Ryder Cup of Poker - Toronto team thread

Well, we might as well get this started...

Anyone willing to go to KW sometime in February and kick some ass?

Who wants to captain?


  • I nominate MDSGuy for captain...anyone second that?.....or nominate someone else
  • You have to be from Toronto first hork..
  • I live in Peel, and according to the organizer, we belong on the Toronto team.
  • I 2nd for MDS guy for captain.

  • I'll join the team, if there's an opening.
  • Awwww shucks...... :D

    The Toronto team will consist of anyone in and around the GTA, Peel, Durham, Newmarket and any other areas we deem fit.
  • I"m in....see Jeff's thread for my confirmation. MDS guy is my choice for Captain.
  • Come on BBC_Z, you said you were coming to KW in March...make it February instead.
    Mississauga is TO...
  • Wolffhound wrote:
    Come on BBC_Z,  you said you were coming to KW in March...make it February instead.
    Mississauga is TO...

    Nah, we want people who actually PLAY poker on the team...
  • Hork42 wrote:
    Wolffhound wrote:
    Come on BBC_Z,  you said you were coming to KW in March...make it February instead.
    Mississauga is TO...

    Nah, we want people who actually PLAY poker on the team...

    LOL,,,, :) couldn't resist..... We really do luv ya BBC....
  • BBC Z wrote:
    I'm in.

    I wonder how many people are going to be fighting to play you HU
  • Pinhead wrote:
    BBC Z wrote:
    I'm in.

    I wonder how many people are going to be fighting to play you HU

    The real question would be does the fight start before or after the match? Kidding BBC_Z.

    I'll buy you a beer in February..as the address never came for the Blackjack Christmas Card i was going to send.
  • Hmmmmm, no word from Pkrfce9? Odd, I would have thought he would have joined the band wagon as well...or is he on Team Milton??
  • I'll buy you a beer in February

    Beers come in singles now? Never bought 'a' beer before..
  • Yes BBC beer comes in singles and you can even take A beer out of the case (or fridge) and drink it. It doesn't always have to be multiples but usually ends up that way
  • My first tough decision, I hope I don't offend anyone but due to the limited number of members per team I have decided to go with the first 6 that have confirmed their interest.

    To those in the Toronto area not named, I apologize, I am also lobbying for a 2nd Team Toronto to be allowed into the event. I am sure we can make up at least 5 qualified teams, but it's not my call, sorry.

    Team Toronto #1-


    Another option we could use is having a "qualifier" tourny to pick the team. I could host it at my house in Ajax, top 6 finishers make it onto Team Toronto, winner gets the "C". That way there would be no hard feelings amongst the team members. If anyone has any suggestions, I am leaving the floor open.
  • Thanks MDSGuy I second the nomination and you can't even pick me. LOL

  • MDSGuy wrote:
    Another option we could use is having a "qualifier" tourny to pick the team.

    If it isn't possible to post a second team, I don't have a problem with a Qualifier Tourney to pick the team. I'm probably the least experienced of the bunch, and I don't mind having to qualify to represent the team.
  • Hmm,

    I just saw this TO team thread.

    Sign me up, if possible. I know I am late.

  • Guys, I feel like we're falling behind the other teams. Some of the other threads have like 40 posts already!!!

    so.... what's goin on?
  • I dunno?

    Any thoughts?
  • It's always the quiet ones that DOMINATE!!! :D
  • Ok.. according to the new deets released, it's 8 players per team..

    We also have the problem of figuring out how to submit payment......

    Anyway, we've got 2 more open spots captain.
  • Shouldn't we be getting together soon and discuss strategies and who will be playing what, and other such important stuff like that? If the showdown is in Feburary, I think we should be ironing out some general details soon.
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Shouldn't we be getting together soon and discuss strategies and who will be playing what, and other such important stuff like that? If the showdown is in Feburary, I think we should be ironing out some general details soon.

    Yeah, that would probably make sense.. I'm willing to host a few tuneups if we need..
  • Who is in charge?

    I see 6 names on the list. I would like to be added.

    I am willing to host a tune up next Friday - 6th I think.

    Let me know.
  • I can also hold a tune up event as well, any night but Thursdays.
  • OK MDS I guess it's up to you to get an plan together. Since I play more stud than omaha I'll volunteer to be a stud player. Depending on my work schedule depends on what night(s) is good for me.
  • I call dibs on Omaha.
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