, Trevor, but I'm not sure if people want to wait until after I destroy the final table. I guess they can start without me...
  • Since all of the Milton Rocks are likely to be at any final table of any tournament they play in, you are right, playing afterwards would only be possible if Trevor didn't mind us staying for breakfast... :)
  • So, is there a chance this week anyone is interested in getting together?
  • beanie42 wrote:
    There are also a few here I know won't mind starting up an Omaha SnG if they bust out (Mark/Kyle/Wes, etc.). You guys can all work it out next Saturday with everyone as people bust out.

    I plan to last until the final table Trev. But Omaha SnG, cash game, I'm cool with either.
  • So, is there a chance this week anyone is interested in getting together?

    When are you available, also I haven't heard back from either PSI or Pkrface9. Are you guys still out there and still interested?
  • This week either Thursday, Friday or Sunday evening. My schedule allows me to play usually any time except Wednesdays. I'll head over to the Post Office for sure on Monday though if nothing else pans out.
  • Thursday may work out, I will see if any of the others are ok.. Some of us often go to Niagara on Friday evenings... Hopefully I'll hear something back from PSI and pkrfce9 as well.. Jeff..
  • Sorry, guys. This week sux for me. Maybe we can arrange something at Beanies?
  • Good point... Velvet, are you interested in playing Saturday at beanies (Kitchener) Great tournaments there....
  • All day Saturday and Sunday during the day are no good, sorry guys. Like I said, any day during the week next week except wednesday is good for me. If possible we can still see about Thursday anyways. I'm sure the practice will do all good.
  • Thursday, this week? Let's do it, Get as many of us together and go from there.
    We'll see pkrfce9 on Saturday at Trev's
  • Like tomorrow evening, where?
  • Any of the local bars let you play?
  • If not we can use my place. It's small but it works.
  • Ok we're a go for a team meeting and practice session tonight at the Post Office, 7:30.... I will bring a printout of the schedule, format etc a couple of decks of cards and chips... Jeff..
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